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Every foreign tourist to Thailand set to be charged 100 baht insurance fee


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 just heard you now have to get permission to have a shit this must be done by phone 24 hours before you want to have a shit & you must send them 10 Baht via bank transfer to be approved.


 Just a quick update on the new shit policy police order, If you are to have more than 1 shit a day you may be referred to you local hospital by your IO you must have health insurance which covers 400,000 cost but be careful if you have the shits your bill maybe more & you will need to pay the difference so be careful what you eat, this order is still waiting government approval this may take a bit of time as they are still trying to figure out who they are, failure to report to IO that you are having a shit 24 hour before it is it due will result in a 10,000 Baht fine & you will also get a stamp in your passport that you are a shit, people wanting to report online must be prepared that they could end up having the shits by the time the system works 555


I have just heard rumours that you will now need to have both your bum cheeks printed just like finger prints & then spread them apart so then can scan your ass this is only for people arriving via airports & you will need to pay 200 baht for this service you may need to do the same when you are leaving so don;t go with any LB's the night before 555


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17 hours ago, JohnOFphon said:

Didn't there used to be a departure tax? I remember going to a machine and paying 500 bt for a ticket that had to be shown,,,at check in or passport control...don't remember which.

Yer, there did used to be. But then i think it got rolled into your ticket - so you still pay it, just dont need to go hunting around for money when you think you successfully cleared out your last satang.... departure tax.

So i guess this is just - well everyone forgot that so we will start again ! if they do it the old way it  just causes delays and extra bureaucracy. you are not allowed to stay, but you are not allowed to leave.

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Another brain fart? More questions than answers.


Why charge some for insurance and charge all tourists for insurance? Does this mean expats are not covered? 

Edited by inThailand
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18 hours ago, webfact said:

foreign tourist visiting Thailand should be charged an insurance and life insurance fee. 

This should easily offset the 8 baht cost per tourist (300 million divide by 38 million) leaving excess money for stuffing envelopes.


Is this in addition to the required medical insurance that tourists and retirees are required to have?


Edited by Prairieboy
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18 hours ago, JohnOFphon said:

Didn't there used to be a departure tax? I remember going to a machine and paying 500 bt for a ticket that had to be shown,,,at check in or passport control...don't remember which.


I think government still levies this but charges it direct to airlines. It was 500 baht, payable by Thais as well as foreigners, and would have been a lot of revenue for the government to give up.

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24 minutes ago, hioctane said:


TIT. People will complain just to complain!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I don't think anybody cares about the amount, it's the principal .


It will end up in a slush fund for the corrupt officials. Not one baht will go to the correct avenues.


Then in a year another announcement that it isn't enough to cover all the miscreants not paying and they need to increase it.

Rinse and repeat every year.

It's just another stealth tax 

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10 hours ago, xylophone said:

Not necessarily as they need to cover administration and implementation costs.


And who cares anyway?

From 100thb 90thb or around 3 billion goes to cover adm/impl cost. This seems to be a bit don't you think - even we don't care ... :thumbsup:

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18 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Let's see... 300 million a year in unpaid hospital bills... (maybe!)

Have you got a different number?


18 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

vs potentially 3.8 billion in revenues from the proposed tourist tax

Good. So you can read. So can we.


18 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

And what exactly kind of coverage are these Thailand travelers going to get for their 100 baht???

They can always purchase their own if they fear this it will be inadequate.


18 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

BTW, it doesn't seem to specify any particular kind of arrival/visa class... So presumably, either on entry or exit, they're planning to charge any and all foreigners, including long-term expats here who may already have insurance.... 

Says EVERY FOREIGN TOURIST in the subject matter. Excuse me for shouting. You must be blind.


18 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I didn't see any mention of any exemption for O-A visa holders who likely will be subject to the new and much more expensive insurance requirement of their own.  Or any plan to drop the O-A specific proposal in favor on this broader, more reasonably priced alternative.

Maybe, just maybe that's because foreign O-A visa holders ARE NOT FOREIGN TOURISTS and the O-A visa is not a TOURIST VISA.


All this shouting is making me deaf. Do you need a reference for an optician maybe?

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1 minute ago, NanLaew said:

No, it appears they're serious about other people being charged 3 bucks.

I can see a lot of people cancelling their vacation in Thailand because they will have to pay $3,00 at the airport,

Loreta cancel the Trip to Thailand we are going to visit your mother instead!! The bastards want to charge as $3.00 at the airport, and we will not be able to buy that sticky Rice meal we always wanted . :tongue:

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Should be 8B , not 100B :). Here's the math:

300 million ( which I do not believe) spend on tourist's medical. 38 million tourists last year.

300/38 = 8B per visitor.

Is this really necessary? How much do you think each visitor contributes to  Thailand economy? 7B?




Edited by Thailand J
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1 hour ago, Sticky Wicket said:

300 million baht is the alleged amount of bills unpaid. It is such a minuscule amount that it should just be written off as a cost of doing business.



Yes. I wrote off over US$9 million myself last year.


Believe me, those 2-for-1, BOGOF, happy hour and barfine my sister me deals aren't all they're cracked up to be.

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10 hours ago, Percy P said:

Still there but now included in the price of the flight ticket. 700Baht.

That is the airport usage fee and indeed has always been charged - but for a short period of time some 30 or so years ago there was an additional (smaller) exit fee being charged everywhere.  It did not last long.

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19 hours ago, JohnOFphon said:

Didn't there used to be a departure tax? I remember going to a machine and paying 500 bt for a ticket that had to be shown,,,at check in or passport control...don't remember which.

I remember  that, too!  I thought they did away with the machines and added it to the fees and taxes charged by the airlines when one bought a ticket......  Hmmmm....

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19 hours ago, Pilotman said:

what a good idea.  No, I'm not being sarcastic. 

What it’ll certainly  be is an idea not thought through as usual. Who of all arrivals will be charged?..those already on OA visas who will have separate compulsory insurance,those that can prove they have their own policies anyway? The same 100 baht whether staying for 1 week or 3 months or longer? Will it mean those paying this 100 baht can now just refuse to pay a hospital bill because they’re 'insured,? 

You are not taking account of the average IQ of those thinking up and trying to implement these kind of schemes. 

Im not being sarcastic either....

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2 hours ago, jmr123 said:

Yer, there did used to be. But then i think it got rolled into your ticket - so you still pay it, just dont need to go hunting around for money when you think you successfully cleared out your last satang.... departure tax.

So i guess this is just - well everyone forgot that so we will start again ! if they do it the old way it  just causes delays and extra bureaucracy. you are not allowed to stay, but you are not allowed to leave.

“There were voices down the corridor,

I thought I heard them say....

Welcome to the Hotel California, 

Such a lovely place..............”

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'the repatriation of people who die while on holiday.' Given Thailand's safety record on the roads; in boats; at railway crossings; in elevators; on balconies; police cells ......  3.8 billion won't cover it.
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19 hours ago, webfact said:
Whether Thailand would adopt a charge for tourists coming in or leaving was still to be decided. 

There's already an exit tax. Years back you had to pay it in cash at the airport.


Now they hide it and get the airlines to collect it but it's still there. It was 500 Baht when you paid cash at the tax counter before going through immigration.


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19 hours ago, JohnOFphon said:

Didn't there used to be a departure tax? I remember going to a machine and paying 500 bt for a ticket that had to be shown,,,at check in or passport control...don't remember which.

There still is as to the best of my knowledge - I was told it is now incorporated into the airport fees that make up part of your airfare.


My apologies UKRULES - I didn't see your post until after I'd posted mine.

Edited by KhaoYai
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