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Foreign tourists in Pai vandalise Thai flags, anger locals


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17 minutes ago, Enzian said:

I've been to Pai and people like that (and better of course) are the life blood of the local economy; drive them away and the standard of living for the locals would drop in half. Even the local police know how their bread is buttered.

Did you "Play with flags?" Pai wouldn't exist in that form without foreigners. But not some kids who've lost it over some flags. 

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7 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

And yet the Thais use/sell the Union Jack on cars/wing-mirrors,crash helmets , shorts,bikinis,under garments, iv'e even seen it tattooed on a Thai girls ass. Respect is a two way thing.  But the Brits don't get offended, download.jpg.faa95d4793c7f2d86ffd9669f5e3776e.jpgimages.jpg.1f31b71ebcc963c42bd075881073c37d.jpg

Flags are just bits of cloth, plastic, paper or skin etc, with coloured marks on them. 


What about that one in Iran?



Iran Street Aet.jpg

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17 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

And yet the Thais use/sell the Union Jack on cars/wing-mirrors,crash helmets , shorts,bikinis,under garments, iv'e even seen it tattooed on a Thai girls ass. Respect is a two way thing.  But the Brits don't get offended, download.jpg.faa95d4793c7f2d86ffd9669f5e3776e.jpgimages.jpg.1f31b71ebcc963c42bd075881073c37d.jpg

I don't believe the ar_e version. Could you show us some proof, please? 

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3 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

Mostly on T Shirts , backpacks, baseball caps and.....

That's lovely. Makes a colourful and cheerful ambience.

I just cant understand why I see on TV, national flags flying on state buildings, people in uniform saluting and a huge drama at certain funerals. Impossible to comprehend.

Strange... its just a piece of cloth, some says...

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1 hour ago, ravip said:

That's lovely. Makes a colourful and cheerful ambience.

I just cant understand why I see on TV, national flags flying on state buildings, people in uniform saluting and a huge drama at certain funerals. Impossible to comprehend.

Strange... its just a piece of cloth, some says...

It's not just a piece of cloth. If it was, it would be called "just a piece of cloth" and not a flag. A flag is a symbol that represents a nation, its culture and people. When you disrespect the Thai flag you are disrespecting your hosts.

To say a flag is just a piece of cloth is akin to saying a picture of the King is just a mixture of pigments, painted onto a piece of cloth. So imagine some western punk sitting in a Thai jail cell explaining to his cellmates that he only defaced a piece of cloth, and did not mean to insult the King and the Thai people. If he survives his beating, he'll be blacklisted and deported as he should be.

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16 minutes ago, Uptooyoo said:

It's not just a piece of cloth. If it was, it would be called "just a piece of cloth" and not a flag. A flag is a symbol that represents a nation, its culture and people. When you disrespect the Thai flag you are disrespecting your hosts.

To say a flag is just a piece of cloth is akin to saying a picture of the King is just a mixture of pigments, painted onto a piece of cloth. So imagine some western punk sitting in a Thai jail cell explaining to his cellmates that he only defaced a piece of cloth, and did not mean to insult the King and the Thai people. If he survives his beating, he'll be blacklisted and deported as he should be.

Agree 100% Applies to all countries. Just a few feel 'otherwise' - well, each to his own, I guess...

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1 minute ago, SteveK said:

No - indeed, if someone took a crap on the Union Jack I would buy them a beer. Horrible country.

Horrible flag, horrible anthem. Great country; well a collection of great countries.

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Let's face it. Pai once was a real secret place with a very magic attraction, where people who're planning to visit for a few days stayed a few months.


I've met the first German who had a fantastic restaurant about 20 + years ago, always great food, lovely breakfast, and the people were okay. There was a magical aura that made the place so special and with the right people an unforgettable holiday/stay. 


