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How is your daily routine as expat looks like?


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On 7/16/2019 at 2:58 AM, BritManToo said:

Slowly but steadily drinking myself to death while sitting in front of the Tv.

Not long to go now (thank god).

I thought that was all a Farang is legally allowed to do these days and needing to file a TM30 when wanting to leave the house.
This tread shows me that this isen't so. I am so relieved.
Or did I have a vision of the future?

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Can you not simulate a 737 MAX, you could get to the bar earlier then!    LOL


would laugh but to many dead. It was funny though

I also have the 737 simulation but before the max. No secret software on that one can confirm


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On 7/16/2019 at 1:56 AM, wgdanson said:

It all depends on where you live and what you personally want.

I live in 'my own' house in a a rural village but only 30km from Phitsanulok City where there are the usual Tesco, Big C, macro, Immigration, restaurants, etc. Go there twice a week. Also go to local vegetable markets twice a week

My day usually begins at 5.55 am, turn phone on for BBC midnight news. Check emails, currency, blood pressure, and have a pee. Take dog for walk/shit, back home to make a cuppa for me and coffee for gf. during which time I log onto TVisa to see who's dissed me !!!!! LOL

My day revolves around cooking, wine-making, watching catch-up telly or downloaded movies, listening to music, Popmaster, Countdown, playing Scrabble online. I used to be a professional musician so spend quite a bit of time recording on my PC, write some songs sometimes. Maybe mow my lawn and cut the hedge now & then. I am happy with my own company and my gf has so many friends I sometimes only see her morning and night....peaceful.

Is wine and beer making legal in Thailand? 

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On 7/16/2019 at 4:03 AM, bert bloggs said:

Hey ,is life really that bad? sorry if it is ,life has been a ball for me , all i hope is when the time comes ,ime not there .lol

as for the original question ,have breakfast with the wife ,she starts ,cleaning ,gardening ,exercising ,etc etc while i read the news online ,download latest tv ,watch tv ,get dragged out of the chair to ,water the grass or exercise(the wife is a fitness freak and bloody marathon runner . then we go out shopping or whatever ,then i try to slink back to watch tv ,and get told by her who must be obayed to eat my plate of vegatables ,so that i keep healthy ,???? rinse and repeat.

I stopped reading at the word 'wife'.

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8 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

Haha.  Great post.  I am not an expat but after 14 visits, some as long as two months I echo many of his comments.  Fun is fun, food is great, Indian Ocean water side of Thailand is good for swimming, some of my hotels had nice pools for swimming and lounging, but I get bored.  One trip every morning I would go to the mall to eat about 11 am.  Then after that would sit on the bench and do a sudoku puzzle.  I literally get bored and head back to the states.  Now at 62 and coasting into semi-retirement, not sure how much time I will spend in Thailand.  Obviously if I hook up with a Thai lady, my time will be taken up with more domestic things, going out with the lady, visiting etc.  Time will tell.

I am sorry, but if you can not find fun and excitement here, its your problem. 

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On 7/17/2019 at 12:24 PM, wgdanson said:

Lazada, search Yeast.

Lanvin is Bht 149 at Lazada, £0.99 at Bigger Jugs! in UK. Get 10 pkts or so sent to a friend who posts them out to you as food additives.

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On 7/17/2019 at 5:00 AM, mania said:

We no longer live in Thailand but still spend 2-3 months per year there


Funny thing is my life here or there is pretty much exactly the same


Wake early...coffee & small thing like banana or toast


On the road by 7-7:30 cycling 2-5 hours during which I eat while I ride & in Thailand with all the cafes I usually

have a mid ride stop for coffee/snack


Wife also loves to workout 2 hours or so 6 days a week but does so at home or running nearby. Then likes to work in garden/greenhouse


Once back home I get cleaned up, eat & do some internet things/work around house/ hang with wifey


Six days a week we basically enjoy that & the 7th we go to town for things or to just cruise about etc.


Writing it out I see it sounds boring ???? But we enjoy it


what you cycle for so long for? why?

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On 7/17/2019 at 5:06 AM, KiChakayan said:


  • cycling 3 hours, 4 times a week,
  • news,
  • Maintenance around the house,
  • tweaking the home network,
  • torrenting,
  • paperwork.


  • movie or some series,
  • pick kids at school,
  • quality time with the monsters.


