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In laws are retiring soon. Guess how much their monthly pension is?

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20 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

Yeah I think 60k is closer to what a senior male teacher recieves as pension. 


Several of my relatives are teachers or have retired from teaching. They do very well for themselves, especially living in a rural setting with not much to spend on. Many Thais are very well off because they have/had decent playing jobs and they don't spend money on trips to America or Europe as we do in reverse. Many also own land that has passed down the generations and has rocketed in value. My late father-in-law and other members of his family were able to just lay claim on land they wanted until comparatively recent times. I guess the same thing happened in Australia and the USA at one time.

1 hour ago, CGW said:

I don't believe they see this as a problem, it is not an "education" system - more of an indoctrination system where they are indoctrinated to be serfs! The last thing they want is an educated population questioning what is happening, the few who are capable of asking questions are usually educated outside of Thailand.

However the advent of smart phones and the abundance of the internet means that the youth have far greater access to information than we ever did 50 or even 20 years ago. There will always be a small percentage who will make use of it and inform others on their social networks.

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23 hours ago, ghworker2010 said:

It seems that any thai who was lucky enough to land in a long term government job has a comfortable life in retirement. 

Not only in Thailand, it appears all around the world is the same, if one can get a government job usually it's for life,  they barely get fired, usually work not heavy, also good (flexible) working hours, they get public and government holidays....

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21 hours ago, mosan said:

My wife gets 36,000 in SS from the US and I give her another 36,000 from my retirement for 72,000 total.  She pays for everything...I just eat, sleep, and complain. But, considering the cost of living here, I don't spend another dime and the rest of my Pension get banked/invested every month.  However, I do go home and get a new O-A Visa every two years...


I think she got a better deal hanging out with me and working in the US. 


1 hour ago, CGW said:

ogical thinking is not a strong point in Thai culture! The world is witnessing a growing social divide, the small number of people with a lot of money are getting more of it. I believe we are at a bleak time in history, AI (artificial intelligence) has already wiped out millions of jobs, it will continue to do so, driver less cars and trucks which are being forced on us will wipe out 20% of working class jobs, the opportunity's for people to make money through hard work are diminishing, its a long story, freedom of speech is just a memory, we are surrounded by "security" for our own protection, we are monitored wherever we go, this has all come about in recent years, 20 years down the road where will we be? looking more like we will be in a prison society rather than a free and fair truly democratic world, those with the money simply don't give a dam for those without, sustainability as we have known it is going to take on a new meaning!

So very true- there is no understanding in Thailand of what the future can bring because they cannot understand the past. We know history continues to repeat itself.  


The massive use of robotics; AI to power all types of transport will have a devastating affect on work and income.


Until people wake up and understand- just because you can build it- doesn't mean you have to- nothing will change.


Western countries are already examine the concept of a guaranteed income for citizens because AI makes them redundant.  To what end-  we can still say no to driver less cars and the intrusion of AI in our lives.

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23 hours ago, Lacessit said:

That is the majority of rural Thais. Working in a rice field doesn't qualify. I wouldn't say they've hardly ever held a job, it's back-breaking work.

Unfortunately living in a village for last 3 years the quality of education seems to lack as does inspiring children the importance of education for their future. 


If the people who are faced with 500 baht a month at retirement age could get the children to understand go to school learn so something for yourself. 


Im sure a percentage of families the children take care of the parents when they get older. Maybe I’m wrong and only basing on

the village children are becoming adults and I know many men in twenties don’t work and little to no intention to work. 


Then what happens to children taking care of the parents it will 

little by little fade away. It’s troublesome and maybe I shouldn’t 

involve Myself. But I don’t want to see anyone fail in life it only 

leads to worse things..

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Excellent for you...no need to support sick buffalo BS right.  The governemnt does that.  So you're off the hook. Consider yourself lucky unlike many expats that are supporting the village and x or current boyfriend.

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ghworker - All governments of the world are too big.  In Thailand you want to be a teacher, government worker, or work with the police.  All governments could fire 25% of their people and still function.  Most place for this kind of work you have to buy your job and maybe your promotions.  

2 hours ago, oldrunner said:

I'm assuming you speak of Thai Baht?

Yes Thai Baht...monthly. And for the record, my wife is from the jungles of Issan. She was my maid when I worked here years ago.  Convinced her family to let her come with me to the US...said she would make more in one month than they made in a year. 

  • Like 1
13 hours ago, CGW said:

Thai society has long been structured with the "Elites" at the top, then the "civil services", the rest have always been serfs or peasants - nothing has changed, in fact it has gone backwards, "governments" (Elite's & influential families) take care of the "civil services" as they are the "buffer" between them and the "serf's" that's how I see it!

Utter BS, there are loads of Thai's working for commercial companies who make good money. 

  • Like 1
13 hours ago, Fred31 said:

BestB is a smug jerk who doesn't know what work is, how can he say anything? Thais work their butts off for peanuts and retire on nearly nothing. And have only has medical care since Thaksin, before that there was nothing. 

Thais who don't go to school, start working as a kid work for peanuts. Thai's who make the effort to get a good education earn good money. 

