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Why Thai people always smile?

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I try to smile at people because generally it makes them happier and me happier. I’m fortunate that I generally have a smile to spare. 


I don’t know why Thais smile, but I suspect it might not be so different

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4 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

With neighbors; Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam the Thais smile because they have all the money and beautiful women and fancy cars.  

Yet are a mix  of all those races

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Showing anger and strong emotions is not acceptable in Thailand. For instance, if a driver almost mows you down, (s)he will smile, you will get angry and everybody will deem you as an impolite person. Farang jai-ron. (Hot-headed farang)

People do smile all over the world, but Thais are one of the peculiar ones that smile any time in any situation. Whether the one smiles to hide embarassment, express happiness, or politeness, or try to be friendly etc, we don't know. There is too much debate about this and farangs often read into "Thai smiles" too much.






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On 7/3/2019 at 7:13 AM, Gecko123 said:

I would point to how Thais behave when the likelihood of immediate retribution for anti-social behavior is reduced or removed from the equation. 

More examples:

Thais don't normally smile towards their parents. 

Nor to boyfriend/girlfriend.

They smile at strangers. 


"The king never smiles" because he doesn't have to. 

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3 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

Brilliant post..somewhat analogous to the Western handshake,ie "I do not have a weapon in this hand" or the Western salute for that matter..

Thank you very much. I kind of lost track about this, but believe it or not, it was in a quest to answer this very question: "Why do Thais smile so much?' which led me to begin studying Thai in 1994. In some ways, my post can be thought of as a "final report" answer to that question.


I would only like to add that I believe Thai people remain some of the most uniquely approachable and easy to engage with people in the world, and that their smile is a big part of the reason for this. I encourage all visitors to Thailand to respect and emulate this charming cultural trait as much as possible. I would also like to give a huge amount of credit to Jared Diamond's books which provided much of the anthropological framework for the insights shared in my post.



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On 7/2/2019 at 11:55 AM, Danil Ishimov said:

In your opinion why Thai people always smile? Is it because of Buddhism? Or there is some other reason?

Ok Danil, stight of the bat (had to clean the splatter off first). The first thing you must know, otherwise you will be very naive, is that all Thai´s don´t smile. This is just a phrase that goes long time back and are still used out of some reason.

Now down to the pure reason why they smile. Here it can be many reasons. It can actually be out of happiness and that they really like you and what you are doing or contributing with to their business our family. In other cases, when there is a question of a smile to hide something else they do not want to show. Then there is usually fear or a missing capability to engage in a logic or psychologically correct discussion or work that really leads to a result a person can be proud of. Hence there is also a lack of pride in the work beeing done many times.

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On 7/3/2019 at 12:41 PM, garrya said:

Showing anger and strong emotions is not acceptable in Thailand. For instance, if a driver almost mows you down, (s)he will smile, you will get angry and everybody will deem you as an impolite person. Farang jai-ron. (Hot-headed farang)

People do smile all over the world, but Thais are one of the peculiar ones that smile any time in any situation. Whether the one smiles to hide embarassment, express happiness, or politeness, or try to be friendly etc, we don't know. There is too much debate about this and farangs often read into "Thai smiles" too much.


Largely agree.  The Thai smile is just a friendly gesture and usually helps to alleviate even tense situations.  It's certainly better than a menacing growl....which is what some farangs seem to prefer.  


On a related note, I've been told by more than a few Thai females that they prefer men who smiles frequently.  It just demonstrates friendliness, openness, good temperament, good attitude, and generally good manners.  There's a time and a place, of course, but I've advised farang friends from the states seeking Thai female companionship that smiling more is better than the alternative.   

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Well..you will miss 'em once you return to your home country and eyeball the scowling,tattooed, woolly mastodons sloathing about...the West is aesthetic Hell on Earth.


There is a moral in that somewhere..the above applies universally-supremely ugly males and females alike..

Edited by Odysseus123
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Thais don't smile anymore. Sure there is the fake "business" smile people put on like bank touts and airhostesses, but the genuine smile most Thais had 20 years ago has gone.

My second long term Thai GF had the most wonderful smile- it was like seeing the sun come up in a blaze of glory in the morning, but I never saw that smile from Thais in the last few years. 

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4 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Thank you very much. I kind of lost track about this, but believe it or not, it was in a quest to answer this very question: "Why do Thais smile so much?' which led me to begin studying Thai in 1994. In some ways, my post can be thought of as a "final report" answer to that question.


I would only like to add that I believe Thai people remain some of the most uniquely approachable and easy to engage with people in the world, and that their smile is a big part of the reason for this. I encourage all visitors to Thailand to respect and emulate this charming cultural trait as much as possible. I would also like to give a huge amount of credit to Jared Diamond's books which provided much of the anthropological framework for the insights shared in my post.



I found your first long post very "real", Thank you.

You are right about approachability. I meet some citizens of a close to LOS country that are working here ( not Thailand ) frequently and they are rather closed and unwilling to engage, even after many weeks. I doubt that they are different from most of their fellow citizens. I certainly never felt that about Thais, except con wo/men, and other bad people.

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4 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

Well..you will miss 'em once you return to your home country and eyeball the scowling,tattooed, woolly mastodons sloathing about...the West is aesthetic Hell on Earth.


There is a moral in that somewhere..the above applies universally-supremely ugly males and females alike..

Indeed. PC has eliminated femininity, decorum and good manners. Not sure why so many look like <deleted> though. Perhaps the new "reality" that all men are scum has made them unhappy and they eat too much to compensate.

NB, the above is my opinion.


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