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Trump tells ex-White House counsel McGahn not to appear before Congress

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44 minutes ago, quandow said:

Because EVERY time we present black and white evidence, you supporters of now the WORST president in American history deflect, deny, regurgitate the Bill Barr rhetoric/lies. Even Republicans have admitted Bill Barr was "disingenuous" in his review of the Mueller report. The national desire for backing impeachment is starting to swell, and the more Trump directs coverups in the spirit of Nixon, the stronger it grows. An HONEST president would offer a ride to anyone Congress subpoenaed in order to TRULY exonerate him, not this doublespeak garbage that Trump supporters take in and bleat back to anyone unfortunate enough to listen to it, accidentally or intentionally.

Honest men have nothing to hide.




I'm not asking for black and evidence, I just asked a couple of simple questions that no one seems capable of answering.

14 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


I'm not asking for black and evidence, I just asked a couple of simple questions that no one seems capable of answering.


From the source Jing linked above, quoting the Mueller report:



“Our investigation found multiple acts by the President that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations,” Mueller wrote. “The incidents were often carried out through one-on-one meetings in which the President sought to use his official power outside of usual channels. These actions ranged from efforts to remove the Special Counsel and to reverse the effect of the Attorney General’s recusal; to the attempted use of official power to limit the scope of the investigation; to direct and indirect contacts with witnesses with the potential to influence their testimony.”


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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


From the source Jing linked above, quoting the Mueller report:



Yeah, I read that, does not look like that big deal to me.


He didn't like the special counsel, could have fired him, but didn't.


He was pissed off at Sessions for recusing himself, I don't blame him.


Tried to limit the scope of the investigation, who wouldn't?


Trying to influence witnesses is serious, but the actual examples I have seen I thought were pretty thin. Which example did you think was the strongest?


Again, why did Mueller not come to a conclusion?  Why did he not recommend the President be charged when he left office? He certainly had the power to do this. That he did not makes it clear he did not have the evidence. 



30 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


All these "fact check" sites are hilarious. 

For "trump" fans facts are always hilarious (and inconvenient). It's not a facts based movement. 




Hundreds of former prosecutors say Trump would have been indicted if he were not president


President Donald Trump would have been indicted for obstruction of justice in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation if he did not hold the nation's highest office, nearly 700 former federal prosecutors argued in an open letter published on Medium on Monday.


The ex-prosecutors — who have served under both Republican and Democratic administrations dating back to President Dwight D. Eisenhower — said Attorney General William Barr's decision not to charge Trump with obstruction "runs counter to logic and our experience."


The letter added, “Each of us believes that the conduct of President Trump described in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report would, in the case of any other person not covered by the Office of Legal Counsel policy against indicting a sitting President, result in multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice.”




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How can the democrats NOT impeach this horrific presidential troll now? He refuses to do his job now! He says he won't do his job as long as the democrats are investigating. It's the job of congress under the constitution to conduct oversight. Just because he refuses to do this job doesn't mean congress should not do theirs.  We already knew he was unfit. He's forcing this. Impeachment is coming. The triggering final red line might be if a court orders the white house to do something and they refuse. Based on the way this out of control no respect for the law president has acted, that seems to be coming.

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The triggering final red line might be if a court orders the white house to do something and they refuse.

No presidential administration has ever pushed it this far, there was always compromise. If Trump really does force this hand, it will bite him in the ass and he will most likely wind up for an extended stay at the gray bar hotel.

7 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Yeah, I read that, does not look like that big deal to me.


So why block McGahn from testifying?


Simple question.



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1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:

Why do you think he does not want him to testify?

I don't know.


I was asking you.


 Who can figure out how his mind works? Squirrel.


It does seem cray-cray to specifically grant McGahn permission to testify in front of Mueller, without invoking any sort of privilege, and to now stop him from testifying.


Hiding the Mueller Report, keeping people who already testified from testifying again, blocking access to documents, using private email servers for government business, etc., who can figure out the strategy?


No one believes that trump is a Russian spy; why even go there with the all-or-nothing deflection?


Could he be a dupe, sap, unwitting asset, useless idiot? Not sure, doesn't seem like a stretch though.


And no, I'm not saying Melania is his handler.











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Why do we have to answer your inane questions? Now I know why this forum has an Ignored Users feature.


In other testifyin' news..



Rex Tillerson Secretly Meets With House Foreign Affairs Committee to Talk Trump


Tillerson’s appearance, first reported by The Daily Beast, took place as virtually every other Trumpworld luminary has been stonewalling congressional oversight efforts. At the same time the former secretary of state was speaking before lawmakers, former White House counsel Don McGahn was ignoring a subpoena to testify in front of the House Judiciary Committee.


Tillerson’s arrival at the Capitol was handled with extreme secrecy. No media advisories or press releases were sent out announcing his appearance. And he took a little-noticed route into the building in order to avoid being seen by members of the media.



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Trump would not be able to mount a legal defense because he couldn't be indicted until he was no longer in office.
 And the thing is, it's a trick of Trump defenders to ask a question just like the one you asked now about obstruction The fact is, obstruction of justice can be about a pattern of actions. One by itself may not be enough to establish the obstruction was attempted, but when there are lots of examples then it's possible to make a strong case for intent.
The giveaway is that there isn't anyone credible on either side that doesn't already know that 45 is the most criminally corrupt president in American history. He is morally indefensible. He's been dodging the law since his youth protected by his money and gangster style lawyers. The fans that say yeah we know and we don't care are at least honest.

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Another day... another farce.... You just can't make this stuff up....


--Trump names Rex Tillerson as his secretary of state, then later ousts him.

--Tillerson lately tells Congress that Putin was better prepared than Trump at their summit, which should come as no surprise to anyone in the world.

--Trump responds today by tweeting that Tillerson is " 'dumb as a rock' and totally ill prepared and ill equipped to be Secretary of State..."


Then, The Hill notes, the White House press secretary was on CNN shortly thereafter defending Trump... But.... "She did not directly answer, however, when asked why Trump nominated someone he has since derided as "dumb as a rock" and "ill equipped" for the job."




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On 5/22/2019 at 5:06 AM, riclag said:

The conclusion : no obstruction no collusion

“The more serious and clearly criminal of these obstruction events consists in Trump instructing those who worked for him in the White House to put documents containing material falsehoods into government files that were about to be subpoenaed, and instructing the same folks to lie to FBI agents,” Napolitano writes. “Mueller did not seek an indictment of the president on these crimes because he knew that Barr, his boss, would not permit one.”"


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On ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 8:25 PM, Yellowtail said:

So why do the dems not impeach him?

That is a very good question.

Maybe consult Randy Rainbow on that.


  • Haha 2
6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

That is a very good question.

Maybe consult Randy Rainbow on that.


He is funney and talented to!


Donald Trump’s day so far:

- Returns from disastrous Asia trip

- Makes Kim Jong Un vs Joe Biden mess even worse for himself

- Kamala Harris comes out swinging

- Justin Amash drops hammer on William Barr

- Impeachment is coming

- Trump is going to prison

- It’s still only 7:30pm

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