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BREAKING: Prime Minister used Article 44 powers to sack and rein in Big Joke


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Unlike others who seem to think they know the who, what, why and how; I read, am grateful I am just passing through and move on with my life. I leave it to the know-it-alls to opine so much about nothing.

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19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Surachate now has the position as a special adviser in the Prime Minister's office. It appears that this is a temporary post while an investigation takes place.

An inactive post as special adviser in the PM's office... explains why nothing gets done !

Maybe Prayut wants to use him in Chiang Mai to make sure his 7 day order gets carried out !

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2 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

An inactive post as special adviser in the PM's office... explains why nothing gets done !

Maybe Prayut wants to use him in Chiang Mai to make sure his 7 day order gets carried out !

Sorry, what was that '7-day order' about ?

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16 hours ago, Classic Ray said:

First job to introduce democracy to Thailand would be to reinvent the Army as guardians of national security taking orders from a freely elected Government. This would involve them relinquishing all business interests including directorships.


Second job would be to cleanse the police, recreating them as protectors of life and property and servants of the people, free from political interference. No business interests for them either. 


Both jobs would need substantial pay rises to make corruption unnecessary and easily punished.


Otherwise the cycle of coups and repressive governments with noses in the trough will continue forever.

Then you were taken away ever so quietly and shot!

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2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Does the government comment on police personnel moves in your country?

Yes.  The Henderson, NV Chief of Police was put on suspension pending an investigation.  Announced immediately.

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2 hours ago, robertson468 said:

The Thai word is he has trodden on someone's toes who is way up the food chain!

Yes, the pondering offered by me in an earlier comment,  it's way, way up the food chain.

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20 hours ago, DepDavid said:

Do a good job, try to limit corruption, and this is how he is rewarded. TIT!

Trust me it’s got nothing to do with that.  He did something wrong outside of the capacity of his job.  I agree though he did a good job in my OPINION but obviously I don’t know what goes on behind the scenes in the Thai police except for a few little things I’ve heard from former coworkers that still work in this area of the world.  


Although I didn’t like the way he dealt with that rape victim though but of course I could be wrong about that maybe his findings were correct sometimes people do make false accusations but I truly have no idea.  When he dealt with her I think maybe that was just a “TDY boondoggle” as they used to say in the military because if I remember right he actually traveled to the UK to interview the alleged victim personally.  In SF whenever we’d go TDY somewhere BEFORE THE WAR for a “training op” somewhere nice like Key West, Florida for one example they’d often refer to it as a “boondoggle” that basically means tax payer funded vacation.  


The article says “has placed the Lt-Gen on a list of civil servants under investigation” and they even took his badge and made him a civil servant so that ought to tell you something, basically he’s in trouble and that would be legal trouble!  As in a criminal investigation.  


Something else in the article that sticks out in my mind is that he’s currently working in the Prime Minister’s Office.  That reminds me of when I was in the regular Army and actually in SF as well sometimes, whenever a Soldier was under a criminal investigation that Soldier would be stripped of all responsibilities and a temporary FLAG would be placed on their records meaning suspension of all favorable actions pending the outcome of the investigation AND sent to the Sergeant Major’s Office to do go for work pending the outcome of the investigation.  The Sergeant Major is the top guy for Enlisted personnel if you don’t know.  If it was an Officer under investigation they’d be sent to the Colonel’s Office in the same manner pending the outcome of the investigation or the Battalion Commander’s Office if it was a lower level military officer, or possibly even the Commanding General’s Office if it was a high ranking Field Grade Officer O-5 or above.  


The point is that this is basically what happens in the military and I’m sure it’s the same all over the world in modernized countries and that’s what is literally happening to this guy just on a much higher level pending his investigation outcome, and Thailand is a modernized country still technically under military rule sort of.  


That might change next month we’ll see how the election dispute goes.  I’m also very surprised how quiet things have been lately regarding the election dispute.  From what I understand the election results still have not been officially decided and that’s supposed to happen in early May.  From what I understand the election results will be officially decided in early May, I’m no political science except but I’m guessing that his replacement probably will not be announced until after that happens.  There’s a lot of moving parts in Thailand right now politically.  


It doesn't really matter who replaces him because the current Immigration rules and new procedures are not gonna change anytime soon and indeed I hope they don’t.  I love the new Immigration procedures that affect me, although if you go by that 800K procedure for retirement extensions I can understand why you don’t like that one, it’s a lot easier to manage a monthly pension here as long as you make enough money and use your Thai bank account every month.  Additionally it doesn’t matter who replaces him and there’s no sense in worrying about it because he’s not the first Immigration Chief and his replacement will definitely not be the last Immigration Chief either.  There are always gonna be personnel changes in the government so it’s pointless to get worried about it and bent out of shape over it.  Although after I did a little in depth research on what’s going on now with this guy I fully understand all the hype and speculation about it.  