  • family dinner (in or out),
  • movie,
  • bed time,
  • boom boom, not every day, and hope the latter won't become an euphemism,
  • sleep.



what's so fun / interesting in cycling so much if i may ask? really curious!

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On 7/17/2019 at 5:35 AM, Captain 776 said:

Not enough hours in the day.

Between Beekeeping, Baking, daily activities.........busy allllllll day



interesting! what other hobbies-activities expect those 2 in the picture? also why you put plates under those bee tables?

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On 7/17/2019 at 7:13 AM, Hanuman2547 said:

Typical day was for me to get up by 5:30am and leave for work by 6:30am arriving at the office by 7:00am.  Spend a full day in the office.  Lunch sometime during the day but not always a set time.  Usually leave the office at 6:00pm, sometimes later, and have dinner.  In my earlier days that might involve an after dinner detour home by way of Cowboy or Nana.  Never really stayed out late during the work week and would try to be home by 9:00 or 9:30pm.  After a while I skipped those places and just went home after dinner.  

why you work so much? you really like it? do you even use all that money or?

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On 7/17/2019 at 9:19 AM, Caldera said:

Get up at 11am, have a Bloody Mary to sober up, shower, brunch, an afternoon massage, dinner, Netflix, head out to party at midnight, sleep at 4am-ish.



Just kidding, of course.

loll why just kidding though? what's wrong with that, and what's your actual usual routine then xd

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On 7/17/2019 at 9:56 AM, Tagged said:

My interests in Thailand have changed by the years, from living on the westcoast, Hua Hin, and now more or less in the middle of the middle. Also travel home for work about 3 times a year a month or two. 


Have been climbing, kayaking, scuba, freediving, go regulary to gym, tried thai boxing for a period, and would deffinity go back to that when I have a longer stay again close to a good gym. Been swimming alot when I had a decent pool, but the most important, it is to start the day with some stretching and moving. Call it yoga for older men if you would like, stairs walking when live in a condo, or walk the beach about an hour or two during sunrise. Have a few friends meet up for coffe a couple times a week, and maybe a beer or two once or twice a month. The last 3 years, I have bought two new big bikes, and also spent around 30000 km on the roads from north to south east and west. 


The last few months life changed again, when we started to develop my gf land, with trees, flowers, pond and a tiny little cabin. 


Whats coming next, I do not know, but it is good to be able to do new things, and do not get stuck, because I get easy bored. Keep everything open, but I really start to like Isan lifestyle more and more, with daily routines, even i hated it the first time I went there, and could not get out of there fast enough.


Get up before sunrise, and early to bed is my mantra, and keep me going. I had serious back problems for years, and stay on the coach almost killed me, until I managed to get up, and start living again, and that thanks to Thailand with the clima, nice smiles,  massage, start believing in myself again, fall in love, and slowly get fit and ready to live the next 50. 


And footnote, the first love didnt last, and now trying again. A lesson learned, and more to come. 

sounds like you can write a quite interesting story about your life so far ????

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On 7/17/2019 at 10:08 AM, khunPer said:

Up at 8am and straight to the PC to check Thaivisa, but do find time for coffee and a bit of bread while checking the news section at until lunch time – however, sometimes I skip lunch if there's a lot of Thaivisa-news to read, which also keep my BMI reasonable – during afternoon I post in the Thaivisa forum, but might take a short nap after dinner if nothing important comes up, but I check all forums of interest before bed time about 1am, so I can be up fresh at 8am for a new day's duties. That's about all of the daily routines when being both Thaivisa forum-member, and retired in Thailand...????


Luckily I'm not that addicted – yet...:unsure: – so in the more serious part of life, the routines depend a bit of week-days; however Thaivisa E-mail newsletter gives me an excellent selection of important national news, and if some posters have inputs for expat life in Thailand, or something I perhaps could help with an answer.


I've always been a B-human – i.e. prefers to be awake late, and therefore normally will sleep longer in the mornings – so I'm not up at 8am checking any forums. And when I finally get out of bed, and shower, I do a little program of stretching exercises before some small house jobs, and coffee and cheese; I brought an espresso machine from home so I can enjoy fresh coffee instead of instant coffee, which I had the first number of years, until I got a house build, and unpacked my 20-feet container from home, including the coffee machine...????


Often I do check the news, first International, then Thaivisa newsletter, and often I then check the stock market. I might also have E-mails to reply, or stuff to write for my home country.


