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Biden and Harris to square off in Round 2 of Democratic presidential debate


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DT/Steve Bannon speak favorably of a Biden-Harris ticket.  I interpret that as meaning they have their playbook all laid out.  Danger there, Will Robinson!

For me Harris and Booker went sour at the Kavanaugh hearings, backing off at Lindsey Graham's showboating.  Maybe it's something in the genetics that provides an instinct to keep away from white guys with Southern accents speaking in an angry voice (that was sarcasm, but look at their facial expressions if you can dig up a vid clip).  In this woke environment, any thing either of them ever did to put a person "of color" behind bars is going to be shoved in their faces, and you can count on Team Biden to dig these up.  Kamala should have known to expect this when she went after Old Joe in the first debate.  Action and reaction, don't law students have to take a physics class? 
Let's see, there was a bunch of guys named "whatsisname" but I can't remember anything they said.  One of them looked like he was there by accident, thinking it was open-mike comedy night.  But maybe one of them will come up from the inside (a horse racing term) to be the centrist front-runner, knocking Old Joe out of first place.
What was Gabbard doing there?  She comes off like a Republican.  Her campaign was advertising on CNN US during the commercial breaks.

I'm impressed that Beto didn't stand up on the podium. 
The only person up there that can go yap to yap with DT is De Blasio, but I don't know about anything else he has to offer.  Maybe Bernie could tear the the orange guy a new one, too.

Bear in mind some of these people know they don't have a chance but are hopeful for a cabinet position should the Dems win.

Prime contenders at this point, IMO:
Mayor Pete


Anything you ever did can be used against you, that's what mudslinging is about.  Something Obama had in has favor in 2008 was not so much experience, therefore not much to throw at him.  No one is going after the whatsisname guys yet, guess no one takes them seriously, but that will change if they start getting polling numbers.

In a recent column Maureen Dowd introduced the word "purity" in regard to these woke-ness evaluations -- it fits.  Looks like the Dems are going to be too focused on their own purity tests to run a real campaign.  One of the things that works in favor of the GOP is their adversaries are the Dems.


And if DT gets re-elected his first order of business is getting the 22nd amendment repealed.  Consider the possibilities...



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At first I thought this was a joke!  You can’t make this stuff up!


Kamala Harris press secretary accuses Tulsi Gabbard of working for the Russians after slamming Harris on her record as a prosecutor. 


I posted a link but it was taken down. Just google this and it appears on every news outlet. 

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4 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Tulsi Gabbard is against the American war machine, American instigated regime change, and unnecessary wars. The whole world should be excited about Gabbard.


But she challenged one of the woke. This is forbidden. But yeah surprised the hate for her when she simply bring up some good points. I don't normally lock up 1,400 people and then smoke a joint and smile.


I also don't try to suppress exculpatory evidence in a capitol murder case. As others have said it isn't the job of a prosecutor to exonerate anybody however.

Edited by Cryingdick
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All the trump supporters sound a might worryed it’s really early in the race and poor Donald one fiasco after another lol his big mouth cost 600 points on the Dow today after his interest rate corporate welfare interest rate drop lol just can’t control himsielf 

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1 hour ago, Tug said:

All the trump supporters sound a might worryed it’s really early in the race and poor Donald one fiasco after another lol his big mouth cost 600 points on the Dow today after his interest rate corporate welfare interest rate drop lol just can’t control himsielf 


Worried? lol The dems keep giving out gifts. I remember when they said Obama was a decent guy.

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3 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

But she challenged one of the woke. This is forbidden.

I haven’t seen any of the 500 or so Dem candidates backing off taking it to the front runners or “woke” contenders...


In what way is Tulsi not “woke”?

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14 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Worried? lol The dems keep giving out gifts. I remember when they said Obama was a decent guy.

Or Donald’s love letters to Kim or his Moscow Mitch tody lol

wreacking healthcare lol nope don’t think so bleeding the working class for corporate America lol you don’t think we see that don’t think so donalds a one termed or less imo

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1 hour ago, mikebike said:

I haven’t seen any of the 500 or so Dem candidates backing off taking it to the front runners or “woke” contenders...


In what way is Tulsi not “woke”?


