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Britain's Conservatives in fourth place in EU election poll, Farage leads


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12 hours ago, simple1 said:

I am a UK citizen, a Londoner. Even if I weren't British we all have ownership of matters relating to Democracy and those who are charlatans e.g. Farage

Well if you do beleive in Democracy, then I take it that you support Brexit.

with Nigel Farage as the leader.

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1 hour ago, kingdong said:

totally agree,i read there are 3.5  million eu citizens currently resident in the u.k.what do,es that tell you about the state of their own countries?

it means there are 3.5 million jobs for them to do,and probably 3.5 million benefit scroungers who wont work.

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:


In the north of England, the heart of Labour country, the voters definitely want Brexit. It’s now to be seen will they ditch their long time,and no question loyalty to the Labour Party.

Labour is in the blood for the majority of its voters,even if they voted for brexit,Labour is still number one,a bit like a thai's affection for money.

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On 5/12/2019 at 1:56 PM, RuamRudy said:

330,000,000 immigrants in 2015? Good God - I am convinced!


Nigel, my humblest apologies for all the times I said you were a slimy, corrupt racist. From this point onwards, you can count on me!



Obviouse those number are wrong. But why do you attribute the numbers to Nigel? That’s assuming you are referring to Nigel Farage, the only British politician with principles.


Any how perhaps you can comment on these numbers:-



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On 5/12/2019 at 11:44 AM, yogi100 said:

Because we could then ignore Merkel's demands that we take in more of her gimmegrants than we've already got of our own and make a bad situation even worse.


And people with an EU passport will no longer be able to come to the UK with their hands out turning places like Bradford, Blackburn and London in to even bigger sh!tholes than they already are.


   Bradford , Blackburn ?,  my O level  geography fades, part of the sub continent.?

 Third generation Indians , are more British than your average,

Scouser, Jock, Geordie, etc. 






Edited by elliss
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17 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:



Nigel as PM would be fantastic.  the lefty loons on TVF would have another leader to hate.


      Lefties on TVF, not have, Tory 100 per cent . 555

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45 minutes ago, nontabury said:


Obviouse those number are wrong. But why do you attribute the numbers to Nigel? That’s assuming you are referring to Nigel Farage, the only British politician with principles.


Any how perhaps you can comment on these numbers:-



I must admit that my post was slightly in jest - sincerest apologies for lowering the tone of the debate.


I admire your steadfast support for Mr Farage, although obviously I think my assessment of him is closer the truth than yours. He did seem unwilling to discuss his character traits yesterday with Andrew Marr - surely our future PM should be willing to open himself and his past utterances up to scrutiny, foibles and all? 


As for Katie Hopkins - well, I think we have discussed immigration in the past, but if the UK is overly generous compared to other European countries, is that an EU issue or a UK issue? 

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2 hours ago, elmrfudd said:



Nigel as PM would be fantastic.  the lefty loons on TVF would have another leader to hate.


It would be a laugh, I suppose, because then the clown would have to deliver on all his promises ... it would be fun to see him fail over and over again. There's a big difference between talking and doing ... and Farage would be exposed for the conman that he undoubtedly is.


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7 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


It would be a laugh, I suppose, because then the clown would have to deliver on all his promises ... it would be fun to see him fail over and over again. There's a big difference between talking and doing ... and Farage would be exposed for the conman that he undoubtedly is.


farage wont ever be PM,Labour and tory votes will return to their usual voting habits after a brexit is scrapped and they see the economy moving forward,the longer it drags on more tired and bored will become,farage wont get the necessary staff or have enough know how to deliver a viable govt,just shouting out and no deal wont be enough to convince big numbers to vote for him,wont get many votes in scotland,ireland and wales,that alone is why he wont get anywhere,sorry malagateddy but the royalists and loyalists wont vote for him.

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10 hours ago, nontabury said:

Well if you do beleive in Democracy, then I take it that you support Brexit.

with Nigel Farage as the leader.

No. Farage is a BS artist & conman. Why anyone believes in him is beyond my comprehension. 

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

So he sounds like a politician, big deal! He certainly might BS but he hasn't continuously lied like May. 


Farage's anti EU message is consistent and not well contested by remain - that's why people believe him. 

Out of interest can you point to fact checked or equivalent web site/s where Farage's claims have been proven - Thanks

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13 hours ago, elliss said:


   Bradford , Blackburn ?,  my O level  geography fades, part of the sub continent.?

 Third generation Indians , are more British than your average,

Scouser, Jock, Geordie, etc. 






No they are not. Even their physical appearance  contradicts such a claim. And that's before you even hear them speak.


Let's be real.

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3 hours ago, yogi100 said:

No they are not. Even their physical appearance  contradicts such a claim. And that's before you even hear them speak.


Let's be real.

I think you are trying to say that they have an impressive tan. Ironic that the brainless white bimbos spend money in parlors trying to achieve the same look.

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