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Some in Mueller's team see report as more damaging to Trump than Barr summary: New York Times


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3 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

No. So far no one has leaked information from the report. At least, none has been published. They're just disagreeing with how Barr has characterized the information in the report and what info he has chosen to release.

You mean it's their opinion perhaps. And is this part of their job to give personal opinions. And is this not the same as leaking information. Any discussion about classified information is I'm sure unlawful.

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8 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

You mean it's their opinion perhaps. And is this part of their job to give personal opinions. And is this not the same as leaking information. Any discussion about classified information is I'm sure unlawful.

Really? Well, if you're sure of it, that must be the case. Funny though, that I haven't been able to find any Republican political leaders saying that. 

Edit: I should have added "with the possible exception of Trump." Who will say anything no matter how patently false.

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Just now, bristolboy said:

Really? Well, if you're sure of it, that must be the case. Funny though, that I haven't been able to find any Republican political leaders saying that. 

Well then you heard it here first. 

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4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

You mean it's their opinion perhaps. And is this part of their job to give personal opinions. And is this not the same as leaking information. Any discussion about classified information is I'm sure unlawful.

Is it's illegal for people with a job to express personal opinions?

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4 hours ago, heybruce said:

So your comment about Republicans following the law only applies in the case of the Mueller report? 


In other words, Republicans insist the law be followed rigorously when it suits them, and ignored when the law doesn't suit them.

Come3 on let's just admit it we no longer have a government that works for what is best for the people, we have a government that works for the party in charge and freaks off the needs of others.


I was born into a republican family and my uncle was a four term Senator from 1947 until 1971. I spent more of my teenage years at his house than mine and  I went to college at the University of Maryland just outside of DC.  I mooched as many dinners from him when he was in town and they were usually attended by his colleagues from both houses who had bipartisan discussions in a friendly matter and, although there were sometime heated arguments , they always left as friends,  I can't see that happening  in today environment.  A dinner between Pelosi and McConnell would result in a food fight.


Somehow the whole system needs to be fixed and I do not see any attempt by either party to do that.  I'm sure that mu uncle is turning over in his grave in Millsboro, Delaware.

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1 hour ago, wayned said:

Come3 on let's just admit it we no longer have a government that works for what is best for the people, we have a government that works for the party in charge and freaks off the needs of others.


I was born into a republican family and my uncle was a four term Senator from 1947 until 1971. I spent more of my teenage years at his house than mine and  I went to college at the University of Maryland just outside of DC.  I mooched as many dinners from him when he was in town and they were usually attended by his colleagues from both houses who had bipartisan discussions in a friendly matter and, although there were sometime heated arguments , they always left as friends,  I can't see that happening  in today environment.  A dinner between Pelosi and McConnell would result in a food fight.


Somehow the whole system needs to be fixed and I do not see any attempt by either party to do that.  I'm sure that mu uncle is turning over in his grave in Millsboro, Delaware.

yes, for many years now, the divide and lack of common sense discussions and ability to compromise on issues that would benefit the people have evaporated. the spending and methods of appropriating and approving the spending are insane. both sides are guilty of gross incompetence and malfeasance.


However, putting the "blame" on the current occupant of the white house is vacuous. DC is a broken, corrupt entity. it was long before 45 took office. perhaps it is time for a strong 3rd party to break the madness and stranglehold. 


while we are at it, ban all politicians from participating in any lobbyist activities in any way, under penalty of prosecution.

Edited by elmrfudd
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4 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Why should anyone give up "hating" someone who is a despicable excuse for a human being.


After all it's human nature to dislike liars, cheats, misogynists, adulterers, racists, and boastful narcissists and so on, so hating someone with all of these elements incorporated in their character, as well as the fact that they are just plain dumb, is a natural thing.

fortunately, your opinion of the POTUS is meaningless

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13 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

what precisely has been "proven"?

You really must take those blinkers off..........


There are over 3000 (or is it 5000) lies which have been logged by this orange clown, and that's just a start (look them up yourself if you are that disbelieving, but they are out there and they are logged and can be seen and heard when this idiot opens his mouth).


He has been bankrupted five times and thereby got out of paying his dues; his organisation has hired and used illegal immigrant labour (settled out of court) and although he denies it, a large payment to a certain woman who claims to have had an affair with him, which would have been totally unnecessary if he hadn't, however both she and the orange clown's lawyer have testified that this was the case, as have others.


And of course comments about being able to "grab pussy or do anything you want with women" because he is famous, have been recorded, so exactly what decent person would want this man leading the country? That fall into the description of a misogynist............. "Misogyny is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. Misogyny manifests in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, disenfranchisement of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification".