I normally skip lunch – only eat a small light breakfast and dinner – and will often be out shopping before it's too late afternoon, due to rush hour traffic. Having a house in Thailand it's amazing how many small things that need to be taken care of, or upgraded, and too often left for one self to do, as it's difficult to find a craftsman for tiny jobs, at least where I live.


In afternoon at school days I pick-up my daughter from school, and then check the European stock market; not that I'm very active, but to keep me updated with my long-term portfolio that sometimes need little care at the right time; it's my main source of income, so kind of necessary duty (at least let me believe so)...????


At sunset I will walk the dogs, even I never bought any, they seem to come free – a next door neighbors dog that refuse to go home; a beach dog that came up to the house as hungry looking puppy, got a bite, and never left; a male dog from to a resort down the beach, but he seem to stick to the two female dogs now glued to the house – and if the dogs don't want a walk, then I walk alone; however rarely happens, but none of us wish to walk in heavy rain, or during a monsoon storm. A couple of kilometers walk in sand is good healthy excise. In fall and winter I love the feeling of walking barefoot in 27° water, thinking about my freezing friends at home in utterly cold Scandinavia...????


I enjoy a well prepared dinner, and I can also enjoy a (small) glass of wine – or two – or a wine cooler, or an apple cider. We are three in the house, but sometimes the girls skip dinner – their BMI – but that don't stop me from making a gourmet dish for me only, and dine at a set table on the beach terrasse, making me enjoy my expat-life like a never ending vacation.


Sunday is fixed movie day – like my childhoods Sunday 4 pm afternoon movies – which apart from entertainment is also part of my daughter's education, as any film based on some level of real facts would be a first priority selection, and also talking about it. Occasionally there is no movie of interest, so we skip a trip to cinema – might find something else to do – and other weeks there might be two movies, so we extend with a weekday evening.


Tuesday is normally my "spa evening" with a selected masseuse coming and giving me two hours coconut oil massage, and foot massage. I will have some Gregorian monks canting as relaxing ambience, however recorded on a CD.


Thursday evening is "walking street market" in the local china town that I live in, and even it's almost the same every week, I enjoy my walk there, saying hallo to people I know, and return wai to people I might not remember – they might know my girlfriend, and know that I'm her boyfriend – but they kindly wai me, and some even say »Sawadee khun Per«. Some street artists normally performs – a farang singing old rock-songs; a couple of Thai musicians playing guitars and drums; sometimes a school-kid orchestra, or some traditional Thai dance; a magician show – and stopping and looking a bit is part of the "same-same but different" Thursday experience. Thursday dinner will be from the overwhelming market selection.


Any local activities might be attended, which could be an evening/night market in a temple; or a ceremony in a temple with children attending monkshood; or a temple-ceremony where donations are given – with an amazing amount of money trees, so understandable many an Isaan lady believes in that money grows on trees...???? – or my daughter playing a football match; or... It's all also a part of mingling with locals, saying "sawadee" to anybody known, and not being a too strange farang.


At least twice, but preferable three nights a week I'll head out in the vibrant nightlife for some dance – you might call it tech-dance – but I enjoy new dance-music, and not the least being a very active dancer for a couple of hours; if nothing else, it's good exercise, and the girls in the discos are still young and beautiful...???? It's said by science that dance and music keeps one's brain fresh in older age; however, I'm not old yet so it's just a preventive act...????


Whenever I find time for it, I like to snap photos, and I often write small stories, and share them with my home country friends – I even wrote a book when living here in LoS, and is about to write one more – so whatever spare time I have, I always have something to do.


The biggest problem when "retiring" in LoS is time; I cannot understand how I in the past ever found free time to work...????
–but of course, I was not retired then, nor member of Thaivisa forum...????

your gf knows you go and dance with locals there? what she says about that? your daugther is from this gf? how long have you been together before you had your daughter? lastly does she working or she browses thaivisa as well ???? 

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7 hours ago, KiChakayan said:

Easy to answer. Endurance activities, such as cycling, raise your endorphin levels, hence blur our all the aches and ailments of old age as I am nearly 67. I used to hike, sometimes climb, a lot around Geneva, but that's not possible here in Issan. However I may consider buying a "sit on top" Kayak, when the water comes back to the lakes.

interesting but if it's so fun as you claim it to be (the endorphins), how come most people don't feel to cycle at all? ???? 

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16 hours ago, DAN0 said:

your gf knows you go and dance with locals there? what she says about that? your daugther is from this gf? how long have you been together before you had your daughter? lastly does she working or she browses thaivisa as well ???? 

