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Mueller finds no conspiracy, but extensive Trump-Russia contacts


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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

No mention at all of the Steele Dossier on page 11.


A way with you and your easily checked falsehoods.

remember kevin nunes sees page 11 in the washingtonexaminer as i do it. kevin nunes has got more expertise than fake news cnn watchers.




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10 hours ago, impulse said:

Mueller finds no collusion...

Mueller doesn't find collusion...

Mueller finds no evidence of collusion...



Maybe he's not a good finder....or maybe there was nothing to find.


who cares.....except a bunch of lefty sore loser nutters....case closed

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5 minutes ago, theonetrueaussie said:

Just gotta love the double standards of posters here, Trump should be impeached and he is a treasonous traitor for his staff having meetings with russia....

- Hillary clinton and her team hired foreign spies to get dirt on trump.
- Barrack Obama said illegals can and should vote and they will not be charged or deported.
- Current Democratic Presidential candidates want to change the presidential vote to a majority vote and let illegals vote all while letting them flood into the country.

Let's face it at the end of the day Republicans and Trump want less government control and more freedom and their democratic counterparts want less freedom and more government control. 

thats the dems socialism for losers, there are many around here.




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I don't blame the russia collusion hangerons. I sincerely take back most of my past remarks here and social media, calling them delusional, sore losers, logic impaired etc. 

They got thorougly hit with the most extensive propaganda psyop in modern times. coupled with their ideology who can blame them for now.


500,000 Trump/Russia collusion articles since 04/2017

and 245,000 socialmedia interactions.



and Top 51 fakenews stories with links to the publications before people complain about Brietbart

"Before we begin, credit where it’s due. This list would not have been possible without the lists already compiled by Sharyl Attkisson, Glenn Greenwald, and Sohrab Ahmari."



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If hrc, McCaine and dnc paid for Steele to get dirt on trump via his russian sources,

would that indicate that they colluded with Uk(Steel) and Russia to interfere in 2016 US elections as well as midterms. And a coup attempt to unseat an elected president.


Unwinding all this is gonna be a hoot especially since we've been fed projection by a complicit news media for 3 years and by the actual criminals. buckle up.


Chapter 6 of Trumps book Think Big and Kick Ass is titled "Revenge" lol

ironically "The book advises the reader to create large goals for oneself, citing his future political opponent Hillary Clinton as an example of success.[4]"





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18 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

yes, those criminals were brought to "justice" 


unfortunately there are hundreds more much worse in DC that should be, but they vote democrat, so no problem eh?


The investigation was headed by a staunch Republican, but don't let facts get in the way of you trying to detract attention from the convicted criminals in Trumps inner circle.

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1 minute ago, Kieran00001 said:


The investigation was headed by a staunch Republican, but don't let facts get in the way of you trying to detract attention from the convicted criminals in Trumps inner circle.


If it's redacted we have over reacted. 

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13 hours ago, cbtstorm said:


If hrc, McCaine and dnc paid for Steele to get dirt on trump via his russian sources,

would that indicate that they colluded with Uk(Steel) and Russia to interfere in 2016 US elections as well as midterms. And a coup attempt to unseat an elected president.


Unwinding all this is gonna be a hoot especially since we've been fed projection by a complicit news media for 3 years and by the actual criminals. buckle up.


Chapter 6 of Trumps book Think Big and Kick Ass is titled "Revenge" lol

ironically "The book advises the reader to create large goals for oneself, citing his future political opponent Hillary Clinton as an example of success.[4]"






Quite a difference between opposition research, the perfectly legal and normal practice of hiring investigators to look into a rival, and colluding with a foreign nation to subvert an election by illegal means.


Some of Trumps inner team are currently sat in jail for their crimes, are you seriously trying to claim that they are not "actual criminals"?


As for revenge, don't be absurd, so far Trump has asked Russia's "crown prosecutor", Russian hackers, Russian intelligence, Assange and Wikileaks, for dirt on Clinton, no one has been able to give him any, he has been desperately trying to get revenge but clearly he can not, all he can do is iget his friends locked up.

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15 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


And not a single one related to russian collusion. 


Really, so conspiring against the US on behalf of a pro-Kremlin party, which is one of the crimes Manafort peaded guilty to, is not even related to Russian collusion in your mind?  Well if you read the report you will see that Mueller is in no doubt that both Manaforts and Gates crimes are related to Russian collusion.

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11 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

Really, so conspiring against the US on behalf of a pro-Kremlin party, which is one of the crimes Manafort peaded guilty to


This literally never happened and I have no idea what tinfoil hat site you got this from, but its a lesson in fake news. 

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1 minute ago, Thainesss said:


This literally never happened and I have no idea what tinfoil hat site you got this from, but its a lesson in fake news. 


Do at least try to keep up.






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1 minute ago, Kieran00001 said:


LOL can you not read? You read "conspiracy" and then went off on some crazy "on behalf of a pro-Kremlin party" nonsense. From your own article:



So let’s be clear: “Conspiracy against the United States” isn’t what it sounds like. It has nothing to do with foreign actors influencing an election. It certainly has nothing to do with treason, which would require the US and Russia to be actively at war with each other.


