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Vile Aussie and Thai pedophiles given record jail terms for abusing children in Thailand and Australia


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1 hour ago, mikebell said:

And there are another 63,000 using this website?  Surely technology can unearth then punish them?

This is one factor that concerns me. Although it is great these two low life's have been caught there are another 63,000 logged onto that website alone.......and how many other websites are there on the Dark Web........:crying:

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1 hour ago, mikebell said:

And there are another 63,000 using this website?  Surely technology can unearth then punish them?

The OP does mention that the site has been shut down. Not an easy process to track anyone down as people could be logging on at the local coffee shop or via a VPN etc. 

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I generally consider myself a very progressive person, but I believe in the death penalty for certain crimes. Sure, you can say these people have a sickness. Research has shown that many child abusers were themselves abused as children. But this is a sickness that I don't feel can be cured. So we keep them locked up in a living hell at great expense to the state. Somewhere down the line some authority might grant them leniency, or they may survive their sentence and be released back into society where this could happen again. I know this leaves me open to criticism in a world that generally believes the death penalty to be wrong. After all, who am I to judge. I accept this criticism, but I say pull the plug on these people. And not just for child abusers. Chronic psychopathy must be dealt with harshly.

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16 hours ago, DogNo1 said:

Well, IMHO, these sex offenders should be confined to a psychiatric prison where they would be thoroughly psycho analyzed.  I think that societies should start trying to identify these extreme offenders as well as mass shooters.  Perhaps they could be identified as likely offenders and put under special scrutiny before they offend.  There are so many mass shooters and pedophiles these days.  If the resources are available, society needs to be protected from them.


You know, I have been saying this for many decades. I was fascinated with serial killers as a teenager and studied them and abnormal psychology as a lay person. I believe they are not "normal" people who commit atrocities. I believe they are "abnormal" and there is a physiological aspect. Something is wired wrong in the brain or there's a wonky gene in the DNA strand.


When these animals are caught, lock them up for life and study them like lab rats. I link may be found someday that will enable a correction while a fetus is in utero.



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3 minutes ago, Cereal said:

You know, I have been saying this for many decades. I was fascinated with serial killers as a teenager and studied them and abnormal psychology as a lay person. I believe they are not "normal" people who commit atrocities. I believe they are "abnormal" and there is a physiological aspect. Something is wired wrong in the brain or there's a wonky gene in the DNA strand.

There was evidence some years ago of a man who developed some sort growth on his brain and at the same time had a sexual interest in prepubertal children. Once the growth was removed the sexual interest disappeared. I've always thought it to be some form of mental illness even if physically triggered, which is why I've never referred to a sick person, whatever the cause, as an "animal"

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18 hours ago, ChipButty said:

40 Years in Aussie jail will feel like paradise compared to his mate in a Thai jail

I don't think a "kiddie fiddler" goes down too well in Aus, if he does get out he won't be walking in a straight line, and his voice might be a few octaves higher !!

Edited by hotchilli
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17 hours ago, Ozman52 said:

Peads and other prisoners at risk are segregated from the general prison population in Oz.

Yet somehow they still seem to suffer accidents with boiling water, stuff in their food etc,

Strange how that happens!!


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1 hour ago, nickstav said:

I generally consider myself a very progressive person, but I believe in the death penalty for certain crimes. Sure, you can say these people have a sickness. Research has shown that many child abusers were themselves abused as children. But this is a sickness that I don't feel can be cured. So we keep them locked up in a living hell at great expense to the state. Somewhere down the line some authority might grant them leniency, or they may survive their sentence and be released back into society where this could happen again. I know this leaves me open to criticism in a world that generally believes the death penalty to be wrong. After all, who am I to judge. I accept this criticism, but I say pull the plug on these people. And not just for child abusers. Chronic psychopathy must be dealt with harshly.

No criticism from me.

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Terrible terrible ... as a psychotherapists, and a believer in change being possible ... the reality of the risk in ever releasing predatory people like this cannot be contemplated  

Many of these children's lives will be destroyed completely with early deaths by their own hands, the vast majority of the rest will live lives of terrible torment and pain as a result of the perverse actions of this person and other peodophiles. Find them and  put them out of the reach of all children.


Edited by Tropposurfer
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He wont be put in the general population , they have jail in Sale(Victoria Aus) just for these rock spiders , but they still will get shived. There are many ways to fix these rock spiders inside

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There are far too many of these people out there.

Some time ago I read a news story which was about a group set up in the US to catch pedos in their city. In a short period of time they caught sixteen people which were charged. Among the sixteen caught were a Teacher, a Priest and a Police Officer, all groups where kids should be safe. The more they take of the streets the better.

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On June 4, 2019 at 5:45 PM, chickenslegs said:

Good question.

Let's hope the 9 arrests are just first few of many.

63,000 people viewing and sharing this filth on the dark web - I hope they are all in fear, waiting for the police to knock on their door.

Oh so do I, mate, so do I. I hope they all are trembling, feeling sick to the stomach. If I had the capability, I would copy every story about attacks on rock spiders, especially the worst, and post them on that paedo site. With a warning: This is what awaits you, scumbags, a world of hurt.

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Yes I hope Australia will not release him until he served all of his sentence. So he can spend the rest of his filthy life in prison. 

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