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Angry over Brexit delay, 'Leave' supporters march through London


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13 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Agreed. Also, they tend to be fixated on the economics of Brexit, which obviously matter but were not the primary driving force behind the Leave vote. This is acknowledged by the former Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, in (of all places) today's Sun, where he offers his own solution to the problem of where to go next.



Of course, because it's in one of the popular tabloid papers (as opposed to unpopular chattering class broadsheets such as the socialist Guardian and Independent) no remainers are likely to have even seen it, let alone read it!

That is a report on an interview conducted with King by the BBC.

The exact same text appears in the earlier links to the times and guardian.


So, yes I and many others have seen and read the article.



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13 hours ago, puipuitom said:

See in Goolge with "polls brexit regret", and you will see quite some British finally opened their eyes instead of believing Boris the Liar Johnson with his "£350M/wk for NHS".

???? we all know that Polls tell the truth and especially on Google.

13 hours ago, puipuitom said:

And the British... have till 12 April ( = <2 weeks) to find a way, as without… there will be no Nigel Farages nor any Brit voted into the EU parliament. Even Salvini ( Lega Nord) is completely convinced: NEVER leave the EU.

Thankfully 17.4 million people no better.

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12 hours ago, Spidey said:

Bit like May insisting on three votes on her deal, didn't like the results and is now trying for a fourth vote.


What's good for the goose is good for the gander. So that's three referendums to go then.

You will be jumping off your balcony watching the Chinese tourists that you so often do, when you get beat 3 times in a row then.

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8 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


He was hosting the "Make Brexit Happen" rally and you think it "biased" to "link" him to Brexit.  Good grief.

If you read my posts it was biased to the story of Nigel Farage and those who have walked from Sunderland to London. Tommy Robinson had nothing to do with that so why mention it, other than bias and P poor journalism. Jeez take your rose tinted glasses off.

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6 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

So you are either new to the forum or another TV forum member in disguise. So I will save you a lot of time I and i am sure many others don't care about your project fear, as we have been hearing it for 3 years. so no matter what you put down, from whatever source, it dosn't matter We (17.4) million voters want out of the EU.

It could be a lot less than that now as Boris Gove and Mogg have demonstrated people change their mind with the facts????

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2 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

It could be a lot less than that now as Boris Gove and Mogg have demonstrated people change their mind with the facts????

Not the fact of leaving the EU. They all agree on that. Because of MP's so hell bent on remaining in the EU and ignoring the will of the people.

Just remainer semantics trying to confuse and keep the UK in the EU, trying to say brexiteers can't agree. If Parliament wasn't full of remainers we wouldn't be in this mess.

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If you read my posts it was biased to the story of Nigel Farage and those who have walked from Sunderland to London. Tommy Robinson had nothing to do with that so why mention it, other than bias and P poor journalism. Jeez take your rose tinted glasses off.
He made a speech from the stage and announced May's defeat (on her deal). His jumping on the Brexit bandwagon just shows how volatile and dangerous the situation is. Therefore not to report his presence would be outrageous.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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1 minute ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Not the fact of leaving the EU. They all agree on that. Because of MP's so hell bent on remaining in the EU and ignoring the will of the people.

Just remainer semantics trying to confuse and keep the UK in the EU, trying to say brexiteers can't agree. If Parliament wasn't full of remainers we wouldn't be in this mess.

But your argument like parliament and the country contains almost as many remain voters as leave hence the impasse and the 29th gone probably for good???? 

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

If you read my posts it was biased to the story of Nigel Farage and those who have walked from Sunderland to London. Tommy Robinson had nothing to do with that so why mention it, other than bias and P poor journalism. Jeez take your rose tinted glasses off.


What do you think biased means?

The article was about Leave protests in London, nothing specific about Nigels march, as it makes clear in the headline.



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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It was a binary referendum. Over 1 million people voted more to leave. That still hasn't been enacted upon????

How about doing that first and then having another referendum say in 10 years. That is more than fair, since it was 40 plus years since the first to the second referendum. Or is it you just don't like the result like most of parliament.


Your fantasy of just getting on with it and leaving without a deal went to vote and it lost.  Parliament voted against the EU's departure deal, against leaving with no deal, against all of May's deals and against a host of other suggestions.  There is no exit without parliaments ratification, at present we have no way forward other than a GE or a referendum.  As May said on Friday, that was the last chance to guarantee Brexit.

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

I do not know..but there is widespread anger in eu member countries that is " coming to the boil "
Macron..giving tax breaks to the rich and the man/women on the street getting hammered more and more as basic necessities become dearer.
Be interesting next coupla months as I fully expect and hope that populist mep's are elected from various countries in the may elections


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What Macron does is hardly relevant. The question is when can you get to grips with the fact that it was the Tories austerity policies that increased the gap between the rich and the poor. The tabloids (Owned by mega rich) are trying - and clearly succeeding -  in hiding this from their readers. The irony is that you are - quite rightly - upset about the unfair distribution of wealth, but blinded to the obvious cause. The EU do not control the internal workings of the UK economy, tax rates etc etc. Of course plenty of rich vermin WANT you to believe that it's all the fault of the EU, but it simply isn't true.

How about actually answering the original question:-

"Now please explain how a global low tax hub of free trade agreements is likely to improve the condition of the working class. That's beyond my understanding. I have asked this question many times but never got an answer."




Edited by Nigel Garvie
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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


Your fantasy of just getting on with it and leaving without a deal went to vote and it lost.  Parliament voted against the EU's departure deal, against leaving with no deal, against all of May's deals and against a host of other suggestions.  There is no exit without parliaments ratification, at present we have no way forward other than a GE or a referendum.  As May said on Friday, that was the last chance to guarantee Brexit.

Whilst she is PM. Not for long though.

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12 hours ago, Basil B said:

Just googled that and the nearest statement came from Macron on Wednesday as reported in the Indipendent:


Not exactly:

'No more extensions as France has made it clear and will veto any further extension requests'

Looks like more fake news...


1 hour ago, superal said:

Go look in the BBC News political page or Google , France to veto UK extension

I guess the above earlier contribution from BasilB just passed you by. Or you are just repeating something irrespective of accuracy. Hard Brexiteers doing that. Quelle Surprise!

Edited by SheungWan
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