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General Prayut returns as prime minister


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30 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

The General is still running things. So the mountain of paperwork and regs we have to go through to get a visa is not about to change or improve.

I honestly doubt that he knows or cares about the mountain of paperwork or regulations. Such minutiae I would think would be decided at a Civil Service level.

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So the circus will now leave town leaving a few powerful clowns behind. If the people really want democracy they are going to have to take a much more difficult course of action. It could get ugly.

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1 minute ago, chama said:

So the circus will now leave town leaving a few powerful clowns behind. If the people really want democracy they are going to have to take a much more difficult course of action. It could get ugly.

The circus will not leave town. They will resequence the acts and pretend they are entirely new.

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25 minutes ago, baboon said:

I honestly doubt that he knows or cares about the mountain of paperwork or regulations. Such minutiae I would think would be decided at a Civil Service level.

Several IO's informed me that the General was behind all the extra immigration paperwork and regs. He is known to be paranoid about farangs and border security. Someone needs to tell him we are not interested in taking over the country, we only came here for the pu55y.

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11 minutes ago, DaRoadrunner said:

Several IO's informed me that the General was behind all the extra immigration paperwork and regs. He is known to be paranoid about farangs and border security. Someone needs to tell him we are not interested in taking over the country, we only came here for the pu55y.

Perhaps. But I doubt that this is the thread to continue this conversation without annoying the mods. Another time, maybe.

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Several IO's informed me that the General was behind all the extra immigration paperwork and regs. He is known to be paranoid about farangs and border security. Someone needs to tell him we are not interested in taking over the country, we only came here for the pu55y.
Specifically what extra immigration paperwork and regs?

Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

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42 minutes ago, Damrongsak said:

Prayut?  The rice farmer guy won?



Well him and the simple salt of the earth farmer to his right. The one who forgot to remove his ID tag... 

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9 hours ago, emptypockets said:

Nightie shredding,  footsie stamping aged expats? 


You blokes should be jumping with joy. After all most of you are spouting that Thailand will be ruined because of this.  That should cause the baht to drop and then you can all put 800,000 in the bank and return to your bar stools and find something else to whinge about. 


To be honest the only people I hear complaining about the newly elected PM are the members of TVF.  The wife is very happy with the outcome as are the rest of the people in our Isaan village. 

Really, the complaining on here is about as effective as two fleas arguing over a dog. But if it gets it off your chest please carry on. Some of the rants make for great comedic entertainment. 

The most boring complainers are those that complain about complaints on TVF. "But if it gets it off your chest please carry on. Some of the rants make for great comedic entertainment. "

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15 hours ago, DaRoadrunner said:

Several IO's informed me that the General was behind all the extra immigration paperwork and regs. He is known to be paranoid about farangs and border security. Someone needs to tell him we are not interested in taking over the country, we only came here for the pu55y.

What extra paperwork?  A couple of offices enforcing the TM 30 thing?   Ya right. 

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20 hours ago, chama said:

So the circus will now leave town leaving a few powerful clowns behind. If the people really want democracy they are going to have to take a much more difficult course of action. It could get ugly.

no new clowns, they all were there before, maybe some shuffling but same same

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On 6/6/2019 at 4:44 AM, smedly said:

The Election was meaningless 


If rules had been applied he would not be PM


Democracy in name only - unfortunately



and before anyone accuses me of anything - go look my posts


I call a spade a spade - how I see it


Hope for Thailand is not looking good, we almost had someone who could have made a difference - he blew it


On a positive note - it could be very negative for the BAHT, an economy like Thailands can not sustain huge military spending and other schemes with 50% being creamed of the top - it will reach a point were the sums don't add up, Thais pretty much make a mess of everything propagated through greed - Nation fiscal solvency is no different, tick tock tick tock

The Baht is controlled won't affect it one Jot

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/6/2019 at 8:38 PM, baboon said:

No he has not. Not by a long way. He has legitimised himself and his junta to himself and his junta.

I disagree. He has been doing fine internationally as a de facto leader for 5 years and the world has accepted him as far as I can see... now as the official PM he will do even better. Other countries don't take too much notice of what is going on behind the scenes as they all have enough of their own problems to deal with. eg. someone in the US or Europe reads a morning news headline that the Thai general elections were not considered fair... who cares? Absolutely no one outside of Thailand.


Thailand's political situation would be very low on a list of world-wide concerns. There is peace and prosperity in Thailand (for now), and that is all that matters. The end justifies the means. Despite all the concerns, one cannot deny that this is a very peaceful period in Thailand's history. The history books will laud PM Prayut as a hero.


