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Biden's rise in 2020 race catches Trump's eye, unnerves his allies


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On 5/3/2019 at 6:49 PM, cbtstorm said:

no but its funny and it reminds me of hrc and her condescending attempts at pandering.

joe is hrc2.0 all over again. 

Biden -"put you all back in chains" remark causes stir



HC -Hillary Clinton and Her Hot Sauce



This will be the second election where people will ask what have you done for me lately, not popularity innuendo's


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1 hour ago, riclag said:

Biden -"put you all back in chains" remark causes stir



HC -Hillary Clinton and Her Hot Sauce



This will be the second election where people will ask what have you done for me lately, not popularity innuendo's


You are right like my taxes or what happened to my health care or if I’m building something why are materials so expensive or why does it cost 35k for a basic truck lots of questions to ask 

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3 hours ago, Tug said:

You are right like my taxes or what happened to my health care or if I’m building something why are materials so expensive or why does it cost 35k for a basic truck lots of questions to ask 

I just finished paying my last  annual tax for not buying forced mandated government obamacare $700.00. Looking forward to the elimination of the mandate  this year   

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16 minutes ago, riclag said:

I just finished paying my last  annual tax for not buying forced mandated government obamacare $700.00. Looking forward to the elimination of the mandate  this year   

Well Donald’s corpate welfare tax cost me a bundle and you better hope you don’t get sick lol but not to worry Donald will be a bad stench soon

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IMO the only reason Joe is polling so well is name recognition.  Only the people who put effort into following politics have an inkling of who the rest of the contenders are, unless they are from the area where they live.  All this polling stuff is just info-tainment at this point, it doesn't matter until the primaries are neigh.  In the meantime they have until the end of the year to get themselves known.  Amy K and Kamala scored well this week.  I don't think Joe will make it to the primaries, and that will not sadden me.

The GOP had to deal with this in 2011-2012: Romney was the front-runner, then someone else comes along and he becomes the front runner, then the following week some else comes along etc...

In the meantime I have 3 lists: those I like, those I dislike, and those who I don't know enough to make the call.


But hold on now -- plenty of time for GOP contenders to come along.  Republicans are going to vote for the Republican candidate because that's what they do (the Dems not so easy, just ask the Bernie supporters from 2016), so DT is polling in the 40s.  That could change, and I suspect there is whispering in the ranks regarding this.  So really, the Dems don't know who they will be running against in 2020. 



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Biden is such a goofball. Look in the "deals" he made with China. Sad politician and negotiator. Here is part of a story related to his son's dealings in China......


An investment fund backed by Hunter Biden, son of 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden, invested in a surveillance system used to spy on Muslims in China, a new report claims.

The former vice president has been facing scrutiny over his son’s business dealings in Ukraine and other countries, with reports focusing on Hunter Biden’s role in the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings.


The company employed the younger Biden as a board member as the U.S. and the Obama administration were mulling a course of action amid Russia's invasion in Eastern Ukraine. Biden also apparently threatened the Ukrainian president to fire a prosecutor who happens to have been investigating corruption of Burisma.


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12 minutes ago, bendejo said:

IMO the only reason Joe is polling so well is name recognition.  Only the people who put effort into following politics have an inkling of who the rest of the contenders are, unless they are from the area where they live.  All this polling stuff is just info-tainment at this point, it doesn't matter until the primaries are neigh.  In the meantime they have until the end of the year to get themselves known.  Amy K and Kamala scored well this week.  I don't think Joe will make it to the primaries, and that will not sadden me.

The GOP had to deal with this in 2011-2012: Romney was the front-runner, then someone else comes along and he becomes the front runner, then the following week some else comes along etc...

In the meantime I have 3 lists: those I like, those I dislike, and those who I don't know enough to make the call.


But hold on now -- plenty of time for GOP contenders to come along.  Republicans are going to vote for the Republican candidate because that's what they do (the Dems not so easy, just ask the Bernie supporters from 2016), so DT is polling in the 40s.  That could change, and I suspect there is whispering in the ranks regarding this.  So really, the Dems don't know who they will be running against in 2020. 



No one in the GOP will challenge Trump. The economy hasn't been this good possibly ever. Lowest unemployment since 1962 I think. The Dems have serious issues and there are too many of them taking votes from the others. Regardless who their candidate is (and it won't be Bernie) people will still give Bernie(and others) their votes. The Dems have nothing to run on other than still beating a dead horse related to the Russian witch hunt and now trying to get his tax returns to "hunt" for something else. They are trying to tear Trump down instead of building themselves up with some sore of master plan. However, the economy is most important to most so President Trump will still hold that title another 4 years.

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On ‎5‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 9:49 PM, Skeptic7 said:

To be POTUS. Senator for 35 years. VP for 8 versus an extremely successful lifelong con-man. 


So he warmed a seat for 35 years. What did he actually achieve in all that time other than suck on the taxpayer's teat?

VP for 8 years when he did ?????????? Certainly, some of the things he said looked rather foolish to me. 

In some people's opinion, politics is what people do when they can't/ don't want to do a real job, but want to be paid well.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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3 hours ago, HuskerDo said:
3 hours ago, HuskerDo said:

The economy hasn't been this good possibly ever. Lowest unemployment since 1962 I think. The Dems have serious issues and there are too many of them taking votes from the others. Regardless who their candidate is (and it won't be Bernie)...

The "economy" hasn't been working for regular folks for decades. A boatload of jobs that do not pay a living wage mean nothing. It may well be Bernie... 



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29 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


So he warmed a seat for 35 years. What did he actually achieve in all that time other than suck on the taxpayer's teat?

