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serious mental problems of westerners

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12 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Maybe the prospects of going back to the uk to live in a cardboard box on the street in the snow and rain is enough to make some have a 'mental problem' ! 

Most of those mentally challenged people on the streets of Phnom Penh or Bangkok will still be that same way back home in their western countries.

   Canada and the U.S. are full of those type of people living on the streets. It gets worse every year.  

    I saw a guy in Siem Reap... they said he was from Scotland, who was a real hospital case mentally gone from bad drugs or too much cheap alcohol perhaps aimlessly stumbling around the streets of Siem Reap. People said he had been there for years.

      He made it on the Internet because of people videoing him with their phones. People felt sorry for him as he obviously was not all there mentally. I think he finally was detained by officers when he left Siem Reap and tried to cross into Thailand.  That was the last I had heard of him. 


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I wonder, perhaps some falangs come to Thailand because they have 'let go' of their will to live and come there to party hard and then during another horrible happening jump in malls, hang themselves etc.

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7 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

What are the women like?



7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I did the last option.

If anyone gets bored in Thailand, they are not trying very hard. It was the most interesting place I ever lived except for Antarctica.



I don't know but I've been told

Eskimo pussy's mighty cold






Edited by HansumFarang
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12 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

yeah yeah, did you see anything important like women of questionable moral character?

I guess there's no prizes for guessing why you asked that question.

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14 hours ago, Pattayabeerbacon said:


Was just in Phnom phen for example, some westerners were so far gone

Karma for the 3.3 million vietnamese, cambodians, and laotians killed in the American war in Vietnam. 


Don't concern yourself, they are adults and have chosen their own path 


Woa - flashback 


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12 hours ago, Pattayabeerbacon said:

You cannot just come here with ***$ and say of im gonna live **weeks/months , The environment is so  full of temptation many will blow through 50% of there budget very quickly only to realise there dream of living on ***$ turned into a living on a quarter of what they expected.


Then they have two choices, Rough it out on a low budget because the though to return to the western world  feels unbearable then  proceed to start drinking copious amounts of booze to numb the boredom or fly back home and work / save for the next trip.


I've seen it time and time again many many farangs lose the plot trying to live out here long term on a budget with no job, no family, no real resources or marketable skills and ebd up homeless, or go completely mad with boredom/addiction.


You seem to have seen quite a lot for a young unemployable person. Take your own advice, go back home ( country WA wasn’t it) and try working for a few years until you set yourself up. (I forgot you said you can’t get a decent job). Your asian adventure wont end well I fear.

Anyway thanks for the advice but I don’t really need it. I am a grown up,

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5 hours ago, Catoni said:

Most of those mentally challenged people on the streets of Phnom Penh or Bangkok will still be that same way back home in their western countries.

   Canada and the U.S. are full of those type of people living on the streets. It gets worse every year.  

    I saw a guy in Siem Reap... they said he was from Scotland, who was a real hospital case mentally gone from bad drugs or too much cheap alcohol perhaps aimlessly stumbling around the streets of Siem Reap. People said he had been there for years.

      He made it on the Internet because of people videoing him with their phones. People felt sorry for him as he obviously was not all there mentally. I think he finally was detained by officers when he left Siem Reap and tried to cross into Thailand.  That was the last I had heard of him. 


Yes he made it to the LOS and is now giving bagpipe lessons and how to make black pudding , 

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19 hours ago, Guderian said:

The way the exchange rate is going is enough to give anybody mental problems!

And all the stress of immigration which can stretch to 5 months of the year for some unable to spend their own money in the bank.

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I wonder how many of these mentally ill people realize that they are ill.

Maybe they are happy and don't know that they are ill.

And would they be happier if they would realize (or a doctor would tell them) that they are ill? I have my doubts. 

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17 hours ago, Pattayabeerbacon said:
18 hours ago, atyclb said:



have seen many working at beer bars and gogo bars.

Definatly sounds like fun but long term it would affect your mental health badly , Many leave Pattaya for reasons as such.

Edited 17 hours ago by Pattayabeerbacon


perhaps i was mistaken and they are owners

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