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5 hours ago, watcharacters said:

And even better for all expats in Thailand, none of you have to 'suffer' and join us expats in Philippines or Cambodia.


Oooopppsss: curruption just took a jump, now it's 50.000 baht that agents reguire, to fix your case.

Hope you all still happy happy.

Corruption worries but you go to Cambodia and Philippines?? Oxymoron it seems

Not to mention worse records on Human Rights of both

5 hours ago, watcharacters said:



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4 hours ago, farq said:

Who is this individual that keeps being referred to as "Prime Minister"?! As the results of the, ahem, election have not been announced and the 250 seat den of iniquity have not chosen a prime minister as yet, then this individual, who has usurped the title, can still only claim to be the coup leader at best!

The current one is the won who ran for election as PM and lost, so same same, until official change over

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3 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

So are they going to repeal his silly 400,000 thai baht permanantly in a Thai bank .

on another note what are the pigs doing tonight?

Uhhm the 400K Baht is one of the options for marriage visa extensions but that wasn’t his rule that’s been a rule for several years before he was ever the Immigration Chief he had absolutely nothing to do with that.  All that happened under his tenure was that they did away with income affidavits and changed the procedures of HOW you actually verify your income or 400K or 800K in a Thai bank account.  The actual rules didn’t really change that much and the monthly income requirement or the 400K or 800K income rules didn’t change at all as far as the minimum monthly income requirement or money in the bank.  


The biggest change was the procedures for verifying the 800K option for retirement visa extensions.  Bottom line the actual financial requirements never actually changed under the previous Immigration Chief and they have always been the same for several years before he took over he didn’t make that rule as you say.  All they did was actually start making us prove our income or money saved in a Thai bank account for real instead of using an Embassy letter.  And “pigs” really, have a little more respect for Law Enforcement then that.  And understand that this isn’t your home country.  

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38 minutes ago, Jim7777 said:

Trust me it’s got nothing to do with that.


"Trust, but verify."


Can you share any details from your latest briefing from your friend who works at the U.S. Embassy? I'm sure she's fine with you sharing her "intel" here on this forum.


Thai social media is alight today with what looks like plausible explanation(s) of what has so far been presented to the public. It involves corruption, abuse of power and LM/112.


It makes sense to me but then so did a few other scenarios presented since last Friday night. I should endear zero trust on this matter, just speculatin' like most Thais and foreigners.




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Trust me it’s got nothing to do with that.  He did something wrong outside of the capacity of his job.  I agree though he did a good job in my OPINION but obviously I don’t know what goes on behind the scenes in the Thai police except for a few little things I’ve heard from former coworkers that still work in this area of the world.  
Although I didn’t like the way he dealt with that rape victim though but of course I could be wrong about that maybe his findings were correct sometimes people do make false accusations but I truly have no idea.  When he dealt with her I think maybe that was just a “TDY boondoggle” as they used to say in the military because if I remember right he actually traveled to the UK to interview the alleged victim personally.  In SF whenever we’d go TDY somewhere BEFORE THE WAR for a “training op” somewhere nice like Key West, Florida for one example they’d often refer to it as a “boondoggle” that basically means tax payer funded vacation.  The article says “has placed the Lt-Gen on a list of civil servants under investigation” and they even took his badge and made him a civil servant so that ought to tell you something, basically he’s in trouble and that would be legal trouble!  As in a criminal investigation.  
Something else in the article that sticks out in my mind is that he’s currently working in the Prime Minister’s Office.  That reminds me of when I was in the regular Army and actually in SF as well sometimes, whenever a Soldier was under a criminal investigation that Soldier would be stripped of all responsibilities and a temporary FLAG would be placed on their records meaning suspension of all favorable actions pending the outcome of the investigation AND sent to the Sergeant Major’s Office to do go for work pending the outcome of the investigation.  The Sergeant Major is the top guy for Enlisted personnel if you don’t know.  If it was an Officer under investigation they’d be sent to the Colonel’s Office in the same manner pending the outcome of the investigation or the Battalion Commander’s Office if it was a lower level military officer, or possibly even the Commanding General’s Office if it was a high ranking Field Grade Officer O-5 or above.  In the military that would remain until either the Soldier was cleared of wrongdoing or not and until they figured out what to do with the Soldier.  Kind of like what’s going on here with him just at a much higher level.  


The point is that this is basically what happens in the military and I’m sure it’s the same all over the world in modernized countries and that’s what is literally happening to this guy just on a much higher level pending his investigation outcome, and Thailand is a modernized country still technically under military rule sort of.  
That might change next month we’ll see how the election dispute goes.  I’m also very surprised how quiet things have been lately regarding the election dispute.  From what I understand the election results still have not been officially decided and that’s supposed to happen in early May.  From what I understand the election results will be officially decided in early May, I’m no political science except but I’m guessing that his replacement probably will not be announced until after that happens.  There’s a lot of moving parts in Thailand right now politically.  