If I'm wrong and I've missed something, then what international pressure of any significance other than the odd words here and there has the international community put on him?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/25/2019 at 10:04 AM, johnc925 said:

CNN calls military 'foul', Reuters claims 'manipulation suspicion', and TheGuardian claims it appears 'junta wants to hold onto power'.  (Google: United States official opinion on Thailand recent elections 2019).


In my assessment there is no confidence (currently) in the military led junta (now going on 6 years).  I see no signs mogul investment moving in, as two market indicators I see, are stagnant;  luxury investment and tourism (don't let the immigration numbers fool you; most are retiree renewals and/or visa runs). I hedged bets (unfortunately) that there would be a clean voting process; to which there was not.  

Thailand is one of the gems of ASEAN, with land, trainable workforce... the potential is great.  I believe the US does see the importance of Thailand, but also has its line with democratic process... for more than a decade, Thailand has been playing ping-pong politics IMHO.  Both Canada and the US have issued investment cautions for Thailand in years past; that has not changed. 

I am hopeful Thailand can pull this together, but there is a clear divide between workers and capitalists that are more evident here than many places I have lived in the past.  Picking the pockets of resident expats is another issue that is waning on the popularity of Thailand. I personally know of many friends here who are now looking to Vietnam and other areas to move their lives... and money.   

So in a nutshell, there is no real pressure on him from abroad, and now that he is the official PM, even less. The "world" has bigger fish to fry than worrying about a country that is basically living in peace.

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4 hours ago, tropo said:

So in a nutshell, there is no real pressure on him from abroad, and now that he is the official PM, even less. The "world" has bigger fish to fry than worrying about a country that is basically living in peace.

The election was an ineptly executed sham.

The consequences of the Juntas' bumbling efforts are simply to have weakened their own grasp on power without gaining a veil of democratic legitimacy as compensation.

Prayuth is viewed by foreign powers no differently now than he was prior to the "election".

The idiot has surrendered his Section 44 powers for no tangible return.

(The dunce has just come to this realisation and has already started murmuring about having another coup)


Thailand has neither peace nor prosperity under this regime that it would be experiencing had democracy not been overthrown - the Junta has underperformed in most every metric imaginable.


The history books will record the period spanning 2006 through to 2020 as lost years for Thailand, a period when the vicious greed of a small minority stagnated the countries growth and development causing too many unnecessary deaths and too much unnecessary human suffering.


In summation, you are wrong.

Wrong to measure Prayuth's worth in terms of international pressure.

Measure the man by the impact his regime has had on the quality of life of the people of Thailand.


Try starting with the fact that Thailand, under Prayuth, has become the most unequal nation on the planet when it comes to wealth distribution. The top 10% now own 85.7% of the wealth, before the 2 coups, they only owned 51% of the nations wealth.


Once you've got yourself caught up on Prayuth's effects on wealth inequality, perhaps it time to start looking into why the Human Rights Watched downgraded Thailand to "Not Free" under the Junta's rule.


The people have become poorer and less free - not really a winning combination, no wonder Prayuth had to cheat so much both before and after the recent "election".

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5 hours ago, pornprong said:

The election was an ineptly executed sham.

The consequences of the Juntas' bumbling efforts are simply to have weakened their own grasp on power without gaining a veil of democratic legitimacy as compensation.

Prayuth is viewed by foreign powers no differently now than he was prior to the "election".

The idiot has surrendered his Section 44 powers for no tangible return.

(The dunce has just come to this realisation and has already started murmuring about having another coup)


Thailand has neither peace nor prosperity under this regime that it would be experiencing had democracy not been overthrown - the Junta has underperformed in most every metric imaginable.


The history books will record the period spanning 2006 through to 2020 as lost years for Thailand, a period when the vicious greed of a small minority stagnated the countries growth and development causing too many unnecessary deaths and too much unnecessary human suffering.


In summation, you are wrong.

Wrong to measure Prayuth's worth in terms of international pressure.

Measure the man by the impact his regime has had on the quality of life of the people of Thailand.


Try starting with the fact that Thailand, under Prayuth, has become the most unequal nation on the planet when it comes to wealth distribution. The top 10% now own 85.7% of the wealth, before the 2 coups, they only owned 51% of the nations wealth.


Once you've got yourself caught up on Prayuth's effects on wealth inequality, perhaps it time to start looking into why the Human Rights Watched downgraded Thailand to "Not Free" under the Junta's rule.


The people have become poorer and less free - not really a winning combination, no wonder Prayuth had to cheat so much both before and after the recent "election".

And from what I read in the news this morning, the army chief said he will stop interfering in politics when the new government is sworn in. Since that hasn't happened yet all options must still be on the table.

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9 hours ago, pornprong said:

The election was an ineptly executed sham.

