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Ok i know some of you will be saying... Go see a bloody doctor but i dont have the money to give to them after they diagnosed me wrong with something else few years ago and it cost me over 30k baht.

Anyway... I allways have a high temperature... My skin burning... Feel nausea....but im not vomiting.... Im peeing water from my backside 30 times a day.

I know for fact its not food poison as ive had it before and i have not been eating street food here this time.

Inclined to think its heat stroke.

Has anyone been the same?

Im 52 and allways had decent health untill this last few months when im feeluing like this.


Your thoughts please


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If i take some tiffy at night then it will cool my temp but it usually doesnt take long for me to feel unwell again... Allways hot and nausea.

Ok i know some of you will be saying... Go see a bloody doctor but i dont have the money to give to them after they diagnosed me wrong with something else few years ago and it cost me over 30k baht.
Anyway... I allways have a high temperature... My skin burning... Feel nausea....but im not vomiting.... Im peeing water from my backside 30 times a day.
I know for fact its not food poison as ive had it before and i have not been eating street food here this time.
Inclined to think its heat stroke.
Has anyone been the same?
Im 52 and allways had decent health untill this last few months when im feeluing like this.
Your thoughts please
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Suggest still go to the hospital at least to get a diagnosis. You might at least in the short term pay for them to connect you to a drip if you are running down.

1 hour ago, pumpjack said:

untill this last few months when im feeluing like this.


You've been sick like this for how long now?


Do you have a thermometer?  (if so, what's your temp?)  


Does your skin look red and flush or is it pale?  Any hives or rashes?  


What happens when you drink liquids?  Are you able to keep them down?


From your signs and symptoms, I'd say you are seriously dehydrated and do need IV therapy at a minimum.  Dehydration can lead to such things as hypotension, dizziness, syncopal episodes (fainting) and an electrolyte imbalance which can lead to heart arrhythmias, seizure and eventually a forced check out from this big fancy hotel.



1 hour ago, pumpjack said:

. I allways have a high temperature...

how high and what do you mean always?

1 hour ago, pumpjack said:

My skin burning

you are sun burnt? or from fever?

1 hour ago, pumpjack said:

Feel nausea....but im not vomiting....


1 hour ago, pumpjack said:

Im peeing water from my backside 30 times a day.

what does this mean? you are sweating? you have diarrhea? could you be more specific.

1 hour ago, pumpjack said:

not been eating street food here this time.

you are visiting.

1 hour ago, pumpjack said:

Inclined to think its heat stroke.

Symptoms of Heat Stroke

Throbbing headache.

Dizziness and light-headedness.

Lack of sweating despite the heat.

Red, hot, and dry skin.

Muscle weakness or cramps.

Nausea and vomiting.

Rapid heartbeat, which may be either strong or weak.

Rapid, shallow breathing.


go to a 711 and drink coconut WATER. and a liter of water.


  • Like 2

If you get so dehydrated you cease to pee, you are in danger of kidney damage and need to get on an IV drip.


Get diagnosed by a doctor.... (which I doubt any of us here are?)

  • Like 1

If your dumping x 30 stool even in one day, you're in danger of serious kidney or/and cardiac failure, and possibly more.  I am not going to be your mother, but others have already told you the BEST advice...Get a proper diagnosis, or take your chances with life and death.  Good luck.


Had the same last yr
I think it was a mosquito !
Make sure you rehydrate ( powder in water)
And eat salty crisps etc
Thats what my big bro told me
He’s a consultant

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If it persists for more than 7 days
Go to the hospital

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similar symptoms last year, didn't dare move more than ten metres from toilet, no idea of the cause. Next day saw young local Doctor, only fifty metres away, who hooked up a saline drip plus something else. I slept for three hours while the drip was in and woke up feeling much better, he sent me home and said come back in the morning.

Next day felt fine and also very happy with a bill of 1250 baht, GO SEE A DOCTOR !!!!!!!!

