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Trump calls off tariffs on Mexico after deal on migration

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37 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

And subsequently to that there was this:

U.S. ending aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras over migrants


And then there was this:



Doesn't seem like the US is in a hurry to fulfull that promise. Does it?


Though it's lost favor since Nixon's time, I'm a big an of "linkage" with respect to foreign relations. Trump however has taken it to a whole 'nother level and it smells more like extortion now.






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3 hours ago, Tug said:

Some how I’m not surprised guess he realized the gop weren’t going to let him get away with it

or maybe the worsening economic situation in the USA, using tarif's as a weapon can backfire.

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3 hours ago, james 55555 said:

Trump is doing what he promised the electorate, trying to keep illegals from entering the USA.. 135,00 in this last month of May..How many of them were drug pushers, rapists, murderers,pimps. sex slave traders?  Nobody knows.. So let them all apply for visas legally like hundreds of thousands of other non Americans.


What exactly has he done? He had the House, The Senate, and The Presidency for two straight years and did not secure funding for The Wall. He has instituted severely harsh and unnecessarily cruel detention policies for legal asylum seekers thus forcing more to attempt more illegal entries. We consequently know even less about how many entering than we did before. His policies may well have *increased* illegal immigrants entering and working illegally—exactly what exploitative capitalists want.

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

Anyone who believes in a "deep state" is a hopeless Trump minion who'll defy logic to support the orange baboon.

Brilliant deeply analytical response. Brennan 's security clearance was ordered long ago Why hasn't it been implemented? As I wrote above I don't support everything that Trump does and am definitely not a minion.

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OK, I'm confused. Barely 10 days ago trump said tariffs on Mexico would make us rich, bring back jobs and stop drugs.


And then he folds like a cheap lawn chair in the fall; leaving us with no money, no jobs and plenty of drugs?


Amazing.........isn't a word I'd use to describe trump.


One assumes he slept through Econ101 at Fordham?





Trump Says Companies Will Move From Mexico If He Imposes Tariffs


President Donald Trump said that if he imposes tariffs on Mexico, companies will leave that country to avoid paying them and relocate to the U.S.




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Trade and access to markets are a big stick that can be waved around by big trading blocks/countries instead of armed forces to get what they want. The US is not doing anything that the EU, China or India and others do all the time as well. Surprised they didn't do it more before now and the EU are the masters of this one. Whether you like Trump or not the message has been sent that other places should not think they have unrestrained access to the US market no matter what happens or how they behave. China and a couple other countries will try to just wait-it-out till the next president gets in and he/she will probably be an easy roll-over democrat on trade, but if Trump gets a second term then some trade compromises will be made swiftly.  

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15 minutes ago, Ozman52 said:

Really? Where does it say that?

May I refer you to table 2 Illegal alien population by Country of birth 2010 2015. There are the top 10 countries listed with figures. None of those is Canada.


On further inspection, I can see where you were confused. Fig 3 shows illegal aliens from Mexico as highest , then other North America (which you could presume to be Canada). But there is no listing for Central America - it appears the figures for El Salvador, Guatamala and Honduras were included in Other N.A.

I think you're right. My mistake. Thanks for the correction.

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5 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

He called off the tariffs because Mexico capitulated 


To conclude that you must have read what the signed agreement is. Please post a copy here so we can decide who capitulated.

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After a perusal of all of the  above  comment and opinion I think I have now  formed my own.

Trump  backed away as a result of  some apparently wiser words  than those originally pronounced as POTUS.

Mexico ,in conjunction with its southern neighbors,  has long called for and been awaiting economic development funding as  promised  by the USA.

Mexico has also counted on that to retain those "illegals" in southern Mexico in particular as part of an economic development strategy.

Without the funding to enable that it has simply more or less allowed passage up to the Mexico/US  border.

Most likely is that with US manufacturers objecting vociferously at the  effect tariffs would have the Mexican negotiators  have succeeded in a reiteration of the promise of  funding, whilst agreeing to  stop/slow the flow of asylum seekers to the north ,which gives them and it's southern neighbors mutual purpose to do so.

The agreed strategy of returning asylum seekers to the Mexican side waiting for acceptance may, in the longer term rather than the short , assist to deter a high percentage of those who will risk the  journey if an acceptable alternative is provided.

The crucial  factor will be in the  implementation of funding. There will of course be those  who would object to the US donating money outside it's borders  but that should be considered part an economic  equation that compares the claimed negative impact of illegals on the US as it has been claimed to date.

Perhaps there will be no need for a wall which  in real terms  would have little impact on illegal migration?

The  redirected expense of that wall into a long term solution has the promise of a much more humanitarian outcome all round.

If so Mexico has succeeded in a win that Trump no doubt will try claim as his own.

I wonder did  he  ever consider NAFTA in his misconceived outburst?



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What’s happening is that the world is getting accustomed to Trump’s capriciousness: threats accompanied by vague demands, followed by temporary lifting of those threats in exchange for vague promises with no benchmark to measure progress, leaving Trump as the final arbiter of whether something something has been something something by someone somewhere somehow at some point in the somewhat future. MAGA!