The consequences of the Juntas' bumbling efforts are simply to have weakened their own grasp on power without gaining a veil of democratic legitimacy as compensation.

Prayuth is viewed by foreign powers no differently now than he was prior to the "election".

The idiot has surrendered his Section 44 powers for no tangible return.

(The dunce has just come to this realisation and has already started murmuring about having another coup)


Thailand has neither peace nor prosperity under this regime that it would be experiencing had democracy not been overthrown - the Junta has underperformed in most every metric imaginable.


The history books will record the period spanning 2006 through to 2020 as lost years for Thailand, a period when the vicious greed of a small minority stagnated the countries growth and development causing too many unnecessary deaths and too much unnecessary human suffering.


In summation, you are wrong.

Wrong to measure Prayuth's worth in terms of international pressure.

Measure the man by the impact his regime has had on the quality of life of the people of Thailand.


Try starting with the fact that Thailand, under Prayuth, has become the most unequal nation on the planet when it comes to wealth distribution. The top 10% now own 85.7% of the wealth, before the 2 coups, they only owned 51% of the nations wealth.


Once you've got yourself caught up on Prayuth's effects on wealth inequality, perhaps it time to start looking into why the Human Rights Watched downgraded Thailand to "Not Free" under the Junta's rule.


The people have become poorer and less free - not really a winning combination, no wonder Prayuth had to cheat so much both before and after the recent "election".

You are wrong about many things. Apart from misunderstanding the context of my comments and the reason why I posted them.


There is no international pressure on him of any consequence, that's it. I'm not interested in going into a detailed analysis of his performance, but guns and tanks can and did most certainly provide peace. All the international community see is a peaceful nation lead by an elected government. The details are not of much concern to anyone outside Thailand's borders.  


As far as you rants about democracy are concerned - there has never been democracy in Thailand. Just a pretend democracy with guns and tanks always prepared to move in for any excuse whatsoever. You need to brush up on your history - The country has always been ruled by the military since they overthrew King Prajadhipok and established a constitutional monarchy in 1932. The military stepped in a year later to remove the first PM and have been at it ever since. Let's list them: 1947, 1951, 1957, 1958, 1971, 1976, 1977, 1991, 2006, 2014 (sorry if I've missed any)... Next?

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How can that Prayuth person 'return' as PM, when he has never been chosen by an elected Parliamement, he could't even be one either now, without a twisted 'Constitution' forced upon the ignorant masses! (Guess for once the PTP and UDD fans will not have bad thoughts against me for calling their followers and many others, 'ignorant masses'...)

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

You are wrong about many things. Apart from misunderstanding the context of my comments and the reason why I posted them.


There is no international pressure on him of any consequence, that's it. I'm not interested in going into a detailed analysis of his performance, but guns and tanks can and did most certainly provide peace. All the international community see is a peaceful nation lead by an elected government. The details are not of much concern to anyone outside Thailand's borders.  


As far as you rants about democracy are concerned - there has never been democracy in Thailand. Just a pretend democracy with guns and tanks always prepared to move in for any excuse whatsoever. You need to brush up on your history - The country has always been ruled by the military since they overthrew King Prajadhipok and established a constitutional monarchy in 1932. The military stepped in a year later to remove the first PM and have been at it ever since. Let's list them: 1947, 1951, 1957, 1958, 1971, 1976, 1977, 1991, 2006, 2014 (sorry if I've missed any)... Next?

I don't think I've misinterpreted your nonsense at all.


You claim that because the international reaction to Prayuth's seizure of power has been limited that it is somehow justified, even good, and you also incorrectly diagnose the situation in Thailand in regards to peace and prosperity.


The simmering divisions within Thai society have not been resolved, they've merely been suppressed - the peace you imagine is not real and it is sustained only by the imposition of fear upon the citizenry, hardly a welcome situation to be living under. 


The country is simply not prospering, The Economist magazine just last month diagnosed Thailand as the "sick man of Asia", the suicide rate is heading through the roof as are the levels of inequality and household debt.


The world does not see an elected government. Not even the most foolish observer sees the recent election as anything other than a farcical circus of ineptitude commanded by the most incompetent regime ever seen. 


To state that Thailand has never been a democracy is of course the height of ignorance. You see that 15 year gap between the coups, in that period was born the 1997 constitution and that document begat Thailand its first PM to complete a full term and then win re-election. The fact that Thailand was a democracy is of course the reason there's been the two most recent coups.


The years spent under Prayuth have simply not been good for Thailand regardless of whether or not the level of international pressure meets the level that you believe is required to prove otherwise. It is an idiotic measure to apply to the situation. China harvests organs from its citizens, international pressure on the matter is non existent......does that make it a good thing? Duh!