  Then many years later, I thought I had a problem with my eyes. All the stoned wannabe Rastafarian guys- men and women who seemed to spend their last dime in Pai, " artists" who brought their Hula Hoop" BS from Khao San Rd. straight up to Pai made the place to a big circus. (IMO)


My wife, son and I even deeply regretted it that we had booked for over two weeks and having paid for a nice and expensive bungalow , made us stay there. Also our plane tickets weren't changeable. 


  Many people were naked near the river, plenty of people walked through the town in almost nothing, didn't give a flying kangaroo what Thais were thinking and motorbike accidents happened almost every hour. Foreigners started fights and made all crazy things we didn't expect to see. 


 We'd warned three drunk ladies to leave their bikes and walk because they couldn't walk anymore. They continued doing their Hula Hoop, nobody wanted to see, drank more and finally hopped on their bikes.


We warned them, explained how dangerous the area and roads would be ( my European ex gf almost died on a road near Pai when a truck had hit her on a big bike, suffering for over 10 years and she’s still not well!) Did they listen? 


Of course not and the next day then the surprise. Two of them with casts around the body, the third was still in the hospital.


Pai is like so many other places we once loved, but will now avoid. These type of tourists who don’t give one are the reason why Pai has become what it is now.







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22 hours ago, DrTuner said:

This one?



Dying for a piece of cloth doesn't make much sense. 

If I were you, I wouldn’t go to a reunion of old war vets and stand up and tell them that. What an insult to those who fought, and sometimes gave their lives and pledged allegiance to the flag of their country and what it represents. 

        You don’t get it do you? It’s not the piece of cloth. It’s what it represents. 

   Are you truly that ignorant about nation’s flags and what they represent?  You must have had a very poor education. I feel sorry for you, and sorry for your kids if you have any. 

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9 hours ago, boonrawdcnx said:

The entire country is being robbed and vandalized by corrupt scoundrels on a daily bases - but yes worry about a few pieces of fabric!

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Not talking about a dish rag, or a torn shirt. 

    We’re talking about a nation’s flag. You don’t see a difference??? 

   Do you also not care if someone spits or urinates on a grave? After all it’s only dirt and chemical elements. 

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36 minutes ago, Catoni said:

If I were you, I wouldn’t go to a reunion of old war vets and stand up and tell them that. What an insult to those who fought, and sometimes gave their lives and pledged allegiance to the flag of their country and what it represents. 

Not the sharpest pencils in the box if they fought for a piece of cloth. Just entering a fight doesn't make something right or adorable. In fact most nationalistic wars made little sense. 


The vets I know aren't fanatics. On the contrary they seem like level headed professionals that were just doing their chosen profession. 

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I think I would leave anyway, if the Thai locals catch wind of the fact that these miscreants are allowed to abuse their national/monarchy flags, they may wish to enact their own form of justice, never a good thing here.

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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

Not the sharpest pencils in the box if they fought for a piece of cloth. Just entering a fight doesn't make something right or adorable. In fact most nationalistic wars made little sense. 


The vets I know aren't fanatics. On the contrary they seem like level headed professionals that were just doing their chosen profession. 


I'm an old soldier, and I fought for freedom and the people. Not some nonsense bit of cloth.







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Just now, owl sees all said:

I'm an old soldier, and I fought for freedom and the people. Not some nonsense bit of cloth.

Now that makes sense. Worth fighting for.


I have a feeling the people who go on yapping about flags, uniforms, etc are the ones that are trying to get others to respect their authoritaaaahh. Of which they got absolute none, but are still trying to hitch a ride to the next mob lynching to act like a 'boss'.  They can go shove their flags and uniforms where the sun don't shine.

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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

Not the sharpest pencils in the box if they fought for a piece of cloth. Just entering a fight doesn't make something right or adorable. In fact most nationalistic wars made little sense. 


The vets I know aren't fanatics. On the contrary they seem like level headed professionals that were just doing their chosen profession. 

Most of them their unchosen profession.

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18 hours ago, Radar501 said:

Pai Village has become the ghetto for the unshaven, undressed and uncouth feral ragpacker.

