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Caucasian man found dead in abandoned Buri Ram building with plastic bag over his head

Jonathan Fairfield

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Gents, backpack and large bag seen over the weekend?? and no one seen the body... hello Sherlock’s... how is that possible...older people do not carry computers with them..  someone did him-in without showing any signs of a fight and now wants to make it look like a suicide with gasoline and a bag ...RIP 

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47 minutes ago, Blackheart1916 said:
50 minutes ago, Deli said:

Never heard of that. In which countries is this legally available ?


47 minutes ago, Blackheart1916 said:

No need to be legal, google it and you will see, plenty of advice on the subject.

Yes, I concur. I did not say legally available. But simply search for 'Exit International' and you'll find plenty of info.


And, 'no' I am not planning my own demise, but as mentioned earlier, those robbing thieves in the hospitals are not going deprive my wife what financial security I have to leave to her. So like a good boy scout, 'be prepared'.

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19 hours ago, thesetat2013 said:

Dropped his bag at a different place with his notebook inside but all forms of ID he decided would identify him so he must have placed those elsewhere or buried them. Then he went to an abandoned building and wrapped his head in plastic and then tied a rope around his neck to a gasoline can. I will love to read how this is spun into a suicide. 

Gotta be suicide.....thats the easy way out for Police !!!

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You're spot on Blld766. I've just finished assembling my exit kit too as all the hassle we're subjected to here makes it pretty intolerable. I havnt got the bottle to jump off a tall building so some pills and a plastic bag should be less messy. 



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1 hour ago, Bundooman said:

Don't you just love the way the police, with bare hands, rummage through the poor guy's belongings - looking for ................... what? What we might think of as money, goodies, valuables, or just his passport, etc.


Zero training, zero professionalism and zero accountability.


1 hour ago, Bundooman said:

It would have been less suspicious if they had worn surgical gloves to avoid smearing and potential evidence, don't you think?

See above. Furthermore, the function the police serve here makes training, professionalism and accountability moot. They don't serve the people or the law. They serve the powerful elite. 


1 hour ago, Bundooman said:

the video gave them the look of avarice and enthusiasm........ worrying, eh? would they do that in my house when I die?

Unless you had relatives safeguarding your stuff, you bet they would be going through your stuff as would the "rescue foundation" staff called in to take your body away.


But if you were a powerful Thai with status, they would not be allowed over the threshold.

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2 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

Of course he/she can. But he could also have been murdered, considering that no ID was found.


You can sell certain passports for good money. Why was there no ID< who travels without one?


Somebody must know the guy, methinkjs. 


I never carry ID.  They'd probably think I was a guy called Stephen based on the only business card currently in my wallet (a chap I met a couple of days ago).

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All I can say is get on with living courageously and don't fear death. I see my life as an endless straight line into eternity. Death will have to catch my ass and then sucker punch me. I'm not surrendering. It seems like a lot of people are suffering trying to find a way not to suffer so much in the end. When that time comes just spend every last painful second with someone, anyone and the pain won't hurt as much. 

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1 minute ago, ToddinChonburi said:

Not sure why you would hide your ID if committing suicide.

Hide what ID?   Do you carry your passport around?   Some people don't have driving licences or other ID that can fit in a wallet, I certainly don't.


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2 hours ago, Bundooman said:

Don't you just love the way the police, with bare hands, rummage through the poor guy's belongings - looking for ................... what? What we might think of as money, goodies, valuables, or just his passport, etc.


It would have been less suspicious if they had worn surgical gloves to avoid smearing and potential evidence, don't you think?


the video gave them the look of avarice and enthusiasm........ worrying, eh? would they do that in my house when I die?

Was the woman in white police? I think she was a rescue worker. If this is the case, then why was she allowed to touch anything? It is a crime scene until proven different. 

