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Is our use of the Internet to blame for climate change?  


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1 minute ago, GreasyFingers said:

As much as I respect the man and his work and films with animals he should stick to what he knows best.

Did you check out the video? It's exactly what he's doing.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Knowing Buddha Organisation (KBO) has launched a new campaign on climate change, blaming the Internet for causing rapid global temperature rise in the past two decades

I have to wonder how old these people are. The global warming thing started well before the internet was even invented, let alone it becoming popular.

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3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:


“While it's true that greenhouse gases emissions are the main culprits of climate change'


Is it? I thought co2 makes up only 0.4% of the atmosphere and of that small amount 97% is naturally produced and only 3% of that 0.4% is man made. Man made global warming is a myth, caused by the internet is just a joke.

Main greenhouse gas is water vapour, Im drinking more to help

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1 minute ago, GreasyFingers said:

I have to wonder how old these people are. The global warming thing started well before the internet was even invented, let alone it becoming popular.

yeah about 4.5  billion yrs ago is when it started warming

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1 hour ago, Orton Rd said:

Yes 0.04, total nonsense to claim a 3% rise there has led to much greater temperatures, it's a natural cycle of heating and cooling, been going on for millions of years.

Aye up  youll be going this way with comments  like that


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Just now, DrTuner said:

Fair enough. Here's the tweet format: 'There's too damn many people on the planet. Sad!'

But Russia, Canada and Australia have plenty of open space. Not sure how they would feed themselves though.

Dr, I am not being serious, it would be great to go back 50 years where I grew up without what is there now.

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7 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:

But Russia, Canada and Australia have plenty of open space. Not sure how they would feed themselves though.

Dr, I am not being serious, it would be great to go back 50 years where I grew up without what is there now.

They could chew on the tundra or eat desert sand I suppose. I know, the pinnacle of humanity was the 80's, not including the hairstyles of course. World population was ~4.4 billion. It's about 7.7 now. Downhill ever since.

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Since pollution has been in full swing for about 200 years and climate has been detected for the past 50 years, I doubt that the internet and all the "hot air" in those emails is causing the earth to warm must faster than it did before. 

After all it takes much less energy to send an email than to chop a tree down with a chainsaw, haul the wood in a large truck to an energy-using sawmill, to sending it to a pulper using a diesel wagon, to make paper, to send the paper to a shop, for you to take your car, drive to the shop, bu=y the paper using an electronic transaction, write your message on the paper in ink that has to be produced using energy, jump in your car drive to the post office, buy a stamp, and then t=have the post office haul your letter to a distribution centre, then have a post drive out and deliver it to your local distribution centre, finally for the post to walk to your house to deliver it.


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Bitcoin mining and spam mails sounds like something to hit on, together with video and TV streaming, that also use lots of data, and thereby power and cooling, just like all the stuff we share at Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – and of course also Thaivisa, we should perhaps limit Thaivisa to no more than ½ hour a day, and save the Planet...????

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5 hours ago, Orton Rd said:


“While it's true that greenhouse gases emissions are the main culprits of climate change'


Is it? I thought co2 makes up only 0.4% of the atmosphere and of that small amount 97% is naturally produced and only 3% of that 0.4% is man made. Man made global warming is a myth, caused by the internet is just a joke.

I'll go middle of the road. 

It's a warming cycle of the planet with a bit of greenhouse gas effect chucked in.

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11 hours ago, londonthai said:

they are lunatics, taking people back to middle, dark ages, where they be able to brainwash population with religious dogmatism. Thai version of american mormons.


it is capitalism, and it's greed for maximising profit, which exploits natural resources and destroys environment. 

Quite ironic that you and your "likes" are posting on a forum that is a capitalist based advertising entity.

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16 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

No, it’s our arrogance and unwillingness to change our behaviour, the desire for cheap and disposable options, the demand for convenience over sustainable, combined with the greed of those profiting from environmentally destructive industries, that are responsible.  

Your are direct and frank to the point.

The change in behaviour you mention has become, as I've said on related threads, in a simple word, sacrifice. But it won't benefit the population overnight or even a decade simply because that's how deep the 'rut' is that we have chosen to live in. Sacrifice will initially mean many things, loss of jobs perhaps being one them. And the mindset or philosophy of 'the root of all evil' will need to change too because that is the basic driving force behind it all. We all have to contribute to the change but therein lay the excuses and arguments that are the 'unwillingness' that you mention.

I do think we are intelligent enough to see the problem and to formulate a method but will many want to use it?

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