  • Like 1
11 hours ago, CGW said:


Logical thinking is not a strong point in Thai culture! The world is witnessing a growing social divide, the small number of people with a lot of money are getting more of it. I believe we are at a bleak time in history, AI (artificial intelligence) has already wiped out millions of jobs, it will continue to do so, driver less cars and trucks which are being forced on us will wipe out 20% of working class jobs, the opportunity's for people to make money through hard work are diminishing, its a long story, freedom of speech is just a memory, we are surrounded by "security" for our own protection, we are monitored wherever we go, this has all come about in recent years, 20 years down the road where will we be? looking more like we will be in a prison society rather than a free and fair truly democratic world, those with the money simply don't give a dam for those without, sustainability as we have known it is going to take on a new meaning!

Maybe time for a beer! 

Or for a good job in IT

3 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Thais who don't go to school, start working as a kid work for peanuts. Thai's who make the effort to get a good education earn good money. 

Even those who did not go to school but actually work , can end up doing ok. Not great but ok. The lazy ones who do bare minimum naturally get paid accordingly and that is when they decide to actually work instead of doing nothing . 

16 hours ago, JulesMad said:

That is why jobs in government schools, army and police are very wanted. Some more than others, but they have lowish salaries, but good pension and healthcare for them and family. Much better than most farmers...

Also most of them only work 5 days a week and seem to enjoy all sorts of holidays such as Buddha days when they don’t seem to work compared with other employees who appear to work 6 and 7 days a week.

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2 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Utter BS, there are loads of Thai's working for commercial companies who make good money. 

It would be more credible when you are making such statements if you came out with actual numbers or percentages, with a supporting link. "Loads of Thais" doesn't cut the mustard. Utter BS indeed.

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On 6/25/2019 at 8:24 PM, BestB said:

Rice fields is one month work, indeed back breaking, only no one forced them to work in rice fields, they could go get a job elsewhere.


whats next self employed who never pay a cent in personal taxes or social security should be entitled to tax money? Its not the nanny West and thanks for that, but even in the nanny West low income pay taxes unlike Thailand

One month? Right another armchair sneerer farmer. A guy that didn't get much schooling and is over 30 has very little chance of finding a job, a family member in Chonburi lost his job at the age of 28 and only with difficulties found another. I guess you will be happy to know that this very difficult way of life is dying out, I see the rice fields changing hands to big business every year.

You also obviously have no idea of how the family support system, we supply about 10 family members in Chonburi with rice throughout the year, and are confident that we will be looked after when we are too old to work.

In other words, (*&^%$ deleted - you.

  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Thais who don't go to school, start working as a kid work for peanuts. Thai's who make the effort to get a good education earn good money. 

Yes, that's it. We can hardly afford to get our grandchild through halfway decent schooling as it is, how does a Thai making THB50 000 a year do that.

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15 hours ago, BestB said:

You nailed it, unlike you, who is made to believe that supporting her and her family of parasites is a norm, BestB has lived most of his life in Thailand, working and living among working Thai people, not the parasites who work 1-2 months per year and wait for the hand out.



Just wondering - in all this railing against lazy and parasitic Thais, how industrious were you? Did you work in the private sector, or in some government position?

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31 minutes ago, cranki said:

You have absolutely no idea <deleted> your talking about, you proclaimed that you have been in Thailand for years......where exactly ??? some beer bar telling all and sundry how much you know about everything Thai I bet....lmao...

My in-laws work there a$$ off so that they can have food all year round......guess what the staple diet in Thailand is....rice.

They have sacks to last them all year, anything more than needed is sold onto the markets.


I heard there is a village that's missing an idiot....I will inform them that I've found you...



Of course I have no idea, all

the real knowledge is gained by living in Issan having zero experience working with Thai and of course being married to a hard working lady who happens to be poor and abused ????

6 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Just wondering - in all this railing against lazy and parasitic Thais, how industrious were you? Did you work in the private sector, or in some government position?

Tell me.  With all your knowledge and expertise ,can a foreigner work in government position ? Besides being a teacher, which mind you is also a contract even at a government




21 minutes ago, cooked said:

Yes, that's it. We can hardly afford to get our grandchild through halfway decent schooling as it is, how does a Thai making THB50 000 a year do that.

They should try working the full year , then they will be making 120000 a year instead of 50000.


plus yearly bonuses and if they worked little longer they would be making 150000-180000


one of my maids is putting her son through uni. How? By working overtime and taking on every available extra job. Single mother. 


Son also works part time to help pay . 


Another one , single mother of 4. One daughter started working in dental clinic, went to weekend college and 6 years later earning 30000 plus over time 


second daughter following in her footsteps .



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12 minutes ago, BestB said:

Tell me.  With all your knowledge and expertise ,can a foreigner work in government position ? Besides being a teacher, which mind you is also a contract even at a government




A not so good try at dodging the question. Are binary questions too difficult for you?

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Just now, Lacessit said:

A not so good try at dodging the question. Are binary questions too difficult for you?

Seems not so good at thinking either 


Everyday I see here, in Thonglor, a lot of well dressed Thai (20-30 years old) eating in nice (not particularly cheap) restaurants and partying in bars & clubs ( not particularly cheap as well). 


There seems to be a lot of Thai (mostly young) now  who earn good money, and spend it open-handidly. 




Addendum : These young people are as well female as male. 






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