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Paying Thai girlfriend a "salary"

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4 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

It's a mugs game sponsoring a girl, but it gives some guys something positive to live for. Of course it's fake in most cases. I find it funny that girls get this money and spaff it up the wall on family, friends and drinking and expect the falang to pay more. They don't seem to see farang as friends, just as cash cows


paying for or paying a salary to girlfriend is akin to a thai man paying a girl to be his second wife except married man does not live full time with second wife, just visits. the second wife would NOT accept role without financial/material benefits, not about chemistry or mutual attraction.  the money sharing in a normal thai-thai marriage if the wife cares for children and takes care of home and thus cannot keep her professional career or works part time, man 70%, woman 30%. This statistic is from a gal friend accountant mahidol university grad upper class and yes chinese thai. a gal i never dated just friend.

Edited by atyclb
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28 minutes ago, atyclb said:


paying for or paying a salary to girlfriend is akin to a thai man paying a girl to be his second wife except married man does not live full time with second wife, just visits. the second wife would NOT accept role without financial/material benefits, not about chemistry or mutual attraction.  the money sharing in a normal thai-thai marriage if the wife cares for children and takes care of home and thus cannot keep her professional career or works part time, man 70%, woman 30%. This statistic is from a gal friend accountant mahidol university grad upper class and yes chinese thai. a gal i never dated just friend.

This thread ran out of steam 8 months ago until you reactivated it. Nothing new being said here. Time to let it die a natural death.

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34 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:


And here you are saying nothing, while others still have opinions.

Nothing wrong with bringing up an old thread especially one that seems to maintain interest.

As opposed to many multiple "the air is bad".



I said all that I needed to say 8 months ago, as you probably did as well. As I said nothing new. Here we are playing table tennis with each other adding again nothing new.

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8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Some guys have forgotten much their wives back home took in the divorce.

I would have chosen this gal over my Brit wife in a goddamn second.

Probably would have gotten more sex as well!


Thai Sinsot Vs Western divorce settlement

Which to choose?


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8 hours ago, mike787 said:

Do not pay her.  THai men get sex for free, they get financial support, and have multiple partners with NO consequence,  Save your money.  Don't pay!!


true in many cases but the language ability is inherent in that. gals that speak some occupational(LOL) english try to play foreign men for more money.

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5 hours ago, atyclb said:
8 hours ago, mike787 said:

Do not pay her.  THai men get sex for free, they get financial support, and have multiple partners with NO consequence,  Save your money.  Don't pay!!



actually this is true and significantly due to actual situation that exists in society.  it helps to be conversant in thai.  below are actual statistics that explain why the ratio of available men to women is so skewed. The survey breaks down number of Thai men as follow:
10.6 million are gay and ladyboy
7.5 million elder men/retired
6.5 million age below 20
1 million disable
1.2 million in jail or addicted to drug
1 million become mokss/priests.






the end ratio of available men to women is a staggering low  1:89

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2 hours ago, bkk6060 said:


And here you are saying nothing, while others still have opinions.

Nothing wrong with bringing up an old thread especially one that seems to maintain interest.

As opposed to many multiple "the air is bad".




never hurts to stay current

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3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

it's not about you, unfollow the thread

Now why would I do that. Your posts make me laugh and I love it when I post something to wind people up and people like you bite, brilliant.

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So, here's the deal for some of us with kids here. I make in 4 hrs. what my wife could make in a month depending on the overtime I have. Unlike so many here, my lady doesn't have much in the way of education so her income would be what.....10,000bht/mo at the very most.

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37 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

So, here's the deal for some of us with kids here. I make in 4 hrs. what my wife could make in a month depending on the overtime I have.

you want to read that again and correct it? you work more o/t wifey gets more or less than you??? bs city


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1 hour ago, jastheace said:

you want to read that again and correct it? you work more o/t wifey gets more or less than you??? bs city


I write this slowwww. If the 4 hrs is worked on a sat, sun or holiday it's more than if I work only 8 hrs during the week unless I'm lucky enough to work stateside then work between 1700 and 0800 is all OT regardless of day.