  • Like 1

Water , water , water all day, coconut water. 
There could be a "bug" in your system and you need to flush it out.  


Also stop drinking alcohol, eat light food in small portions. 


If you still feel the same or worse, you need to do some blood tests and get a doctor's opinion about this. Will only cost you 1-2000 baht if you avoid the private hospitals.  

34 minutes ago, balo said:

coconut water. 

Caution: it may exacerbate diarrhea because of the Magnesium content.  Coconut in normal people can help rehydrate due the electrolyte content.  However, the OP is undiagnosed, and currently losing a great deal of fluid per rectum ( x 30 bowel movements).  Need more information.  Go see MD. 

  • Thanks 2

Even when you've spent a lot of money before, you should immediately see a doctor. Go to a government hospital get a blood, blood pressure and other tests. One doctor messed up my leg, but that doesn't make all doctors to fools. Get well soon, life's too short! 

  • Like 2

Drink plenty of oral rehydration solution - ORS.


And see a Doctor, no need for a fancy / expensive doctor - they're not all idiots.


Maybe go to two or three Doctors for multiple opinions......

  • Like 2

Memorial hospital is one of the cheaper private hospitals.

Banglamung hospital is the public hospital which will be much cheaper but you need someone speaking Thai with you. 

Im in pattaya... Where to get cheapest IV ?

I was quoted 3500 baht but i cant afford that....

Also ive heard IV drip is only vitimins but im allrrady taking good multi vitimin everyday plus 1500 mg vit C


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You are putting your life at risk for 3,500 baht? Fever plus acute dehydration are potentially life-threatening. For heaven's sake go and see a doctor!


  • Like 1

I was going to mention to ask your advice [emoji106]

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The least expensive place to get IV is a government hospital. Banlangmung or could try the Pattaya City Hospital.

IVs contain fluid and electrolytes, not vitamins. Replaces the losses from severe diarrhea and fever.

If you are able to keep fluids down you might be able to stay hydrated orally but you have to take in more than is coming out. Use the oral rehydration oackets sold at 7-11. 1 small pack in a big glass of water.

The way to tell if you are adequately hydrated is by your urine. If you urinate with normal frequency and amount and it is clear or just slightly yellow in color you're ok. Small amount/less often/ dark yellow or tea colored means you are dehydrated.

If you continue to have fever and loose stools getting medical help is essential.

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They'll probably just give you antibiotics. without a stool test.

If you can't afford a hospital, you could try getting some at the chemist yourself eg ciprofloxacin etc.

Best of luck.

40 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

As someone who just was prescribed ciprofloxacin after operations would not advise anyone to take without valid reason.  Luckily had Gaviscon available to counteract.  It is the only medication I have had an adverse reaction (that I know for sure) and stomach issues seem to be common. 


It is the emergency treatment for anthrax so easily available and cheap but seems to be handed out way too often here.

It is standard treatment for diarrhea (if antibiotics are necessary at all) and for out-patient treatment of urinary tract infection (which in many countries is rather treated in a hospital). Both are very common.


It does sometimes have serious side effects. 

  • Like 1
23 hours ago, pumpjack said:

Im in pattaya... Where to get cheapest IV ?
I was quoted 3500 baht but i cant afford that....
Also ive heard IV drip is only vitimins but im allrrady taking good multi vitimin everyday plus 1500 mg vit C

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Are you really sure you should be here if you can't afford a few thousand baht??


You are already paying out for a good multivit plus 1500mg of vit C and that lot will cost over 1000 baht, so get your priorities right and take the advice offered here..........get to a doctor, or at least to a local clinic that could do a stool test and take it from there.


I don’t like hospitals full stop
You can easily come out with more than you went in with
My sister was a nurse,my brother was a doctor ( now a consultant).
I had to stay for 1 month as a baby - premature !
But if you aren’t getting better - you have to go for sure.

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