It doesn't really matter who replaces him because the current Immigration rules and new procedures are not gonna change anytime soon and indeed I hope they don’t.  I love the new Immigration procedures that affect me, although if you go by that 800K procedure for retirement extensions I can understand why you don’t like that one, it’s a lot easier to manage a monthly pension here as long as you make enough money and use your Thai bank account every month.  


Additionally it doesn’t matter who replaces him and there’s no sense in worrying about it because he’s not the first Immigration Chief and his replacement will definitely not be the last Immigration Chief either.  There are always gonna be personnel changes in the government so it’s pointless to get worried about it and bent out of shape over it.  Although after I did a little in depth research on what’s going on now with this guy I fully understand all the hype and speculation about it.  Turns out that there’s very good reason to wonder why.  

Edited by Jim7777
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15 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


"Trust, but verify."


Can you share any details from your latest briefing from your friend who works at the U.S. Embassy? I'm sure she's fine with you sharing her "intel" here on this forum.


Thai social media is alight today with what looks like plausible explanation(s) of what has so far been presented to the public. It involves corruption, abuse of power and LM/112.


It makes sense to me but then so did a few other scenarios presented since last Friday night. I should endear zero trust on this matter, just speculatin' like most Thais and foreigners.




Actually I haven’t shared any intel at all, and she didn’t actually even tell me anything that’s classified.  I was told nothing classified nor have I said I was.  Although I’m not gonna violate Thailand’s defamation laws or forum rules either by sharing the few little details that I have heard which isn’t very much.  You are making more out of what I was told and shared, definitely nothing classified at all.  

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5 minutes ago, Gee Ku said:

What is this bloody Article 44?

It’s special powers granted to the Prime Minister basically but I don’t know all the details of how it works.  I think Article 44 is part of the new Thai Constitution if I remember right but I could be wrong about that part regarding the new Thai Constitution.  

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38 minutes ago, Jim7777 said:

Uhhm the 400K Baht is one of the options for marriage visa extensions but that wasn’t his rule that’s been a rule for several years before he was ever the Immigration Chief he had absolutely nothing to do with that. 

The largest change that goes unnoticed is that there was no grandfathering of the rules like before. This implies the rug can be pulled under the retirees at any time by changing the rules, since the ones relying on the current ones won't have their rules grandfathered. It's a high risk to take.

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21 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

He depends of the Army, not of a civil organisation. In which countries does the Army show transparency or democracy in its decisions ? :ermm:

A country where there's a military government in control claiming to be pro democratic ???? 

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15 hours ago, Jim7777 said:

The point is that this is basically what happens in the military and I’m sure it’s the same all over the world in modernized countries and that’s what is literally happening to this guy just on a much higher level pending his investigation outcome, and Thailand is a modernized country still technically under military rule sort of.  

Thais will tell you that you don't understand how things work over here, and they would be likely right.


Putting aside the fact that Thailand is not a modernised country, in here there are some disciplinary measures for naughty individuals that you could write books about, and some have.

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7 hours ago, KittenKong said:

I dont actually live in Pattaya at all: I'm in Jomtien which is much more sedate. There really isnt much choice in Thailand, I think. I certainly would not want to live very far away from a major tourist destination like Pattaya or Chiang Mai or Bangkok or Phuket as I appreciate the farang shopping/restaurants that those places offer.

CM would be my first choice apart from the smog. Phuket is too expensive and crowded. Bangkok is too big. So Jomtien it is. Hua Hin would be a possibility too but it's a bit small.

I'm certainly not alone and I know many other people who have retired here for exactly the same reasons.

So Kalasin is out of the question then?

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Gotta look at the big picture.

On 22 May, 2014, General Prayut Chan-o-cha led a military coup. He made himself the civilian PM, and became Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha.

Two months later, on 22 July, 2014, Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha passed Section 44 (https://ilaw.or.th/node/3938), giving himself (basically) dictatorial powers, with no redress.

A very well planned coup; not exactly what one would call spur of the moment.

By and by, Thailand passed from being a country ruled by a military junta to a one man show then.

There can be only one bright star in a one man show.

Forget all the conspiracy theories ... Big Joke was a comet shining a little too bright.

He was relocated under Section 44, and Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha IS Section 44.

La démocratie est morte, vive la démocratie!!





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Will he cope ,  without wearing a uniform , what a cultural shock.

  Returning  as a Human Being . Wont be a easy transition, from hero to zero.

  He will need time for seasoning , same my 800K .


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