The details are not of much concern only to you for the obvious reason that it is the details that disprove all that you aver here.

Edited by pornprong
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4 hours ago, pornprong said:

I don't think I've misinterpreted your nonsense at all.


When a forum member leaves a comment, in the first sentence, that another member's comments are nonsense, why waste time typing out the rest. Nothing you presented after "nonsense" is read. It's actually called flaming. You need to brush up on your forum etiquette...  or try to find something more useful to do with your time. Just to ensure I won't see any of YOUR nonsense from here on in, I'll stick you were you belong - on ignore. Good day sir!



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On 6/23/2019 at 7:42 PM, tropo said:

I disagree. He has been doing fine internationally as a de facto leader for 5 years and the world has accepted him as far as I can see... now as the official PM he will do even better. Other countries don't take too much notice of what is going on behind the scenes as they all have enough of their own problems to deal with. eg. someone in the US or Europe reads a morning news headline that the Thai general elections were not considered fair... who cares? Absolutely no one outside of Thailand.


Thailand's political situation would be very low on a list of world-wide concerns. There is peace and prosperity in Thailand (for now), and that is all that matters. The end justifies the means. Despite all the concerns, one cannot deny that this is a very peaceful period in Thailand's history. The history books will laud PM Prayut as a hero.


If I'm wrong and I've missed something, then what international pressure of any significance other than the odd words here and there has the international community put on him?

Dear Troppo.


I am entranced by your bravura performance.Are your posts modeled on Aristophanes' play 'The Birds' perchance?

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5 hours ago, tropo said:

When a forum member leaves a comment, in the first sentence, that another member's comments are nonsense, why waste time typing out the rest. Nothing you presented after "nonsense" is read. It's actually called flaming. You need to brush up on your forum etiquette...  or try to find something more useful to do with your time. Just to ensure I won't see any of YOUR nonsense from here on in, I'll stick you were you belong - on ignore. Good day sir!




Feigned outrage, ducking of the questions and an appeal to authority......where to start?


One thing we know with certainty is that you did indeed read EVERYTHING typed after "nonsense" as it is the DETAILS within the remainder of the post that got you scurrying for cover.


Here's the thing, one of the common recourses of those who support the ideology behind coups and dictators is appealing to authorities to take action on their behalf against those who they feel have slighted them. The report post button within this forum is no doubt punched 100 times by junta supporters for every once it is hit by those opposed.


BTW - committing the very same offence that you claim has so outraged you weakens your argument. If describing your post as nonsense is flaming and lacks etiquette, why have you just gone and done exactly the same thing to my post? It's ok, I already know the answer. It is because your outrage is feigned simply to create an excuse - an incredibly weak excuse, to not respond to the facts and details that so clearly destroyed your position. Good luck with that.



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20 hours ago, pornprong said:

I don't think I've misinterpreted your nonsense at all.


You claim that because the international reaction to Prayuth's seizure of power has been limited that it is somehow justified, even good, and you also incorrectly diagnose the situation in Thailand in regards to peace and prosperity.


The simmering divisions within Thai society have not been resolved, they've merely been suppressed - the peace you imagine is not real and it is sustained only by the imposition of fear upon the citizenry, hardly a welcome situation to be living under. 


The country is simply not prospering, The Economist magazine just last month diagnosed Thailand as the "sick man of Asia", the suicide rate is heading through the roof as are the levels of inequality and household debt.


The world does not see an elected government. Not even the most foolish observer sees the recent election as anything other than a farcical circus of ineptitude commanded by the most incompetent regime ever seen. 


To state that Thailand has never been a democracy is of course the height of ignorance. You see that 15 year gap between the coups, in that period was born the 1997 constitution and that document begat Thailand its first PM to complete a full term and then win re-election. The fact that Thailand was a democracy is of course the reason there's been the two most recent coups.


The years spent under Prayuth have simply not been good for Thailand regardless of whether or not the level of international pressure meets the level that you believe is required to prove otherwise. It is an idiotic measure to apply to the situation. China harvests organs from its citizens, international pressure on the matter is non existent......does that make it a good thing? Duh!


The details are not of much concern only to you for the obvious reason that it is the details that disprove all that you aver here.

Pornprong,I think you are wasting your time. The people who see 'a peace' induced by fear and diminishing rights says a lot about their character. They're aren't worth your efforts...you'll never persuade them.

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The Thais are getting on with their lives just like they always do especially now they have a PM 

The only protests I have seen in the last 5 years are idiotic farang convinced the natives must follow their big bwana version of democracy and so ironic that Thais are trying to squeeze out the big white man through immigration pressure yet still farang insist its their way or the highway.. too funny.

Edited by madmen
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