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Thai “Village” Women Threatens to Kill Her Husband/My Friend


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Come back to Thailand or Cambo or Loas; get a Visa facilitator to assist with a proper visa. He could have spent a couple thousand $US to a Visa guy and avoided the expense of travelling to these other countries. 

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1 minute ago, IAMHERE said:

Come back to Thailand or Cambo or Loas; get a Visa facilitator to assist with a proper visa. He could have spent a couple thousand $US to a Visa guy and avoided the expense of travelling to these other countries. 

His bipolar makes this impossible for him.  Even though he has the money, he refuses to spend it on any visas because, as an American, he is entitled to travel without government interference.  Makes sense only to him.


They will be heading to Turkey today and to the Philippines on the 30th.  Not sure that Turkey is the place right now for a Jewish, white, self-absorbed American who has a recent Israel visa in his passport.  I would not go.

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1 hour ago, George36 said:

I guess drama is in the eyes of the beholder.  I consider the two videos above to be drama and dangerous.  For both parties.  Others may disagree and I respect that.  Thanks.

Well, either party does not, Should you not keep your nose out of peoples personal lives?

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3 minutes ago, George36 said:

Perhaps.  Would be better for me to turn my back on my friend.  Difficult to do.

Unless i missed it, i did not see you mentioning he was asking for help. Did he?

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4 minutes ago, BestB said:

Unless i missed it, i did not see you mentioning he was asking for help. Did he?

He is always asking for help from everyone, everywhere.  His Facebook videos and postings call for others to come to his rescue.  He uses his bipolar and the American Disability Act to try to demand assistance and help.  


The problem is that he trusts no one and will not take advice unless it fits perfectly into his beliefs.  

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She is 37 and worked in a beer bar in Pattaya where they met. 


Ask your friend what caliper woman he would expect to meet in a wh*rehouse in his home country and if he would expect a relationship with her to end well? ????

Edited by SiSePuede419
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3 minutes ago, George36 said:

He is always asking for help from everyone, everywhere.  His Facebook videos and postings call for others to come to his rescue.  He uses his bipolar and the American Disability Act to try to demand assistance and help.  


The problem is that he trusts no one and will not take advice unless it fits perfectly into his beliefs.  

Do you actually know what bipolar is?


So he has not asked you for any help, but you decided you are the one to help?


Were you aware, people with bipolar change moods more often than you change undies?


They can go from happy to depressed to chilled to aggressive in a short space of time.


Their energy levels drops just as fast, so as their ability to function.


Now he posted a video, 10 mins later he is singing with joy.


You worry about him? you should worry about her, because her life is a never ending roller coaster and clearly he is not taking any meds



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1 minute ago, SiSePuede419 said:

She is 37 and worked in a beer bar in Pattaya where they met. 


Ask your friend what caliper woman he would expect to meet in a wh*rehouse in his home country and if he would expect a relationship with her to end well? ????

I have had that discussion with him.  He readily admits to having a threesome with her and a male friend of his the first night they hooked-up.  Now, it is him “not knowing” for sure that she was a prostitute.


i believe the need for comfort and a family drives him.  He has alienated everyone in his sphere stateside.  



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12 minutes ago, BestB said:

Do you actually know what bipolar is?


   Yes, I have studied it a lot to try to assist.



So he has not asked you for any help, but you decided you are the one to help?


    Yes, he has asked me for help almost continuously and I have tried.  He just is unable to trust anyone including me.



Were you aware, people with bipolar change moods more often than you change undies?


Oh yes.  You can see it in almost every video.  Manic and, then, depressive.  Suicidal and, then, happy as can be.  



You worry about him? you should worry about her, because her life is a never ending roller coaster and clearly he is not taking any meds


  I do worry about her and have given her all my contact information for emergencies.  She has told me to butt out.  


   An American friend of both of them indicated that the woman is earning her money from him by putting up with his craziness.  She has him upgrading the house in the village and is getting him to turn it into a “resort” so other Americans can visit.  She owns one of the two condos in Pattaya.  At the end of the day, she will have earned the assets she will retain with any ending.



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1 minute ago, George36 said:

    Oh yes.  You can see it in almost every video.  Manic and, then, depressive.  Suicidal and, then, happy as can be.  



   I do worry about her and have given her all my contact information for emergencies.  She has told me to butt out.  


   An American friend of both of them indicated that the woman is earning her money from him by putting up with his craziness.  She has him upgrading the house in the village and is getting him to turn it into a “resort” so other Americans can visit.  She owns one of the two condos in Pattaya.  At the end of the day, she will have earned the assets she will retain with any ending.



Then perhaps take her advice and butt out ????

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But, you are right.  I chance trouble and pain.  I am 65 and just cannot desert him.


I understand your feelings.  Even though my bipolar ex-wife put me through hell, I will still be there to help her if things got really bad.  But as you already know, his illness means that he can switch feelings in a few seconds.


Does he actually take any bipolar medication?  Often, those with manic episodes will not take their medication because they enjoy the mania.  Taking a medicine that 'brings them down from planet zog' is not on their priority list.



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10 minutes ago, simon43 said:

Does he actually take any bipolar medication?  Often, those with manic episodes will not take their medication because they enjoy the mania.  Taking a medicine that 'brings them down from planet zog' is not on their priority list.

No medicines whatsoever.  He says that he lives on Ibuprofen.  He has no medical insurance while overseas and does not get any when he is in Thailand.  


We fear that he is a prime candidate for a stroke.  High blood pressure, bad cholesterol, heart palpitations, stress of bipolar craziness, etc.  This is all taken from his complaints in his videos.



