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India is the answer! Indians flood Walking Street after bad week for Pattaya


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12 minutes ago, newnative said:

l usually visit a place  only once, too.  That's sort of the point of tourism--going somewhere you  haven't been to before.

Immigration is getting harder on repeat visitors now.  They are assuming nobody can be a tourist more that 15 days.


Seems like they would want repeat tourists.  I think it is a compartmental thing.  Immigration's job would be easiest with 0 tourist.  While TAT is scrounging for tourists, Immigration is trying to whittle down the numbers.


Unfortunately for expats and the Thai economy, it seems like immigration gets whatever they want now.



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7 hours ago, aspenbkk said:

HAHA Walking Street Will Close Down if You Want More Indians There . Every White Man Knows it ? They Watch Hold Hands And Spend Nothing In Any Bar or Restaurant Then Walk Up And Down For Hours Spending Nothing This is Another Hilarious Tale Here They Are Clutching At Straws Now Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel . 

Why All The Capital Letters?

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1 hour ago, Parker2100 said:

Immigration is getting harder on repeat visitors now.  They are assuming nobody can be a tourist more that 15 days.


Seems like they would want repeat tourists.  I think it is a compartmental thing.  Immigration's job would be easiest with 0 tourist.  While TAT is scrounging for tourists, Immigration is trying to whittle down the numbers.


Unfortunately for expats and the Thai economy, it seems like immigration gets whatever they want now.



TAT = Tourist Authority of Thailand, so their raison d'etre (reason for being) is to convince every body that Tourism is (a) a good thing, and (b) on the increase.


And as you say, Immigration's raison d'etre appears to be to make things as difficult as they can for visitors - obsessed with the belief that every one is a "bad guy" until proved otherwise- and we have "Big Joke" to thank for this. It has yet to become apparent whether "the new Boss is the same as the old Boss" but the signs are not good for anyone who expects any changes for the better in the Rules & Regs!

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3 hours ago, emptypockets said:

Enjoy.  Philippines was Australia's party place in the early 70's when the US base was there.  Same girls doing the same thing g now I expect.  Check the laws first.  If you think Thailand is tough prepare for draconian

 Give a bit of mouth to any official.... Deported. 

"Give a mouth full" to any Immigration Officer anywhere and you will probably be deported!


I was in Immigration a few years back when an American (and this is not a "Yank knocking post", by the way!) was shouting at the Immigration Officer  - basically telling him what he wanted and what he had been given. The Immigration Officer just said "You go back to your United States of wherever!" and the guy had to go! Perhaps if he had ASKED politely for an explanation things might have turned out differently!

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Hmm.... Indians would spend 100 baht a day which would end up as  a few thousand baht over several years. Multiply this by 100 million tourists and about 200 Thai people could earn an income over 2 decades . Let the good times roll I suggest

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9 hours ago, emptypockets said:

Judging by your posting comments it has been many years, if ever,  you have been in a five star hotel. 

Never been in one, think the added expense is a waste of money, I'm happy enough with $10/night.

But did live with a Thai hooker for a year who worked for them in Chiang Mai, front desk would call her up, she charged 40,000bht for the weekend.

Edited by BritManToo
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12 hours ago, Bugsy777 said:

My my, you are a paragon of virtue...NOT!! A hint of vile racism in your post old boy.

You are in the wrong thread old boy, this one is for vilifying Indians not racism!

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7 hours ago, newnative said:

l usually visit a place  only once, too.  That's sort of the point of tourism--going somewhere you  haven't been to before.

In a way you're right, I rarely hire the same lady twice.

Edited by BritManToo
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10 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

I have never seen a Chinese tourist drunk, never saw one fighting or

There was a report of one doing exactly that only a few days ago. Anyhow, to get drunk you have to spend money.

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10 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

Many of the expensive hotels are full of Chinese - westeners are looking often for the cheapest places. 

Frankly I am looking for hotels that aren't full of these 'new' tourists as they make staying there unpleasant. 

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22 hours ago, rooster59 said:

India is the answer! Indians flood Walking Street after bad week for Pattaya

Don't believe a word of it, it's just a frantic last ditch effort PR stunt to try to get someone... anyone into Thailand.

The Indian residents who have been here a while know all too well that they are treated as low lifes.

Given the brush-off by most Thais, they will not be sending post cards back home to family & friends saying you've got to come over here pronto & get ripped off!

Thailand has killed the golden goose, years of fleecing from airport taxi, to the beaches, to the tours, to the taxi ride back to the airport, not to mention the non-existent safety record by road or sea resulting in deaths. The air pollution, political scandal, the exchange rate & the above have finally tipped the balance.

Border countries are gleefully rubbing their hands together and saying thank-you thank-you thank-you Thailand. They're 40% up in tourist figures this year already.

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As far as the Indians go, it's the one thing that keeps me from wanting to go back. Yes, I go to dibble and dabble in the night life with all that if offers, but I'm very respectful!  What I've seen the Indians do and how they treat the ladies really wanted me to get involved a few times. They are pushy, loud, hunt in packs and are cheap. I watched one guy in disgust as he was bartering over 5 damn bhat after dragging him down in price so far causing the guy to lose face. Pattaya better be careful what they ask for. I have no interest in going again to be honest. BKK is far more my cup of tea and still affordable in comparison to other countries by far.  The Indians will destroy Thailand's tourism as the ones with money simply won't go. They have learned from forums HOW to dress and behave because of our bashing.  The ladies will leave because they simply don't like them for the most part.

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15 hours ago, DPKANKAN said:

555. ????????????????

20 men trying to get one bar girl for same price for all!!!

1 man going to bars trying to negotiate a cheaper price for drinks for 20!!!

I man going to restaurants trying to negotiate cheaper menu prices for 20!!

Finally, 20 people walking past every restaurant and bar eating a 7/11 toastie and a drinking a small beer!!!!


But this white boy loves toasties for breakfast.  555

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21 hours ago, Kim J said:

I have often thought afterwards it would maybe have been more fun to have paid the fine and put those pictures on the internet.

But that is Computer crime & liable to far more than a 400 baht fine.  Then the offending officers can sue you for loss of face & hurt feelings.  The police station might feel you are spoiling the reputation of Pattaya (or wherever) so further charges can be brought.  Why do you think Vietnam is filling up quickly?

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Only TAT likes the Indian men coming and spending money. Every single thai woman i have met and talked to hates them and say they are disgusting even more so than the Chinese. Mind you i am not speaking prejudice here. Just stating what was told to me by every thai i ever talked to relating to india men. This includes even simple chatting. 

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     Thailand doesn't  need to do any outreach to nearby countries like China or India. They are next door. They'll  come regardless.  TAT needs to spend to attract North Americans and Europeans to make a long plane ride to Thailand and not somewhere else.

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Indians standing around clapping and dancing looks colourful enough but are they spending money in the bars drinking and hiring girls? That's the bread and butter of Pattaya's economy  built over 40 years by expats.

They won't be . Even the Indians in the photo look like local Indian mafia types.


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