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At 70 years old I’m looking for the antidote – Do you have it?

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32 minutes ago, rumak said:

Altogether, the evidence leads us to conclude that antidepressants generally do more harm than good as treatments for depression.

THERE"S  18 million other "results" for whether antidepressants are good or bad for you.  SO Please excuse me if I don't take the word of one know-it-all on thaivisa.   Look for another poster to troll.   ( my posts are my opinions or experiences.... they are not written like yours to be taken as facts )

Of course Anti depressants work.  Doctors wrote 64.7 million prescriptions for them in 2016.  

Grand conspiracy between doctors and pharmacy.  Sure.  

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Nothing more sure than taxes and death. Take each day as it comes. If you wake up in the morning, count your blessings. No point worrying about something inevitable. BTW, I'm told you know when you're dead.

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4 minutes ago, Whip Me Granny said:


Thanks to every one for your comments and suggestions , they are really appreciated and I will certainly take them on board and report back how things progress . One thing that's just sprung to mind is this .


I wonder who age wise is the current oldest active forum poster , at 70 I did think that may be I could claim that crown but after reading a few comments here may be I’m still on the spring chicken level ????


It would be an interesting thing to listen to the thoughts from the forums oldest reigning member on how they view this topic . Any one have an idea how I could find out who is oldest current active reigning member . I would love to ask them for their views . Or do you think you hold that title ?



Oldest mentally or in actual years?  

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10 minutes ago, Whip Me Granny said:


I don’t want to get any one into trouble but has any one ever used this option to help with similar feelings that I am now experiencing , I have never smoked but eating is some thing I enjoy ????

I hope nobody is rash enough to "recommend" that suggestion but up to you.

An alternative if all warnings are heeded about not being used in conjunction with prescriptions may be St Johns Wort.

Why preoccupation with age if you are healthy? I only  piss myself off when I look in the mirror because it reminds me I am not the  40 something I feel like I am.

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22 minutes ago, Whip Me Granny said:


Thanks to every one for your comments and suggestions , they are really appreciated and I will certainly take them on board and report back how things progress . One thing that's just sprung to mind is this .


I wonder who age wise is the current oldest active forum poster , at 70 I did think that may be I could claim that crown but after reading a few comments here may be I’m still on the spring chicken level ????


It would be an interesting thing to listen to the thoughts from the forums oldest reigning member on how they view this topic . Any one have an idea how I could find out who is oldest current active reigning member . I would love to ask them for their views . Or do you think you hold that title ?








I'm 76. I think marcusarelus is 80.

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43 minutes ago, Whip Me Granny said:


I don’t want to get any one into trouble but has any one ever used this option to help with similar feelings that I am now experiencing , I have never smoked but eating is some thing I enjoy ????

Well cannabis will certainly scratch that itch to eat more! 

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They say the end of the world as we know it will come about in 30 years, just hope it will be later in the year as I need that letter from the Queen........ there again guess it will be a King ? as Charles is a little older than me, maybe not him either .


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I am 75 years young and more than "watching what I eat".

From being in the natural products industry in the USA for 35 years, I leaned a lot about nutrition and most important to read the ingredients on everything you eat.

For a banana or broccoli or other foods from nature which are actual foods this is quite easy.   

Eating food products which have several ingredients and have some processing, it becomes more challenging and so you are required to use search engines like DuckDuckGo to understand what these ingredients do to your body.

Additionally, understanding what foods work best combined is essential. 

Most likely if you were making a smoothie with all sorts of good fruits and coconut water and superfoods you would not throw a piece of salmon in there just because salmon is a good food for you.

Knowing how foods combine is important to avoid stomach issues and flatulence forever.

Also, I am only seeing naturopaths (not allopaths - conventional medicine) for any health issues unless I break my leg or arm.

Lastly (but I could go on forever), have your telomeres checked out as they are the protective ends to your DNA strands which deteriorate over time.   You start with 15,000 at birth and then at birth you drop to 10,000 cuz it is so traumatic and when you start getting around 5,000 you are getting close to the end of life.   There are ways to increase and I have had mine checked out recently to be 14,000.

I truly feel I might live to 100-120 and have better health as more ways to improve your health will be revealed.

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It might sound gooey but you really are as old as you feel. The only thing I notice more is that when i remember some things I cringe that I could have been so stupid. The other thing is wanting to be in bed by 11 most nights. Millions have died before you, you cannot escape it no matter your brain, financial status or fame. Enjoy while you can and hope you die painlessly. 