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On 1/25/2020 at 3:27 PM, BritManToo said:

Good point, on 25k/month that's more money than most Thai ladies earn, why would you give her any more?

If she can't live on that, she's hardly a keeper.


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On 1/27/2020 at 4:32 AM, onekoolguy said:

Face it, Lots of guys pay girlfriends here a so called "Salary". The problem is that a lot of men don't understand or play by the same rules that a lot of Women play by?

So It comes as a shock when they discover that the GF has another guy(s) also providing support, She has a Thai boyfirend or even a husband, commonly referred to as Her "cousin".

So is paying a "Girlfriend Salary" Bad? It depends on how you look at it? If you understand the above conditions and set a few rules that you both agree to and you can verify, then maybe its ok? Most women you meet are not wife material, but can be a lot of fun! Just understand the rules and don't get emotionally involved.

One main problem that is not mentioned in these threads is that the old farang does get emotionally involved, because he never before had it so good.

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^^^I know what you mean, but difficult to say most. People have same basic characteristics,but of course some of those tend to show up more in one gender than the other.  *However*, it reminds me of something...office/corporate - big, department/s with mostly women / women managers...not unusual to find some uhhh nastiness. ...I mean i've seen it, heard about it firsthand...a retail planning/buying dept...the scene was they didn't take lunch break - take lunch break, get bitchy/sarcastic remarks, like it gets translated into not doing the team thing right.  And so on.  Then in my dept...friend away for 3-4 months maternity leave...someone had started story that she just got pregnant to save her marriage, i said <deleted>, she said "B, you know what [Ixxxxx] women are like..."  ...More tendency to gossip.

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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I don't think many men are as hard as women.

I know female press has them down as caring and compassionate, but I've never found the reality to be true.

Cold, calculating and viciously vindictive would be a more accurate description of most females.

It's men who are generally honest, loyal, dutiful and loving.

And I thought that I was the only one who felt this way!

Women never forget anything you have said, no matter how long ago and know just how to put little nuggets into a conversations even though it completely changes the meaning of the original statement!

Oh yeah the original thread? I vote we all do away with Girlfriend Salaries!

Wife or live in ok. GF no more!




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Here have millions of girls, why to choose a hooker?

If you're willing to pay her fancy easy life while she is at Isan to help family (really staying with his Isan husband) it's all up to you.

If you look around you can see real girls whose working to get their 10-12k per month, maybe if you're lucky you find wealthy woman, but they want only serious gentlemen. 


If you want buy girlfriend she will stick with you as long as you have money, after that she's gone, also all property you build or buy.

But hey it's not so cold to sleep on the beach... and the sunset is awesome too.

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It's amazing how good some of the women get in making men believe that they are in a caring relationship when it was only about the money from the beginning. Even the Thai guys in her life are often in on it. Why work when a dumb farang will pay your gf a nice salary for very little attention? It's when the Thai BF is not aware of you that things can turn out very badly!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/5/2020 at 8:34 AM, BritManToo said:

How many women (of any nationality) stuck with you when you didn't have money?

Hmm did I talk about myself?

I answer the topic.

And your answer was stupid, if you don't know how mostly things goes in Thailand maybe you need to stay here awhile. 

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  • 5 months later...
On 2/5/2020 at 9:19 AM, onekoolguy said:

It's amazing how good some of the women get in making men believe that they are in a caring relationship when it was only about the money from the beginning. Even the Thai guys in her life are often in on it. Why work when a dumb farang will pay your gf a nice salary for very little attention? It's when the Thai BF is not aware of you that things can turn out very badly!

My (former) Brit wife didn't even bother pretending I was in a caring relationship.

Paying a Thai girl cost me a fraction of the price, and she was 500% better at the pretending.

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