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43 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

What’s happening is that the world is getting accustomed to Trump’s capriciousness: threats accompanied by vague demands, followed by temporary lifting of those threats in exchange for vague promises with no benchmark to measure progress, leaving Trump as the final arbiter of whether something something has been something something by someone somewhere somehow at some point in the somewhat future. MAGA!

And that is it in a nutshell. 

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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Trump calls off tariffs on Mexico after deal on migration

All we have is the U.S. version of any agreement between the U.S. and Mexico regarding immigration through Mexico. Until there's something in writing it's all speculative and deniable.

When Trump is strongly pressured against one of his policies, he typically declares a victory rather than admit pulling back in defeat. Thus far, it seems that what the U.S. has said about Mexican immigration policy concessions only reflects what Mexico has been doing all along.


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There's this weird belief among Trump supporters that Mexico can do what the US can't - sesal its borders. That somehow if Mexico were only to put its foot down, illegal immigration would slow dramatically. Not only does Mexico have more border to contend with, but it's got a lot few resources to assign to it. In addition it has its own huge crime problems and corruption is rampant in the police and armed services. But somehow, despite this, it's going to be able to clamp down on illegal immigration.

Mexico has more border? Please clarify

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18 minutes ago, Sealbash said:

Mexico has more border? Please clarify

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Well, it's got the southern border and the northern border. I was referring to the issue of illegal immigration coming from the south. It's in that regard that Mexico has more border to defend. Of course if you include the Canadian border, then the US wins. But that one isn't much of an issue in this case, is it?

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3 minutes ago, Ozman52 said:

Mexico has agreed to deploy 6000 troops to the Guatamalan border, covered by any number of news sources yesterday (Wash Poss, BBC.......)

I assume they are not there for a vacation. 

That border is 871 kilometers long. Lots of it is jungle. And the Mexican armed forces aren't exactly legendary for their immunity to corruption. To be fair, neither is the border patrol of the United States. Which is one reason why it's hardly grown at all since Trump took office. The temptations are so great, that each applicant has to be very carefully vetted. Given the interpenetration of Mexican and Guatemalan citizens in daily life, it seems unlikely that the forces there will put a serious crimp in the business of smuggling humans across the border.

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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

That border is 871 kilometers long. Lots of it is jungle. And the Mexican armed forces aren't exactly legendary for their immunity to corruption. To be fair, neither is the border patrol of the United States. Which is one reason why it's hardly grown at all since Trump took office. The temptations are so great, that each applicant has to be very carefully vetted. Given the interpenetration of Mexican and Guatemalan citizens in daily life, it seems unlikely that the forces there will put a serious crimp in the business of smuggling humans across the border.

Lot's of jungle, and not many roads. Jungle is nature's version of a wall. If it is to Mexico's advantage I'm sure they can find a way to stifle the flow.

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22 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

That's like saying, "If's it to the USA's advantage, I'm sure they can find a way to stifle the flow." How has that worked out on America's southern border?

That's like saying "The USA is the same as Mexico."  Mexico is not saddled with limp-wrist laws giving "rights" to criminals, nor are they as reticent in enforcing the laws they do have when it is to their advantage.

8 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

somehow i am not surprised he got mexico to start doing what they should have been doing from the beginning,


but with the massive amount of corrupt border and police forces in mexico, time will tell.


they have 90 days to show they are serious.


i am sure your tds won't allow you to think this is a good thing




total dissolved solids?

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7 hours ago, zydeco said:

Here are the "details" as released by the State Department. About as vague as can be. Trump caved. I knew it. https://www.state.gov/u-s-mexico-joint-declaration/

you have no idea what you are talking about


Mexico will take unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration, to include the deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border. Mexico is also taking decisive action to dismantle human smuggling and trafficking organizations as well as their illicit financial and transportation networks. Additionally, the United States and Mexico commit to strengthen bilateral cooperation, including information sharing and coordinated actions to better protect and secure our common border.


of course, they have 90 days to prove they aren't as corrupt as they have been in the past



if that is "caving" i will take it

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1 hour ago, Ozman52 said:

Mexico has agreed to deploy 6000 troops to the Guatamalan border, covered by any number of news sources yesterday (Wash Post, BBC.......)

I assume they are not there for a vacation. 

Conditionally. In an ironic twist it would  appear that the US  will  pay, not Mexico. No pay, no play. Ok? lol


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8 hours ago, bristolboy said:

We'll see if Trump caved. The memo says that asylum seekers can be returned to Mexico to await adjudication. It also says the US promises to speed up adjudication. The question is whether asylum seekers will wait in Mexico or just find some other way to cross the border. Now that it's summer border crossing will decrease. The effect of this agreement won't be fully known until the autumn.

OK. Though it is good news, the announcement of aid by the US is a complete U Turn by trump on fairly recent decisions to terminate or drastically reduce aid to the source countries. The US / Mexico agreement for returning asylum seekers to Mexico until their status has been finalised is in breach of international laws. My take is US will fully fund the Mexican costs for the asylum seekers being supported by Mexico, plus costs for deploying 6,000 security personnel to Mexico's southern border. What is further good news is the tariff now not being implemented as it would have hurt both US and Mexico. Is trump finally gaining a bit of common sense?

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