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In unflattering detail, Mueller report reveals Trump actions to impede inquiry


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15 hours ago, xylophone said:

You could complete this picture by adding that he has filed for bankruptcy several times, therefore causing contractors etc (yes some working class folk as well) to lose money, that he lies incessantly, that his organisation has employed illegal immigrants and paid them below industry level wages, and he is a proven misogynist as well as a racist.


That somewhat completes the picture and in doing so makes one wonder at the mentality/morality of people who voted for and support this POS.

We've been hearing that story for a very long time and it isn't going to make any difference, no matter how many times it is repeated. His base don't care, and the haters are already convinced.

Unless the Dems can come up with someone better than "uncle Joe" or the "socialist" millionaire Trump will win again, IMO.

I've been saying it for years, but the reason Trump was elected, and will be again, is not because of who/ what he is, but because the opposing candidate was/ will be worse.

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15 hours ago, simple1 said:

During the campaign trump made repeated promises to "drain the swamp". trump complies with the criteria in your para 2 above. An example...




trump has managed to scrap through the Mueller Investigation process, not least because the President cannot be indicted whilst in Office. We all know an Impeachment process is out of consideration for obvious reasons. Additionally the thought of Pence being POTUS is just too much for rational people. 

I have no idea how what you are claiming in your first paragraph is relevant to what I wrote, and I'd love to see Trump "leave" one way or another and let Pence take over. Wouldn't be long before the Trump haters were wishing they hadn't got rid of him.

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19 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

<snip> I'd love to see Trump "leave" one way or another and let Pence take over. 

Likely the very reason trump is likely to stay in power until the 2020 elections

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

We've been hearing that story for a very long time and it isn't going to make any difference, no matter how many times it is repeated. His base don't care, and the haters are already convinced.

Unless the Dems can come up with someone better than "uncle Joe" or the "socialist" millionaire Trump will win again, IMO.

I've been saying it for years, but the reason Trump was elected, and will be again, is not because of who/ what he is, but because the opposing candidate was/ will be worse.

Now that is one thing on which I will agree with you (emboldened above).


Nevertheless it does say a lot about the state of America and American politics at this moment in time, if it has come down to choosing between a much disliked Democrat versus a dumb, lying, idiot.


Nothing more to say on this really is it's all been said, however I will just add something that I put forward in another post about other leaders and people around the world having a laugh at the expense of POTUS (and America), especially when he comes up with the likes of these: –


– I was thinking of putting forward Ivanka as a candidate for the World Bank, because she is good with numbers.......duh!

– Global warming is a hoax.

– "Clean, beautiful coal".

– Mexico will pay for the wall – – oh really, how's that going?

– Not understanding how tariffs work with regard to international trade.

– "I have one of the great memories of all time", whilst answering, "I don't recall" 36 times to Robert Muller's questions. Go figure.


And the list goes on, and I can only hope that before this clown gets a chance to run again, that his penchant for "hamberders" comes back to bite him and sends him to "hamberder" heaven or wherever clowns go.

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On 4/19/2019 at 7:22 AM, bristolboy said:

"As he wrote in his report, Mueller only declined to indict the president because the Office of Legal Counsel, which provides legal advice to the executive branch, claimed that he could not. Instead, Mueller made the case for obstruction in his meticulous report, providing a road map to Congress, which he expects to consider impeachment proceedings. There appears to be more than enough proof of criminality for the House of Representatives to draw up articles of impeachment."


if it was so clear, why would dems want mueller to testfy in congress ?? well as usual dems have no clues but antisemites in their ranks and white old pivileged men running for presidency.




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On 4/18/2019 at 5:22 PM, bristolboy said:

"As he wrote in his report, Mueller only declined to indict the president because the Office of Legal Counsel, which provides legal advice to the executive branch, claimed that he could not. Instead, Mueller made the case for obstruction in his meticulous report, providing a road map to Congress, which he expects to consider impeachment proceedings. There appears to be more than enough proof of criminality for the House of Representatives to draw up articles of impeachment."



House Majority Leader: "Impeachment is not worthwhile at this point"


“Based on what we have seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point. Very frankly, there is an election in 18 months and the American people will make a judgement,” Hoyer said.





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44 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

page 11 of the mueller report revealed the steele dossier was used partisianally against mr. trump, is that one of the 12 ongoing investigations ???


since when is it criminal attempt ??? when there is no trial ?? why would dems want mueller to testify in congress if all is so clear ??




Would you like to tell us which page this revelation is actually  on.


There is nothing on page 11 of the report that makes any reference at all to the Steele Dossier. 