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7 minutes ago, George36 said:

No medicines whatsoever.  He says that he lives on Ibuprofen.  He has no medical insurance while overseas and does not get any when he is in Thailand.  


We fear that he is a prime candidate for a stroke.  High blood pressure, bad cholesterol, heart palpitations, stress of bipolar craziness, etc.  This is all taken from his complaints in his videos.



You need a really big helping of 'mind your own business'

Conspiring with the guys government to spy on him is not the actions of a friend.

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You need a really big helping of 'mind your own business'...


I wouldn't have used these words.  Rather, I'd say that there is little to nothing that you can do right now.  As a friend, all you can do is to help to 'pick up the pieces' when he crashes and burns, as he no doubt will unless he seeks help.

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18 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You need a really big helping of 'mind your own business'

Conspiring with the guys government to spy on him is not the actions of a friend.

Will need to agree to disagree.  Thanks.

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Not sure much more can be discussed.  I thank everyone for their thoughts and input.  It has helped me greatly.


Will now move on to planning our July trip to Pattaya.  Will be staying at the LK the Empress.



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@George36 I get some of what you are going through.


I had a friend here in UK (call him T for this discussion) who was Bipolar and this was confirmed by his GP to another very close friend of us both.  (call him A for this discussion)

For obvious reasons, that was all the GP ever confirmed - it was enough! 


I actually first met A at T's home when T was well ie not suffering any symptoms. A and I became and have remained close friends to this day.


When well, T could not have been a nicer, more generous person. He was very knowledgeable about IT-related issues and could teach me stuff - and I was an IT-professional for 40 years. T was self-taught and had never held down a professional job - lucky for him that the UK benefit scheme provided and that his family had left him some money.  He was also an excellent cook.


When T became unwell, he was frequently visited by the police and in the 10 years I knew him, he was sectioned 4 times which resulted in him being detained in the hospital. A and I visited him there and on one visit, we were handed a bunch of papers by the male nurse - apparently T had tried to appoint us his official carers without even mentioning it to us! He knew that would get him released from hospital.  When A and I denied any such responsibility, I really believe that T would have physically attacked us had he not been sedated.


When released to go home, T would take his meds and return to the great guy he could be....after a while he'd stop taking the meds and the whole sad cycle started again. Just before "they came for him", he'd get really unpleasant and deny that anything was wrong - we were all "out to get him" - I think the usual word is paranoid - not nice but I don't know a better one.  At one point, he went out late at night, got into a fight and ended up in hospital, not only sectioned but with his jaw wired up! We never heard the whole truth of that episode.


Eventually, T decided to move out of the area - this was 5 years ago and I've not heard from him since, neither has A. To be honest, we'd rather not hear again as, and this is the point of my post: dealing with a person with these problems is so VERY stressful - they will drag you down or get you in trouble just by association if you're not careful.


Well done @George36 but it sounds as if, as others have said, that you've done your best, and for your own sanity need to consider some damage limitation. The irony of it is that your friend, like my friend T, will never know what a good mate he has.

Edited by VBF
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4 minutes ago, George36 said:



Thank you.  I felt you post.  

You're welcome - a little ineffectual but at least you know that others have tried in similar situations and hopefully don't beat yourself up over it all.

Good luck  :wai: 

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20 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Is he receiving professional assistance with his mental illness?

Your role should be to support him in his decisions, as a friend, give him options for assistance from skilled professionals and assist to protect his assets.

Beyond that I doubt there is anything you could do.






I think he's doing everything the wrong way. I had problems with my ex to. She said I should be more affectionate. I took her advice and now I have 3 girlfriends ........

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I have ZERO sympathy for any guy that takes a bar fly......young or old.......from abar and thinks he will find happiness.......IT JUST DONT HAPPEN.

At 37 this is a well seasoned  _________________bag~!!


lololol take a bipolar guy and add scumbag bargirl guess what???. TROUBLE



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43 minutes ago, justin case said:

troll for sure...if no minor kids involved, why not cut his losses and move back to usa, where she cannot go

Read the whole thread more carefully. The OP is a friend of someone who is apparently Bi-Polar. This used to be called Manic Depressive. People with this condition don't act rationally (by accepted standards) so a sensible suggestion doesn't even register, or they may even turn on you for suggesting it!

See my #79 with which the OP concurs.

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20 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

I am bipolar. I have been medicated for ten years and live a fairly normal life. Until you get his illness under control you have no chance. 


Remember, this is coming from someone that has suffered terribly from this illness for over 30 years. Until medical intervention has happened, he will be a mess and even with medical intervention, it may be too late to change his ways at his age if he has been medically non compliant the whole time. You live your illness, everything seems so outlandishly real, it seems reality is playing a joke on you. 

You clearly take your meds and abide by the doctors' suggestions. My friend did not, with the results I've described, and the OP's friend isn't even close! 

My friend always thought that his meds were causing his mind to lose clarity...THAT was when he stopped taking them and THAT was the start of another downward spiral.

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21 hours ago, George36 said:

I am 65 and just cannot desert him.

I have lost a few friends in the last year or so... actually their choice but the relationship was getting unpleasant - negativity is not good for your health... surely, you cannot help him... just avoid him until he gets on some decent meds... the guy needs meds. 

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2 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

You feel drugged and constantly like your mind has lost its clarity.


2 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

it is going to be a messy ending and there is nothing he can do about it.


34 minutes ago, VBF said:

My friend always thought that his meds were causing his mind to lose clarity...THAT was when he stopped taking them

My best friend 40 years ago went through this same cycle of needing but not wanting to take his meds... which made him lethargic. I wuold hope there are better meds these days - my friend killed himself at age 30... 

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