VP for 8 years when he did ?????????? Certainly, some of the things he said looked rather foolish to me. 

In some people's opinion, politics is what people do when they can't/ don't want to do a real job, but want to be paid well.


I thinnk Biden is a goofball but he did advance gay rights and particularly gay marriage. This was back in the time Obama’s predominantly African American, homophobic, christian voting base was doing their best to block human rights legislation in places like California.


However this is not enough to overcome the economic miracle that is the Trump presidemcy so far.  The only thing is if Biden can take Pennsylvania. If that isn’t 100% guaranteed he no longer makes sense as a candidate. There are four states that are battlegrounds PA is the major one. The rest are forgone conclusions.

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5 minutes ago, Tug said:

Well he was part of the team that saved this country from another Great Depression and I’m sure he was part of lots and lots of legislation that was helpful to the USA he did get re elected after all lol what have you done for the USA?

Why would I do anything for the USA? 

You seem to be under the impression that only USA citizens can comment.

While I can't do anything for or against the USA, the USA affects my life in almost every way, so I take an interest in who will be running it.

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8 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Well he was part of the team which chose not to prosecute criminal banksters and instead reward their criminality with bailouts and also chose to ignore the underlying regulatory conditions which led to the collapse thereby placating his donors and paving the way for a repeat performance...

Did a single banker go to jail for their part in the debacle? It may have been allowed by Bush, but subsequent administrations have not punished the guilty. It's not too late, but I doubt Trump sees any political capital in punishing Wall St.

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3 minutes ago, vinniekintana said:

Biden's chances are 0%.

A great gift to Trump if he gets nominated.

...but I believe creepy Uncle Joe will drop out in the primaries.

Even if another Jack Kennedy were found to contest the primaries, the MeToo movement would prevent him succeeding.

Unless they are the greatest hypocrites ever, they'll be opposing Biden.

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Even if another Jack Kennedy were found to contest the primaries, the MeToo movement would prevent him succeeding.
Unless they are the greatest hypocrites ever, they'll be opposing Biden.

Not to worry, they are hypocrites.
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Can't ignore this.

Wall St. climbs as jobs data supports upbeat economic outlook

You have to look pretty hard to find positive economic news, particularly news that is not countered with some doom-and-gloom projection that will occur (conveniently) in the next two to three years...

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3 hours ago, Tug said:

Well he was part of the team that saved this country from another Great Depression and I’m sure he was part of lots and lots of legislation that was helpful to the USA he did get re elected after all lol what have you done for the USA?

No, HE wasn't part of ANYTHING having to so with saving the country from a great depression. The business world and bankers figured it out and told the White House what was needed. Biden is a buffoon, hair plugs and all.


"and I’m sure he was part of lots and lots of legislation that was helpful to the USA".... if you're so sure then post the exact legislation he introduced that was so game changing.  


"he did get re elected after all".... so did thousands of other deadbeat politicians that said what they had to during their re-elections to get re-elected. Pelosi, Schumer, Rostenkowski, Hastert, Conyers, Weiner, and on and on.

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3 hours ago, mikebike said:


While your point is well taken,,,,, Trump hasn't been there for DECADES. His economy and job creation are real. Just asked the folks who gained employment in the past 2 years. They are happy with the job they have. Lowest unemployment since the early 60's. I don't know how many jobs are "living wage" jobs but if the jobs were so bad people wouldn't take them and the unemployment rate wouldn't be so low.

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4 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

His economy and job creation are real.

His economic policy is no different than previous administrations and totally fails to address the real effects of wage stagnation and lack economic opportunity in the rust belt and heartland. Those folks are not dumb. They chose him because he promised to address their specific economic issues unlike the other candidate - they were led to believe he was “different”. Now, they are well aware that nothing he has done has changed anything for them and they will continue to look for what he promised... but they will now look elsewhere.

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12 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

...if the jobs were so bad people wouldn't take them and the unemployment rate wouldn't be so low.

Unlike FoxNews talking points, the vast majority of people prefer working to handouts... Even if they need to work two or more jobs and/or use SNAP and other programs to make ends meet. Employment rates mean very little in a vacuum.


Subjectively, I earned $9/hr in 1976 unloading transport trucks as a student. The inflation adjusted rate in 2018 dollars is $38.85/hr. Try finding that job now.

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Unlike FoxNews talking points, the vast majority of people prefer working to handouts... Even if they need to work two or more jobs and/or use SNAP and other programs to make ends meet. Employment rates mean very little in a vacuum.
Subjectively, I earned $9/hr in 1976 unloading transport trucks as a student. The inflation adjusted rate in 2018 dollars is $38.85/hr. Try finding that job now.

Try finding that job in 1976 as well.

Student earning $9 an hour unloading trucks when the minimum was was what, $2?

Was your father a longshoreman?
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5 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Try finding that job in 1976 as well.

Student earning $9 an hour unloading trucks when the minimum was was what, $2?

Was your father a longshoreman?


I didn't have a father... my mom was earning about the same as a secretary. A couple of yrs later I was assigned my own pickup for deliveries and repairs and made $12-15/hr. 

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His economic policy is no different than previous administrations and totally fails to address the real effects of wage stagnation and lack economic opportunity in the rust belt and heartland. Those folks are not dumb. They chose him because he promised to address their specific economic issues unlike the other candidate - they were led to believe he was “different”. Now, they are well aware that nothing he has done has changed anything for them and they will continue to look for what he promised... but they will now look elsewhere.

Yes, the only thing to do is to raise taxes on the rich, provide more handouts and import millions more low and no skilled workers that speak no English and are often illiterate in their primary language.

That will drive wages through the roof and improve living conditions, reduce poverty and drastically increase productivity across the board.
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