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New laws target people in Thailand who smoke at home


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So can we consider Government kills the society because they are failed to protect the citizen from all pollution, traffic accident, etc? 

People paid tax for them to take care of it though, and maybe we don't even need to count how much money spent for the disease caused by pollution, traffic accident and everything else, it will be a lot. 


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19 hours ago, jvs said:

Why don't they enforce the anti smoking laws that are already in place but not enforced?More idle talk from a government that doesn't enforce most laws.

Nothing to do with the government. The government doesn't enforce laws. The police do - or in Thailand's case, don't. What the government should do is replace the pretend police force with another group, trained from the military. Then there might be some, a little, law and order in Thailand. Ever since the latest coup they already have to go out with the pretend police on many occasions, to assist the incompetents and to oversee that they operate properly.

As to this latest law, which I'm sure will never used, it's just more of the usual hot air from politicians trying to pretend they are useful for something, anything.

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a persons home is his/her castle...how can they dictate just WHAT one does in ones castle....

There are many people who live alone in their castle and DO not affect anyone else....How many people have been caught/fined for smoking in an area closer the 5 mtrs to a building..???

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16 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

I know how she feels. It's so hard to give up. How did you do it? Any tips. Most of my friends back home did it vaping. I wish Thailand would legalise vaping. Maybe I should try hypno therapy.

I finally stopped after the 3rd attempt (6 months each time) 6 years nicotine free now after more than 50 years, and before quitting completely was down to half a cig a day - seems sad now! My tip - slowly! First step, not in the house, second step not on the balcony, last step - not in the bar with your booze! (That was the hardest part!)

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This I think is OTT. I'm a non smoker and agree with the 5 metre rule from public places, however it is not being enforced. Many smokers just ignore the rules in bars and restaurants, without interference from anybody and in fact with encouragement from outlet owners/managers, so why bother.

The new rules would be very difficult to prosecute under and would require several medical opinions ( including those of an independent medical specialist). Waiting for the first case to be brought up. 

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It would be far better if they stopped people burning rubbish in their plantations/gardens, which produces far more harmful smoke than an occasional ciggy..........by the way, I am a non smoker an hate the stuff.  I have also just suffered two and a half hours of some inconsiderate locate local burning rubbish in his Resort, but only because, surprise, surprise, he has no Guests.  I have taken photos and will ask my Thai wife to send them to the Tesabann, but can be pretty sure nothing will happen.  Role on cancer!

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20 hours ago, jvs said:

Why don't they enforce the anti smoking laws that are already in place but not enforced?More idle talk from a government that doesn't enforce most laws.

Quite. Many people still smoke with gay abandon in restaurants.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

The brilliant strategy the army has for leading Thailand into the future.


1. Do not act, to develop an effective system for traffic safety, nor public safety. Do not bolster the highway patrol, nor make an effort to go after reckless drivers.

2. Do not work to arrest people in prominent positions, those who are connected, those in the army, those who are super wealthy, or those in the police force, who engage in human trafficking, illegal fishing, drug trafficking, or slavery.

3. Do not work to create a system of meritocracy, where ministers and people in important positions, are there due to skill, intelligence, vision and wisdom. Continue with your current system, based entirely on cronyism.

4. Do not do anything whatsoever, to improve the air quality, or environmental standards, so that the people of this nation can enjoy a higher quality of life.

5. Do not attempt to improve visa policy, nor make life easier for Western tourists, or ex-pats.

6. Do continue avoiding the fight against corruption, on all levels. 

7. Do continue avoiding any sort of plan for the nation's future. 


But, do continue interfering with people's lives, and do continue inflicting a sense of false purity, and fake morality on the nation. Do continue with excessive nationalistic fervor, which increases racism, decreases understanding, and moves the nation backwards, on countless levels.


Do continue with proclamations, declarations, crackdowns, and writing new laws, that you have no intention of enforcing. In the first five years, you rarely ever followed any of these up. After two weeks, all was forgotten.


Do continue sabotaging Western tourism, and promoting tourism nearly exclusively to India and China. This will insure the continued decline of the industry, and will not help with the well being of millions, who are involved in the industry.


Do continue protecting the elite, the super wealthy, those that are in the army, the high ranking police, and those who are well connected. 



God how I miss the Shins. Those were the days when everything was perfect...

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They should also forbid to smoke in public in certain clubs and discothèques !! 
How about you let the club owner decide that. Their club = their rules.

No one needs to go into a smoking club if he doesn't want to, clubs aren't public goods. If it would be profitable then non smoking clubs will exist.

Sent from my LYA-L29 using Tapatalk

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California is currently 1 of 8 states in the United States that has a smoke-free car law.30 California’s smoke-free vehicles law was passed in 2007 and was implemented on January 1, 2008.32 The California law prohibits smoking in a motor vehicle when a minor (age ≤17 years) is present. Law enforcement may not stop a vehicle for a smoking violation alone; it must be secondary to another infraction, and violators of the law can be fined up to $100.



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21 hours ago, Eligius said:

This hypocritical incursion of government interference into EVERY aspect of people's lives is getting ridiculous.

I am a life-long non-smoker. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke. But to start bossing people around in the privacy of their own homes is - well, there is a banned word for it, and it begins with the letter 'd' !


Wait a minute. If one person smokes 50-60 cigarettes a day at home in the living room but his wife and child don't smoke, surely that's a form of abuse? Neither I nor my mother would have thought that way in the 60s, but the air was always smokey and the white ceiling stained yellow. These are different times, people have more protection from the aggression of others (yes, maybe too much protection in a few cases). 

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

Health officials say smokers in Thailand face having their life expectancy cut short by about 18 years and that 72,000 people die from the effects of smoking each year.

Be fair, live fast , die young. With government pensions schemes that pay next to nothing to live on, they would not have much to look forwards to anyway in old life

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