The statute, rather, is an extension of the ordinary crime of conspiracy: planning with someone else to do a crime. Basically, Manafort has admitted to conspiring to commit offenses against and to defraud the US government, specifically the Justice Department and Treasury Department. According to his plea deal, the offenses against the government include money laundering, tax fraud, failure to file foreign bank account reports, violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, and lying to the Department of Justice.

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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Quite a difference between opposition research, the perfectly legal and normal practice of hiring investigators to look into a rival, and colluding with a foreign nation to subvert an election by illegal means.


Some of Trumps inner team are currently sat in jail for their crimes, are you seriously trying to claim that they are not "actual criminals"?


As for revenge, don't be absurd, so far Trump has asked Russia's "crown prosecutor", Russian hackers, Russian intelligence, Assange and Wikileaks, for dirt on Clinton, no one has been able to give him any, he has been desperately trying to get revenge but clearly he can not, all he can do is iget his friends locked up.

Opposition research using FBi, FISA, GCHq, Foreign agents lol

The great unravel has begun.

Chapter 6 has not even started yet.   Buckle up, its gonna be most bumpy hair tearing ride.


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the dems caracas caucus is falling apart for the are divided in betwix each other. simply dems are frustrated over their efforts to topple mr. trump, didnt they try to apply every weapon, now everything evaporates 5555. pelosi cries stop impeachment, pocahoncas warren and the rest of the bunch cries go for it, what a hillarious disarray...


anyway impeachment is a waste of tax payer money for dems will never accumulate 66 % in the senate.




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10 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

the fisa court and the ongoing investigation into the steele dossier will undig the wrongdoings of political bonni and clyde clinton etc...imo the biggest corruption and spying scandal in us history.




Yeah sure let's impeach New York Grandma. That's the ticket! 

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yeah sure let's impeach New York Grandma. That's the ticket! 


I always enjoy Tiabbi's writing.





An impeachment of Trump for obstructing an investigation into a non-existent crime — probably the first public scandal of his life in which he’s been genuinely innocent — would be the most 2019 America thing ever, although it seems unlikely. What’s more predictable is a parade of outraged media figures pointing to this section of the report and insisting Mueller’s portrait of Trump validates the last three years of insanity.

They’ll be asking us to ignore the fact that that the subtext of thousands of news stories dating back 22 months (buttressed by another 11 months or so of pre-Mueller stories) was a prophetic religion based on two core beliefs, both now clearly proven false.





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1 hour ago, Thainesss said:


LOL can you not read? You read "conspiracy" and then went off on some crazy "on behalf of a pro-Kremlin party" nonsense. From your own article:



He was supplying the info to, "Kostya, the guy from the GRU", he has admitted this and it has been proven that Gates believed that he was a Russian spy, and yet he still wanted to give him the info, no collusion there, obviously.

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1 hour ago, cbtstorm said:

Opposition research using FBi, FISA, GCHq, Foreign agents lol

The great unravel has begun.

Chapter 6 has not even started yet.   Buckle up, its gonna be most bumpy hair tearing ride.



Its already unravelled, it began with Papadopoulos bragging to the Australian diplomat about having Clintons emails, that was what got the FBI investigating Trump and his buddies, not the later Steele dossier which is what Clinton funded.

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On 4/23/2019 at 9:08 AM, elmrfudd said:

so an opinion piece by a liberal "journalist".......blather


as usual zero mention of the false dossier that started this whole fiasco, or the people behind it

that were pushing it through the DOJ to achieve this phony narrative

The interview with this Law professor is primarily an analysis about the approach taken in the report as published, analogies with earlier scandals, and the reports' status in Law.
An analysis of your assumptions is not to be expected in that context.

I learned a few things about American Law from this article,
but if Law is not your thing or you have other analysis of the situation to offer, then, of course, you are entitled to your personal opinion.

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22 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

With ‘Impeachment’ now being publicly discussed House Judiciary Committee chair Jerry Nadler has just issued Don McGahn with a subpoena.


Illiberals get your denial glasses on, the truth will (despite Individual-1’s best efforts) out!

Impeachment...........BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! Wasnt there a thread titled 'Will Trump be impeached' that died in the ass about 8 months ago? I dont like Trump but I cant stand all the CNN soyboys even more. GET A DECENT CANDIDATE to run against Trump.....THAT should be your new game plan....this little chestnut has been overcooked! 


Now, according to CNN Putin is meeting with Kim Jung to make plans to start a war with the US.....Yeah, thats right Putin....the guy Trump was found NOT to have colluded with!! It just gets more and more tiresome...




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" Now, according to CNN Putin is meeting with Kim Jung to make plans to start a war with the US "

Start a war? Please watch the vid you linked to again

Putin is playing a smart game, and increasing his areas of influence for quite some time now, whereas the USA is going the opposite way. If that's what you want, fine, but the actions of the US don't point that way.

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