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Not a drop in Nong Hoy, got only the gusty winds for about an hour. Anyway, it requires at least 3 days of heavy rain to really clean the air. Just one day of one hour is just gonna clean the air temporarily for a few hours. To clean the air longer term you need at least 3 days of heavy rain, and no more burning after.

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On 4/17/2019 at 5:38 PM, Maybole said:


Thunderstorm with 25 mins heavy rain in Hang Dong & San Pa Tong area, Strong gusty wind knocked about my Makheua bushes but they will recover.

Moving SE so Lamphun and Lampang next in the firing line. 

In Lamphun province, all we got was the thunder and a bit of wind.  The rain didn't catch up.  Wish it would have as the haze around the Khun Tan mountains this morning was about as bad as it's been all burn season. 

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Pretty normal weather pattern although thunderstorms usually start earlier and thats all you can expect .Consistent rain,all over the province, for a few days, is normally a way off.


The temp dropped 13 degrees in 15 minutes but that was from a high of 42 which in itself is abnormally high.


Rain is hit and miss ,we were lucky at Mooban Wangtan we got about 30 mins of solid rain and the usual trees down , power of for 3 1/2 hrs.

No where on www.accuweather.com did they show cloud on the satellite and no forecast of any rain ,as good as useless.


Its clouding up as I post, chok dee to those who didnt get any rain

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Just had a very close lightning strike to my house. At the same time  I saw an electrical socket sparking blue sparks. On closer inspection the plug in the socket wasn't pushed all the way in. I guess it was sparking across the poles of the plug. Anyone else had this? 


It's currently raining bucket loads here in Chang Phueak.

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Yup, raining near Kad Suan Kaew, but I wouldn't call it "buckets".  I hope it lasts at least as long as it did yesterday.  Somehow we missed the power outages and Truevisions even stayed operational.


We need a number of days of this before the air clears for good.

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The rain yesterday had exactly zero effect on the pollution as today it was as bad or worse than it's been for a couple days. 

You have to remember this rain is localized. I hear in Doi Saket yesterday they got no rain at all. 

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We got a decent downpour around 4pm out here in Mae Rim. A dramatic drop in temps.  First time since back in Feb that I've actually opened the doors and windows,A/C off....a very fresh and welcome breeze a blow'n.....geeze, forgot all about the air pollution....for how long?

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12 minutes ago, orang37 said:

After a slogging start of a few measly sprinkles, a few hours ago, the Nagas have shifted into higher gear, and Nong Hoi is getting nicely soaked.



Yes indeedy. The crap is being washed out of the air, and Prayut doesn't need to visit us anymore to help out.

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We got a good steady rain with lightning and thunder that lasted for several hours today in Loei.  We needed it badly.


When does the official rainy season start?


Rainy season starts next month in the North East (according to my wife who usually answers me with a "mai leu") so, for what it's worth, next month sometime. LOL

Edited by MeePeeMai
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Alhamdilallah, Mair Rain.

I uncoiled and laid out the hose ready to water the garden at 4.30 this afternoon. As I finished I heard thunder which sent me inside to switch on my computer and call up thr Thai Met department's Weather Radar. It showed a huge patch of bright colour just SW of Lamphun and heading my way. I recoiled the hose and waited. 30 mins. later, the rain started, very heavy at times, and lasted about 45mins., then it petered outover the next half hour. My plants all went Schloooop, I could almost hear them. Sister-in-law lined up a row of watering cans to catch the run off from the roof.   That will do nicely.

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