Many more out there elmr, however I suspect that your comment could well be from someone suffering from a "Trump lovers condition", whereby everything is normal in this dumb world of the orange clown, and there are people who believe him – – God help America. 



Just to help you a little more, there are video clips of him spouting off his lies, and even in these video clips when showed them, he denies that he spoke those comments, when it clearly shows he did! How dumb is that?


Also check out the statistics that he regularly spouts forth, and you'll find out that they are wrong......and, and, and.......Climate change; no way.......etc etc.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They went on to public office. What public office does he hold?

How do you know he won’t go on to  public office..... besides, what’s that got to do with anything,... trump hasn’t exactly come from a background of public service, has he?

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2 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

Wow, quite an emotional irrational outrage thing you have going. 


2 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

Wow, quite an emotional irrational outrage thing you have going. 


You really are a triggered one. 

Maybe some medication is available for you to get over the election of 2016.


Perhaps it is time to come to terms with the history of the democratic party. 


Here are a few more facts for you. 



Nothing emotional, irrational or outrageous about quoting facts, and just because you don't like them, doesn't mean they're not true – – wakey, wakey elmr.


Thank you for the suggestion regarding medication, but as I'm only quoting facts, and that's what they are, so no medication is required. As for getting over the election of 2016, well the only thing that I would be concerned about is the state of the USA at the moment if such a dumb fool gets elected president.


And I have got to laugh about your posts/pics............seems that when Hillary did tell a lie to suggest that the orange clown couldn't be bought, then that's okay with you, however later on the orange clown and supporters were shouting about dishonest Hillary and "lock her up". Seems you like to pick and choose things to suit your argument.


Anyway you are quoting history and I'm talking about the present, so please try and stay with it old chap.

Or you may wish to have a look at the crap spouted forth by your "honest" orange buffoon. including mocking a reporter with a disability. Ignorant prick!





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2 minutes ago, xylophone said:


Nothing emotional, irrational or outrageous about quoting facts, and just because you don't like them, doesn't mean they're not true – – wakey, wakey elmr.


Thank you for the suggestion regarding medication, but as I'm only quoting facts, and that's what they are, so no medication is required. As for getting over the election of 2016, well the only thing that I would be concerned about is the state of the USA at the moment if such a dumb fool gets elected president.


And I have got to laugh about your posts/pics............seems that when Hillary did tell a lie to suggest that the orange clown couldn't be bought, then that's okay with you, however later on the orange clown and supporters were shouting about dishonest Hillary and "lock her up". Seems you like to pick and choose things to suit your argument.


Anyway you are quoting history and I'm talking about the present, so please try and stay with it old chap.

Or you may wish to have a look at the crap spouted forth by your "honest" orange buffoon. including mocking a reporter with a disability. Ignorant prick!





you'll have to better than this pointless emotional drivel.


but somehow I don't think it will happen

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2 hours ago, xylophone said:

Former presidential nominee Mitt Romney earlier this month said the President "has not risen to the mantle of the office."


The Republican senator wrote in a Washington Post op-ed: "With the nation so divided, resentful and angry, presidential leadership in qualities of character is indispensable. And it is in this province where the incumbent's shortfall has been most glaring.''

Mr.Rommney has a different prospective a (running for office) twist in justifying that the dems can't get Trumps taxes and he also thinks the Dems are being "moronic" using legislation  action!


In the article"Rommney thought that Trump should show his taxes but Trump is gonna beat this ,he went on to say he  always does.


"But I also have to tell you, I think the Democrats are just playing along his handbook, which is that going after his tax returns through a legislative action is moronic,” he continued. “That's not going to happen. The courts are not going to say you can compel a person running for office to release their tax returns".


Edited by riclag
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2 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

thank you for the moral preening and psuedo intellectual blather


Might as well admit it elmr, you elected a brainless turkey and you've got to live with it, after all, his lies, inane ramblings and mis-statements along with a total lack of intelligence have been heard, recorded and reported by many, so it's just a matter of fact for people who were hoping for more, but didn't get it.


And on that subject I'm neither a Democrat nor Republican and I'm not an American, but I do feel sad that such a clown has been appointed POTUS.


But there is a ray of hope on the horizon because he did tweet to his loyal supporters the words that they wanted to hear..........."beautiful, clean coal"; "there is no such thing as climate change" and the magic word "covfefe", just to show how "intelligent" he really is.


Accept it and move on, no point in trying to defend a terrible mistake and an idiot.

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