When i get to your age I will have purchased two bottles of phenobarbital in case that debilitating bullet hits me. Fare thee well.

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One tip is not dwell on the condition of some other people who may be around the same age.


Many of my friends back home look and act so 'old' and it gives a moment of anxiety when I realize I am the same age.


But lifestyle, genetics and environment have at least as much impact as the calendar. 


Keep yourself fit and active - anyone at any age can get sick, but if you are reasonably fit you will bounce back.


Focus on the positives - your experience has given you wisdom, some financial security and companionship - enjoy it.  

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22 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

I feel like a 20 year old stuck in the body of a 65 year old.  Like you I have had much luck with my health, so very little is outside my scope of possibility.  One thing has never changed for me and that is that I am always working to get better at the things I enjoy and starting to learn new things (getting your pilots license, learning to ride a horse, train to run a marathon, take up kite boarding, learn to scuba dive, build furniture, grow your own food, travel to new places etc). My father lived to 99 years and all but the last two in top top health.  He always reminded me that there are many worse things in life than death.  So maybe you want to consider stressing yourself about how you get more out of each day of the life you do have left ... which is in your hands.  Stressing about the future is something you can’t control so don’t waste your time stressing about it ... deal with it when it shows up.


This mind set works for me at least.


You have made me think how much family genetics may play a part in how long we have left before we shuffle off our mortal coil . If mother lived till she was 90 and dad passed peacefully away at 87 . Could I still be around when I’m 100 .


Your comment about being a 20 year old stuck in the body of a 65 year old really hit a chord. Personally I have never looked my age always being thought of as younger than I actually looked . I even tried to convince my self that there was a grave mistake made by the staff at the births , marriages and deaths office and they had messed up my birth certificate and I am in fact 10 years younger than the date shown on the paper work ????








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You seem to be generating your own downward spiral. Might be time to visit the docs just to chat around with an expert. I was similar to you and also bipolar. Made my wife's life hell. 

Sorted out now. Nice young Psychiatrist dragged me back and I'm happy now. I have tablets but none of these opoids or addictive shit. Tablets are Serotonin reabsorption inhibitors. Keeps the happy hormone up. 

Give it some thought but good luck. 

Regards P. 


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Just now, Whip Me Granny said:


You have made me think how much family genetics may play a part in how long we have left before we shuffle off our mortal coil . If mother lived till she was 90 and dad passed peacefully away at 87 . Could I still be around when I’m 100 .


Your comment about being a 20 year old stuck in the body of a 65 year old really hit a chord. Personally I have never looked my age always being thought of as younger than I actually looked . I even tried to convince my self that there was a grave mistake made by the staff at the births , marriages and deaths office and they had messed up my birth certificate and I am in fact 10 years younger than the date shown on the paper work ????








Blimey you really are scared. None of us are that important just relax we all go the same way/ I'd rather be dead at 80 with quality life rather than crippled at 90.

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Any one here who had parents that lived a long life span , do you think that because your parents survived for that long period of time , then your family genetics may in some way be a positive thing in helping you to follow the family history of longevity .







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4 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Blimey you really are scared. None of us are that important just relax we all go the same way/ I'd rather be dead at 80 with quality life rather than crippled at 90.

Honest I'm really trying , your '' quality of life '' is some thing that ive really never thought about , may be because Ive all ways been healthy . I hope mentioning that fact now won't in some way upset the health apple cart ????






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until I was 75 I was physically very active, swimming, cycling, badminton and sex. Now at 83 that phase has ended, what keeps me going is curiosity, whats going to happen next? Like Thailand the world is in a mess and for me sitting at my computer it has become an enthralling docudrama.  

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14 minutes ago, Whip Me Granny said:

Any one here who had parents that lived a long life span , do you think that because your parents survived for that long period of time , then your family genetics may in some way be a positive thing in helping you to follow the family history of longevity .







Genetics certainly play an important role. Developed lactose intolerance, have the same allergies, developing BPH, all just like my dad and his brothers. I also look younger than my age, just like my dad and his bro's. With the exception of one brother, all his other brothers and one sister are still relatively fine and active, between 84 and and 94 years old. On my mum's side all her brothers lived into their 80's (some still alive). So genetically I have positives.  Hopefully, having given up smoking 10 years ago, it will not have shortened my life too much. 

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