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UK economy shrinks as Brexit, global worries mount: PMI


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3 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Looks like, as ever, someone simply cannot face the truth that not only was he was lied to by Elliot and Cummings, he was foolish enough to believe those lies!

I don't even know who you're talking about.

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9 hours ago, nauseus said:
12 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Looks like, as ever, someone simply cannot face the truth that not only was he was lied to by Elliot and Cummings, he was foolish enough to believe those lies!

I don't even know who you're talking about.



That you don't even know who the architects and strategists of Vote Leave were; the people who basically wrote everything the official leave campaign said, including the lie on Boris's bus; the people who have been regularly in the news here in the UK over allegations of electoral fraud during the campaign; explains a lot!



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38 minutes ago, 7by7 said:



That you don't even know who the architects and strategists of Vote Leave were; the people who basically wrote everything the official leave campaign said, including the lie on Boris's bus; the people who have been regularly in the news here in the UK over allegations of electoral fraud during the campaign; explains a lot!



Ah. Now I remember. I didn't really take much notice of Vote Leave. My mind was made up way before that.

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The Brexiters’ fantasy of a virile Britain freed from the straitjacket of EU regulations—many of which, e.g. those relating to working hours, health and safety, environmental protection etc, are designed to prevent capitalists in one member nation from unfairly competing with others—are crashing against harsh reality: Britain’s dependence on the European market compels it to maintain close alignment with the EU, whether or not it is formally a member. But if it is ceases to be a member of the EU, it will have no seat at the table where decisions are made. And if it isn’t sitting at the table, it will be on the menu.

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11 minutes ago, expatfromwyoming said:

The Brexiters’ fantasy of a virile Britain freed from the straitjacket of EU regulations—many of which, e.g. those relating to working hours, health and safety, environmental protection etc, are designed to prevent capitalists in one member nation from unfairly competing with others—are crashing against harsh reality: Britain’s dependence on the European market compels it to maintain close alignment with the EU, whether or not it is formally a member. But if it is ceases to be a member of the EU, it will have no seat at the table where decisions are made. And if it isn’t sitting at the table, it will be on the menu.

Oh my. Never heard that before!

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43 minutes ago, Loiner said:

If the EU is so wonderful for all concerned, why is the UK a country in decline? Such a state does not develop in the short term and was not precipitated by the result of the referendum. In many respects, notably those that appear of being in decline, this is due to being a part of the EU.

When we are eventually out the decline will stop and then it's 'Hello boom time'.

Very up lifting for the rest of us.

In what respects is the UK 'in decline'?

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33 minutes ago, billd766 said:

A good idea.


Shall we start back in the 1970s when the UK joined the EEC?


I wonder what lies and items that were not mentioned actually did get mentioned and the truth were told. Do you think that the UK would have joined the Common Market back then?


I think that it would be democratic to review that decision, which in its turn brought Brexit along.

I'll buy it. But then please do the next step and let people vote again after more than 3 years revealed new facts. Haggis or Caviar... ????

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16 hours ago, 7by7 said:



What's pathetic is your feeble excuse for not knowing the names of the men whose claims, misinformation and downright lies you have been repeating parrot fashion for the last three years!


You don't seem to know their names either .......

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7 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

So you have neither listened to nor believed anything those spokespersons and poster peoples for the leave campaign, such as Boris Johnson, said?


Strange, as you've been repeating their claims, misinformation and downright lies parrot fashion for 3 years.


Which ones? All of them.

Then show me just one. ???? 

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13 hours ago, nkg said:


Who is "Elliot"? If he is as famous as you claim, surely everyone would know that Matthew Elliott's surname is spelt with 2 T's ????


Apologies for the spelling mistake; you have obviously never made one in your entire life.


13 hours ago, nkg said:

Interestingly, when you Google search for "Elliott" and "Cummings", you get the search I've shown below.


It seems that even Google don't know who these guys are - they aren't on page 1 or page 2, they don't surface until page 3 in an article published by The Guardian.

When I did a Google search for 'Matthew Elliot,' the results are very different!




The same when doing a search for Dominic Cummings: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGGE___GB823GB823&biw=1242&bih=568&ei=0VwhXffBEcHKwQKXwLfYCQ&q=Dominic+Cummings&oq=Dominic+Cummings&gs_l=psy-ab.12..0j0i67l2j0l7.18847.27284..31099...0.0..0.347.6454.2-9j12......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i71j0i131j0i131i67._YCXE4i1IG8



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1 minute ago, 7by7 said:

Perhaps you should included their forenames in the first place then?

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