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20 hours ago, Sticky Wicket said:

Worst case of suicide ever seen

Worst case of forensic examination I have ever seen. Opening the case without gloves, opening the backpack in the wild and throwing items in the wild - Police will say: No evidence of involvement of a second person but why the victim has hundreds of plastic strips in his case? This is fishy from start on.

Some years ago I had a burglary in my house on Phuket because me and the dogs were on holidays. The police was excellent, wearing gloves all the time and dusted every fingerprint. Besides the burglar was an expat neighbor ???? still on the run.




Edited by elliworld
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20 hours ago, Guitar God said:

It’s one of the most common ways. People usually take an overdose of sedatives and once they’re drowsy they’ll tie a bag over their head. 


Based on the fact that absolutely nothing was mentioned that would suggest foul play , I’ll wait for more details before I automatically assume what looks like suicide is actually murder. 


Expat bar stool pilots love to add their “expert” opinion that every elderly farang who died here was murdered. Every 190 cm tall drunk Brit who falls off a balcony was pushed. 


I’m 193, my center of gravity is about 10 cm higher than the old, low hotel balconies. A couple times I’ve checked into a hotel, leaned against the balcony and almost fell over. 


Some terminally ill retiree in chronic pain decides to kill themselves rather that suffer and a dozen armchair quarterbacks feel the need to declare he was murdered by some gold-digging wife he’d been married to for 20 years.  



Are you suggesting all those unfortunate to have met their end from falling off a balcony in Thailand are British?


Seems you're piloting your own bar stool!

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20 hours ago, andre47 said:

"A coming autopsy would show whether he killed himself or was murdered, said police."


plastic bag over his head - can somebody kill himself like this?????

If you're determined enough.

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46 minutes ago, elliworld said:

Worst case of forensic examination I have ever seen. Opening the case without gloves, opening the backpack in the wild and throwing items in the wild - Police will say: No evidence of involvement of a second person but why the victim has hundreds of plastic strips in his case? This is fishy from start on.

Some years ago I had a burglary in my house on Phuket because me and the dogs were on holidays. The police was excellent, wearing gloves all the time and dusted every fingerprint. Besides the burglar was an expat neighbor ???? still on the run.




You think that was bad you should have seen the Koh Tao double murder scene.


To be fair to that it was intentional sabotage!

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21 hours ago, Guitar God said:

It’s one of the most common ways. People usually take an overdose of sedatives and once they’re drowsy they’ll tie a bag over their head. 


Based on the fact that absolutely nothing was mentioned that would suggest foul play , I’ll wait for more details before I automatically assume what looks like suicide is actually murder. 


Expat bar stool pilots love to add their “expert” opinion that every elderly farang who died here was murdered. Every 190 cm tall drunk Brit who falls off a balcony was pushed. 


I’m 193, my center of gravity is about 10 cm higher than the old, low hotel balconies. A couple times I’ve checked into a hotel, leaned against the balcony and almost fell over. 


Some terminally ill retiree in chronic pain decides to kill themselves rather that suffer and a dozen armchair quarterbacks feel the need to declare he was murdered by some gold-digging wife he’d been married to for 20 years.  


So you dont think that all forms of ID were missing would be considered foul play? Especially since his computer would most certainly have ways to identify him easily enough if you are computer literate

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17 hours ago, mogandave said:

Why is everyone assuming it’s suicide or foul play?

It could be the guy was getting loaded huffing gas, passed out and suffocated.

no he or someone has gone to a lot of trouble to try to hide who he is you wouldn't do that if you just intended to get high

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2 hours ago, glanville63 said:

You're spot on Blld766. I've just finished assembling my exit kit too as all the hassle we're subjected to here makes it pretty intolerable. I havnt got the bottle to jump off a tall building so some pills and a plastic bag should be less messy. 



Well forward planning is always a good idea but I am hoping to be around for a few years more.

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22 hours ago, andre47 said:

"A coming autopsy would show whether he killed himself or was murdered, said police."


plastic bag over his head - can somebody kill himself like this?????

Babies apparently can. Why can't an adult?

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