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Video: Death of a Thai biker - clocked at 264 kmph


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4 hours ago, Soupdragon said:

The road looks straight ?


Did they find a mobile phone in his hand ?


I'm confused as to what happened too. 

It was a straight road, yeah he was way too fast, but it looked like he just drifted off the road at speed.


I've ridden bikes all my life, and I've had my fair share of accidents, usually from my own stupidity, hence my clavicles are trashed; too fast into a turn, lent over a bit too far, hit some gravel, all the usual suspects


But I can't say I ever lost it on a straight piece of road like this dude did.! Almost looked like he fell asleep!

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Some comments make me grateful that I don't know the composers of such musings. A person has died, apparently from dangerous behavior. I read, am thankful and move on. 

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11 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

I'm confused as to what happened too. 

It was a straight road, yeah he was way too fast, but it looked like he just drifted off the road at speed.


I've ridden bikes all my life, and I've had my fair share of accidents, usually from my own stupidity, hence my clavicles are trashed; too fast into a turn, lent over a bit too far, hit some gravel, all the usual suspects


But I can't say I ever lost it on a straight piece of road like this dude did.! Almost looked like he fell asleep!

Have you ever been at 260?


I assume any little bump/dip/hole could kill you

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6 minutes ago, hellohello123 said:

Have you ever been at 260?


I assume any little bump/dip/hole could kill you

Well I must admit I have never ridden that fast, since that's lunatic speeds on a public highway.


But i watched it again, and if he had hit a bump or pothole at that speed I would have expected to see a much much more dramatic response.

If the front wheel had hit something like that, he would have lost control instantly, rather than the drift that you see on the video 


Generally when you hit something, the bars start to oscillate wildly, and you just throttle back try not to make any direction changes and let the frame come back into balance.


Thats not what I see here

Edited by GinBoy2
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I don't understand what happened. Straight road. R1m is more capable than what im watching he wasnt pushing it at all. my bike limits at 300 in literally seconds. He put his head up in the wind with no neck muscles, gust of wind and doesnt know how to use knees in the wind like a sail to keep it together? This boggles the mind! What happened. 

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seems to me he, having the digits whirling in front of his eyes... reaches the Max

 and his gaze remained fixated there on the speedo?

 - as his life then slipped away from under him? 


After all, what else explains that smooth drift to Left in that straight line - like as if someone goes sleep at wheel

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5 hours ago, californiabeachboy said:

Mixed feelings about this one. He knew what he was doing - chance he would die, and he still did it. Died having fun (as he defined fun, not me).


But what about the family? They will continue to suffer from his death even though he will not suffer.

Your 100% correct !


I had been riding bikes since I was a kid, weekends out with a crew of 10, country roads, speeds of up to 220 clicks, doesn't take long to reach that kind of speed, the adrelinen rush is unexplainable when your in that zone.


Woke up one morning from a dream that I blew a tyre at that speed, looked at my 8 year old daughter asleep in the next room, sold the bike within the next couple of days.


My daughter is 22 now, although have two more offsprings, 5 & 10, the only thing I ride these days is my Mrs, that's dangerous enough, especially when I am saddled up bare back and call out her sisters name.


Miss the bike though ????


RIP to the rider, the pole made it quick for him because if you come off at those speeds you don't want to survive, sad loss for his family, but was his life. 

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13 minutes ago, tifino said:

seems to me he, having the digits whirling in front of his eyes... reaches the Max

 and his gaze remained fixated there on the speedo?

 - as his life then slipped away from under him? 


After all, what else explains that smooth drift to Left in that straight line - like as if someone goes sleep at wheel

I said that earlier, it almost looks like he fell asleep.


It's all too smooth for it to have been anything he hit.

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5 hours ago, californiabeachboy said:

Mixed feelings about this one. He knew what he was doing - chance he would die, and he still did it. Died having fun (as he defined fun, not me).


But what about the family? They will continue to suffer from his death even though he will not suffer.

Not so sure he really understood that he might die. The reason why young people take risks--especially young males--is that they feel invulnerable in their youth. Death is something that happens to old people or the guy next to you in the trench. Of course, we males have also evolved to be risk takers, but we wind it down as we get older...

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Hmmm, thats  "loss of face" in a different form. How stupid but this is Thailand, plus we have had similar morons is australia do the same, yep some have had the same result, others have been lucky, but no matter what penalties, education, somewhere sometime it will continue to happen world wide, its some humans desire to push life to the limit. win or lose.

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As we all agreed it is indeed a weird one, since we can’t properly assess how clean the road was although it appeared in pretty good state. ???? 

I’m guessing he may have found some dirt on the road or else that made him swerve left whilst he was under breaking I would imagine...I didn’t even hear any downshifting hence definitely something or someone animal passing by ?

There are some really nice roads outside Bkk especially in the north/northeast of the country but then again if you only got money and lack of brain by now plus not enough experience to ride an R1 M Yamaha ?! This kid must’ve either hit the lottery or did something else very lucrative in order to afford such a missile.

Talking as a long time Yamaha bike lover ( I had yamaha bikes since I was 17yo and 4 Yamaha R1s ) I’ve seen a few times 300-320kms ( Not in this country ! ) I used to do club racing and so on and I thank God I’ve never had an accident, NEVER means NEVER ???????? Call me lucky or just overly experienced rider/driver ???? but that’s the truth fellows.

Besides, an R1 M Yamaha goes well over 260kph, in fact you can get up to this speed just with the third gear or the 2nd if you know how to ride it.

Now, give such a bike to a Thai person it’s going to be the perfect recipe of a disaster ????????‍♂️ So it’s been apparently.

No training, probably no idea of what he was sitting on and needless to say no experience to handle such a missile.

Luckily he hasn’t brought anyone else with him to the death row, too bad for the bike, what a shame ☹️ Wasted

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One less idiot on the streets. Praise Jebus this moron didn't take anyone with him. There's a place for driving at insane speeds, and it's called the race track. No sympathy for this selfish excuse of a human being.


Edit: typo

Edited by Myran
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4 minutes ago, Myran said:

One last idiot on the streets. Praise Jebus this moron didn't take anyone with him. There's a place for driving at insane speeds, and it's called the race track. No sympathy for this selfish excuse of a human being.

1000000% ???? 

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I think it was his tyre which blew or was disintegrating and he was attempting to slow down as I am sure you can here him gearing down but couldn’t steer the bike from going off the road which is what unfortunately killed him. RIP in bike heaven.

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5 hours ago, smedly said:
5 hours ago, overherebc said:

Maybe he was 4 foot 2 inches tall/short or it was a helmet cam mounted on the bike.


So it would show the speedo.

the cam is mounted on his body 


normal deductive reasoning ability... hmm . what are you doing on this forum?

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in university i rode a honda cbx, 6 cylinders. great bike for then. really never went very fast as i wanted to make it to exams in one piece. big bikes feel safe and comfortable and have good braking ability.


the yamaha the thai died on looks like a street legal racing bike. 998cc and 200 hp

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As long as the biker had "fun" and "liked" to ride his bike fast.


That's what it's all about, am I right motorcycle riders?


Having fun and doing whatever the hell you want, right?


Riiiiiiight. ????

Edited by SiSePuede419
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