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1 minute ago, Thainesss said:


No it doesn't. Thats nothing more than your, and alot of the other "hate trump" media's "analysis" of whats going on. 




57 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

page 11 of the mueller report revealed the steele dossier was used partisianally against mr. trump, is that one of the 12 ongoing investigations ???


since when is it criminal attempt ??? when there is no trial ?? why would dems want mueller to testify in congress if all is so clear ??





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On 4/19/2019 at 6:11 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

know who you are ) that claimed Barr would redact anything unflattering to Trump?


Will be interesting if the Dems do try and impeach, given there probably isn't enough there there to convince Senate GOP members to uphold such.

Actually, there is enough there to impeach him and a charge of violating the emoluments section of the US Constitution which states a President cannot enrich himself while President can also be added.


Impeachment is political and a waste of time.  The House can vote on Impeachment by a simple majority but conviction comes in the senate ans conviction would need a vote of 2/3 plus 1. Never going to happen= the numbers are not there.


I completely disagree with almost everything Trump does but Impeachment is not the way to  get rid of Trump.  Let the elction process go forward- let Trump stand against the Democratic candidate and  let the American people decide.  No outside forces involved; no Russian interference in the election process; no dirty tricks.  

Whoever wins in 2020 is President and if Donald Trump loses he has to accept that the people decided since that has been his stand on his victory in 2016.


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5 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Let the elction process go forward- let Trump stand against the Democratic candidate and  let the American people decide.  No outside forces involved; no Russian interference in the election process; no dirty tricks.  

Whoever wins in 2020 is President and if Donald Trump loses he has to accept that the people decided since that has been his stand on his victory in 2016.


And if he wins? 


The left is going to continue to beat the war drums at Trump and Republicans, and by extension the American citizens who vote him in for another term. 


This is what I dont understand about the left. All they have to do is not be crazy, stay moderate, and put out some good policy - and they REFUSE to do it. Instead they attack and insult massive swaths of the electorate and do literally anything in their power to use the political system against their adversaries. 


They could have put loads of money behind Tulsi, had a main platform point of legalizing marijuana and expunging records, no more taxes, and literally try to stop the illegal immigration problem, and they'd probably win. 


But they dont, they go extreme, totalitarian left. And thats a very unpopular position to have in America. 

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On 4/19/2019 at 7:17 AM, Cryingdick said:


I wonder how many threads we are going to have on one topic before it's over? Trump openly admitted he plays dirty and knows all the sleazy tricks from being a NYC property developer that basically outsmarted the tax codes and pulled some moves. He hasn't lost a single vote out of this and the dems haven't gained one.


He hasn't lost a single vote out of this and the dems haven't gained one."


You make some pretty bold claims there.

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23 minutes ago, cbtstorm said:

basically its like a charge of resisting arrest when they dont have the crime they accused you in the first place. 

the whole russian collusion hoax investigation is sn attempt to trap trump into obstruction charge lol so pathetic

someone is going to jail and its not Trump. Its time to round up this criminial enterprise. tick tock

Not a hoax in any way.


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With the senate terrified of Donald impeachment won’t happen it’s a waste of energy the report has exposed Donald for what he is (as if we dident know allready) imo vote him out in 2020 plenty of issues dump the chump 2020

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13 hours ago, Thainesss said:

But they dont, they go extreme, totalitarian left. And thats a very unpopular position to have in America. 

Got examples of 'totalitarian left' policy positions by any viable US political party? BTW if trump loses in 2020 one can guarantee massive misinformation grievance propaganda output from trump and supporters.

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16 hours ago, Thainesss said:

This is what I dont understand about the left. All they have to do is not be crazy, stay moderate, and put out some good policy - and they REFUSE to do it. Instead they attack and insult massive swaths of the electorate and do literally anything in their power to use the political system against their adversaries. 

You're conveniently forgetting that the Dems demolished the Reps in the most recent election, aka 2018 midterms.  They must be doing something right.  So your entire argument, as usual, has little credibility.

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16 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Impeachment is not the way to  get rid of Trump.  Let the elction process go forward- let Trump stand against the Democratic candidate and  let the American people decide. 

Agreed, so wouldn't it be nice if the Dems stopped with the BS and concentrated on putting forth some policies other than Trump bad, Trump bad, Trump bad.

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1 minute ago, Berkshire said:

You're conveniently forgetting that the Dems demolished the Reps in the most recent election, aka 2018 midterms.  They must be doing something right.  So your entire argument, as usual, has little credibility.

Midterms are ( as some of us know ) always a protest vote against the incumbents. The real vote is in 2020.

Anyway, they didn't demolish the GOP in the senate, so stalemate.

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