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Chinese tourist in Bangkok caught defecating in street next to shocked diners


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1 minute ago, Sydebolle said:

Congrats are in order - another pristine example of TATs endeavours in attracting "quality" tourists. As far as I am concerned I still wonder, what kind of excellent weed the boys at TAT are smoking ............

Maybe you should read back a few posts before yours and retract.

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Poor bugger probably ate some rotten food and was stuck with no public toilet. Very quick to call people out on things like this but anyone who as ever had a real stomach bug or food poisoning will understand that you cannot always wait 20 minutes to find the nearest shitter. At least he tried to get it down the drain which is more than can be said for many a good clean wholesome Thai, that stops their car and pisses all over the path or the side of the road in full view of everyone. Just have a minute to think and ask yourself just what would you do if you got the Bangkok belly, because when it happens, yo do not get to make a choice. Constipation is the thief of time but diarrhea waits for no man!

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52 minutes ago, John P Ryke said:

wow all you Chinese bashers, how do you feel now.....talk about holier than thou....what about the British scumbag stealing 2000 baht from a Thai  woman......not so much outrage over that.....as a Thai teenager with autism who must be a Chinese......well done.......think about it next time before you start throwing insults.....

Well said sir! These hypocrites are terribly politically correct in all of their post to make sure that they never offend a homosexual, a lesbian a gay a transsexual a black an Arab, muslim or a Jew, but they show their true colours when they post about the Chinese.

Come on, deep down we are all racists, we all think we are better than anyone else so stop bullshitting everyone else and yourselves, we believe we are superior whatever our race or ethnicity, it is just that so many people around the world seem to have forgotten how absolutely number one we British are!  After all, we did have an amazing Empire where the sun never set and we covered 2/3rds of the globe. You can't get better than that can you?


We should have said no to the Thais and their rice repatriations after WWII, damn to the American interferers, we should have colonized the damn place when we had the chance, tried them for war crimes an looted the country, by God we would be getting 10,000 Baht to a pound these days if we did, and Sooty wouldn't be running the place either, he would be kow towing as he should be to his colonial masters.

Edited by Formaleins
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1 hour ago, katana said:

It turns out that intrepid Thairath investigative reporters have discovered the real identity of the unknown crapper in a follow up story on 18/06/19.
The mystery pooer wasn't Chinese after all, but a Thai autistic teenager aged 15-16 who lives in the Yarowat area with his family. He also has a habit of urinating on local street signs. His family try and keep an eye on him, but sometimes he wanders off and events such as those described in the OP occur. Local Yarowat residents try and cut him some slack and not complain since they are aware of his condition.

I think you should message the OP and ask him to edit and update his first post.

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Fake News, who needs CNN, Fox and MSNBC, just put a pick any story from Thai Rath and it is guaranteed to be more incorrect and more biased than the "Volkischer Beobachter" or "Der Angriff"  they really are the pits of the pits. Who is the editor? Josefsom Tam Goebelsporn

Edited by Formaleins
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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

When I lived in India, you would regularly see a local curling one out on the side of the road, but even they were discrete enough not to do it in a crowded street. It shows a shocking level of "shitty" manners to do this in front of people eating. Clearly he has no shame whatsoever, but he is Chinese, so a quality tourist apparently.


When you gotta go, you gotta to go... 

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2 hours ago, smileydude said:

News just updated that the accused is a 17 yr old special needs lad and is Thai and well known around the area for running amok around cars (apparently dancing by buses) and urinating all over the place.


Another example of unchecked facts and racial profiling common on social media.


Can’t really believe anything posted nowadays unless you are part of the story.

Shit happens. 

Once in a wat while we were praying, a group of special needs children came in and one of them squat over a drainage outlet and start dropping his pants to shit. Oh my Buddha ! Who by the way was sitting in a lotus position a couple of meters away. Luckily the minder who was nearby acted fast enough to stop his antics. 

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8 hours ago, bluesofa said:

It begs the question as to whether there's an international standard to measure pooh. A sort of Richter Scale perhaps?



There's also the Bristol Stool Chart:




Veni, vidi, feci - I came, I saw, I crapped.

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2 hours ago, Selatan said:

Maybe you should read back a few posts before yours and retract.

Based on the headline used literally everywhere .........  I've seen Chinese doing things in this country you would not hold for possible.

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Definitely need to update the title of this thread.

As usual people are reading the headline and posting without realising that the thread has taken a new direction ( not damning just stating a fact ).

The person in question is an autistic teenage Thai boy who has been known to act in a similar wY before, locals are aware of this and therefore not creating a scene.

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11 hours ago, Razek said:

Diarre come after eating street thai food and come suddenly you have only 2 choise and answer the question not make the music called imagination 1980

<deleted>, how can you defend this, unless of course you're the phantom crapper.

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We as readers to TVN take Webfact as being, well, fact..

Or as close to the known truth at that point time.


Fortunately most posts are jocular in nature, but it does leave us with egg on the face if the OP is totally wrong about what they say is a web fact...????




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I did say earlier in the thread, why go digging back to March to find a Sinophobic story.


Now I have the horrible suspicion that it was hoped that the fact that this was a known local Thai autistic kid had been forgotten and it could be pinned on a Chinese tourist for clicks.


Which, if even half true, is f***** disgusting on many levels.


1. To the boy himself.

2. To readers

3. To the unnamed tourist, i.e. any Chinese you like.


Like I said in the 69 year old detained American border jumper thread, the fifth estate are evil.

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12 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

Apparently when interviewed later the quality tourist said he thought Bangkok was a dump ????

The English translation is more accurate....he thought Bangkok was a...."s h i t  h o l e"....!

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3 hours ago, Damrongsak said:



There's also the Bristol Stool Chart:




Veni, vidi, feci - I came, I saw, I crapped.

I never heard of this, but I have heard of the Bristol Stomp.  

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And in the meantime - if you are a "farang" over the age of 50, and do not have not got 800,000 baht in a THAI bank account - go back home! 


Or if you want quantity rather than quality - som nom na! (app!)

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