And drugs is available everywhere. Why the police can't handle it? Too much money involved. 

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17 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Not the sharpest pencils in the box if they fought for a piece of cloth. Just entering a fight doesn't make something right or adorable. In fact most nationalistic wars made little sense. 


The vets I know aren't fanatics. On the contrary they seem like level headed professionals that were just doing their chosen profession. 

   Okay comrade... so.... according to you the flag is just a piece of cloth. It doesn't represent anything... Right ? ? 

    Okay.. take a Thailand flag...go stand in front a crowd of Thai people and Thai police.... throw the "piece of cloth" on the ground... crush it underfoot and spit on it and see what happens.  

   As a matter of fact... try that with any country's flag in front of a bunch of citizens and police of the matching country.. and see what happens. 

    When they arrest you and beat the crap out of you...you can try to explain to them that it's just a "piece of cloth".  

    I wish you luck..... 'cause you'll need it. 

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16 minutes ago, Catoni said:

   Okay comrade... so.... according to you the flag is just a piece of cloth. It doesn't represent anything... Right ? ? 

    Okay.. take a Thailand flag...go stand in front a crowd of Thai people and Thai police.... throw the "piece of cloth" on the ground... crush it underfoot and spit on it and see what happens.  

   As a matter of fact... try that with any country's flag in front of a bunch of citizens and police of the matching country.. and see what happens. 

    When they arrest you and beat the crap out of you...you can try to explain to them that it's just a "piece of cloth".  

    I wish you luck..... 'cause you'll need it. 

You've made your point exceptionally well.

Who among those who disagree with you would dare take that challenge?


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23 hours ago, Catoni said:

If I were you, I wouldn’t go to a reunion of old war vets and stand up and tell them that. What an insult to those who fought, and sometimes gave their lives and pledged allegiance to the flag of their country and what it represents. 

        You don’t get it do you? It’s not the piece of cloth. It’s what it represents. 

   Are you truly that ignorant about nation’s flags and what they represent?  You must have had a very poor education. I feel sorry for you, and sorry for your kids if you have any. 

Yes, those old war vets and the millions who died 80 years ago, died not for a flag, but for the ideas of freedom and liberty it represents. We are so fortunate and owe everything to that generation who made a stand against tyranny and genocide. Unfortunately, a stand that has produced the most spoiled, self-centered, ungrateful generation ever to walk this earth. If the world had then the people we have today, we'd be living under the 1000 year Reich. They'd walk away and not fight. Not for a mere "piece of cloth."

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On 7/2/2019 at 9:26 AM, nchuckle said:

In most liberal Western European countries it would provoke little reaction from most people,certainly not demands fir deportation and harsh punishment . That’s because they’re rather less nationalistic ,xenophobic and more secure in the standing of their country. That said it is incumbent on you to understand and observe local sentiment.

Well; what you wrote is sort of true. But don't forget that (sadly) nationalism (and even extreme-right wing stuff) is on the rise, even in Western Europe. So, flags etc might take on a more prominent role in those countries soon too.

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In most liberal Western European countries it would provoke little reaction from most people,certainly not demands fir deportation and harsh punishment . That’s because they’re rather less nationalistic ,xenophobic and more secure in the standing of their country. That said it is incumbent on you to understand and observe local sentiment.

Also in most civilized countries without xenophobes, nationalists and supremacists you will hardly find any pieces of cloth (flags) around which you could “disrespect”.
Not sure what the obsession in some countries is with hanging flags everywhere?
As a rule of thumb one can easily observe in countries that are backward, nationalist, xenophobic, corrupt. fascist, communist and dictatorships the more flags one will find around everywhere.


Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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22 hours ago, icymanipulator82 said:

The total disrespect that some clowns show for their hosts is truly shocking. Being drunk is not an excuse. They should not have gotten off so lightly.


Not many people are excusing their actions.  Being drunk was the reason they did it, not an excuse.

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