Thanks for your comment, and questions...????


1: "your gf knows you go and dance with locals there? what she says about that?"


Indeed she know, and she often go together with me, but sometimes I'm out alone during a weekday night.


I'm allowed to eat other dishes, but almost all of available birds in the clubs knows my GF. I'm actually an excellent dancer – even I don't know how to dance – so the girls like me, and a few of them, normally one at the time, sometimes dance together with me, as they can get more attention from the "handsum" young farang men when doing that. Many of the young men envy me, as I get more attention from the farang-girls than they do...????


However, both the farang-chicks and the "handsum" young farang-guys asks for having a selfie with me, so no hard feelings – some of them try to copy my dance-moves, so in principle I might dance with all of them...???? – and I never dance close to farang girls...????


I shall add that I live on an island known for partying, and hordes of your folks are coming here.



So weird, with younger night-club audience trying to copy my dance moves while I'm alone on the stage...????

(Photos from a video by my GF, so she knows about it!)


2: "your daugther is from this gf? how long have you been together before you had your daughter?"


Yes, and to not answer in one word only, I'll merged two questions. We have been happily together since autumn 2003, and our daughter was born in August 2005...????


3: "lastly does she working or she browses thaivisa as well"


No, she don't need to work – I can still just manage our survival in spite of exchange rates – but she is busy with her various interests, and a bit of house keeping; and she is the one that drives our daughter to school in the mornings, my turn is pick-up in afternoons.


To my knowledge – we don't need to have secrets – she don't browse Thaivisa, but Line and Facebook; the latter is where I share more of my life-stories with my friends (only), and my GF's friends, so they know what I, and she, and we are doing, if we are doing something funny or special. However, we don't share meals and daily routines, that we leave to the private eyes to find out, so they don't get out of business...:whistling:

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interesting but if it's so fun as you claim it to be (the endorphins), how come most people don't feel to cycle at all? [emoji50] 

Pretty obvious why.... far too hot to cycle in LoS and far too dangerous to cycle in LoS.
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On 7/16/2019 at 7:56 AM, wgdanson said:

It all depends on where you live and what you personally want.

I live in 'my own' house in a a rural village but only 30km from Phitsanulok City where there are the usual Tesco, Big C, macro, Immigration, restaurants, etc. Go there twice a week. Also go to local vegetable markets twice a week

My day usually begins at 5.55 am, turn phone on for BBC midnight news. Check emails, currency, blood pressure, and have a pee. Take dog for walk/shit, back home to make a cuppa for me and coffee for gf. during which time I log onto TVisa to see who's dissed me !!!!! LOL

My day revolves around cooking, wine-making, watching catch-up telly or downloaded movies, listening to music, Popmaster, Countdown, playing Scrabble online. I used to be a professional musician so spend quite a bit of time recording on my PC, write some songs sometimes. Maybe mow my lawn and cut the hedge now & then. I am happy with my own company and my gf has so many friends I sometimes only see her morning and night....peaceful.

Yeah she's very friendly 

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Was, for me

Wake up whenever, eat banana for breakfast, watch tv.

If it was Monday, help the cleaner make the bed and sit outside while she cleaned the room, watch tv.

Go on internet to warble on TVF.

Go to supermarket/ DVD stall then Geckos for dinner ( if it was hamburger special night ). If not Geckos I'd heat something in the microwave to eat.

Watch tv/ DVD or read a book till tired.


My life was pretty routine, but I wasn't bored, and it was always warm.

I wasn't interested in paying for expensive drinks in a bar and being hassled by bargirls or drunk expats.

Other than movies at the mall, there isn't much to do in Chiang Mai for someone not interested in temples or restaurants, once all the usual sights and tours had been done. Doi Inthanon was a great tour, but not something to do regularly.


I lead a far more active life now, but it's cold and I'd rather be in LOS.

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On ‎7‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 12:28 AM, khunPer said:

No, she don't need to work – I can still just manage our survival in spite of exchange rates – but she is busy with her various interests, and a bit of house keeping; and she is the one that drives our daughter to school in the mornings, my turn is pick-up in afternoons.

I don't get why farang guys have a wife who doesn't work for her own money but let her do her own thing instead of looking after said farang. My wife worked for her own money, and so I could have time to myself, but if I was giving her money I'd expect her to be taking care of me all day, as her "job" would be the one that paid her.

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