You would have to be woke yourself to understand what I mean. The fact that any of this is considered seriously shows how wacky people have become. listen to the question... " Are you woke?"


We have 5 years.



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4 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Tulsi Gabbard is against the American war machine, American instigated regime change, and unnecessary wars. The whole world should be excited about Gabbard.

Perhaps, or is she just for Assad?  " But only Gabbard consistently struggles to admit that Assad is one of the worst war criminals in history. Only Gabbard asserts that the United States (not Assad) is responsible for the death and destruction in Syria, that the Russian airstrikes on civilians are to be praised, that efforts to protect Syrian civilians are wrongheaded and that the United States must side with Assad. " https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/tulsi-gabbards-syria-record-shows-why-she-cant-be-president/2019/08/01/f804c790-b497-11e9-8949-5f36ff92706e_story.html?utm_term=.17a08db4d615

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3 minutes ago, Misty said:

Perhaps, or is she just for Assad?  " But only Gabbard consistently struggles to admit that Assad is one of the worst war criminals in history. Only Gabbard asserts that the United States (not Assad) is responsible for the death and destruction in Syria, that the Russian airstrikes on civilians are to be praised, that efforts to protect Syrian civilians are wrongheaded and that the United States must side with Assad. " https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/tulsi-gabbards-syria-record-shows-why-she-cant-be-president/2019/08/01/f804c790-b497-11e9-8949-5f36ff92706e_story.html?utm_term=.17a08db4d615


She won't ever be the president but she is beautiful. Nice eye candy for vp. I will be berated for saying that but sex sells. Whatever you do at this point and juncture you don't want a cackling hag as a running mate.

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18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Happy to see that CORY BOOKER is back in the contest!


He's very talented and given the type of race baiting campaign that "trump" has already signaled is his plan, the hard fighting former mayor of NEWARK would be a great fit.


The truth is the democrats have an embarrassment of riches on who to put up that have a great chance of beating the current occupant of the white house.


On that stars list I would include --



Mayor Pete





I don't include Biden. Too much baggage and he does not inspire. Also Bernie. Between Sanders and Warren, one needs to fade and it's going to be Bernie.


My going in favorite Klobuchar who clearly is out of this by now might be a VP possibility depending on who's on the top of the ticket. 


I think Booker has way too much baggage, if he makes the ticket, it's over.

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17 hours ago, JemJem said:

I have a feeling that if Biden wins the Dems' nomination, Trump will eat him for breakfast at debates ! It won't be a pretty sight ???? Having said that, how much their debate performance would affect the final outcome is an unknown of course.


I would not underestimate Biden, he did surprisingly well against Paul Ryan 

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2 hours ago, Tug said:

All the trump supporters sound a might worryed it’s really early in the race and poor Donald one fiasco after another lol his big mouth cost 600 points on the Dow today after his interest rate corporate welfare interest rate drop lol just can’t control himsielf 

The only people who are worried are the Democrat ... Chris Mathews looks like he has seen a ghost. The democrat party is knockin on heavens door. 

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18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The truth is the democrats have an embarrassment of riches on who to put up that have a great chance of beating the current occupant of the white house.


On that stars list I would include --



Mayor Pete





I don't include Biden. Too much baggage and he does not inspire. Also Bernie. Between Sanders and Warren, one needs to fade and it's going to be Bernie.


My going in favorite Klobuchar who clearly is out of this by now might be a VP possibility depending on who's on the top of the ticket. 

An interesting and somewhat unique analysis.


May I ask what criterion you personally use to determine your choice(s), other than “hav[ing] a great chance of beating the current occupant...”?


I guess my question is what policy direction do you see as being a long-term winning strategy for a party which seems woefully bereft of leadership/strategy for the political climate of 2019/20. I see leadership and many candidates who would have been stars in 1996 but few who have grasped the changes in politics since then.

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49 minutes ago, WayWokeWhiteGuy said:

I think Booker has way too much baggage, if he makes the ticket, it's over.

Not compared to Biden. But it's academic. He's about as popular with African Americans as Mayor Pete. In other words, not at all popular!

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40 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

So in one post you talk about 'identity politics and calling anything that moves a racist' and in the very next post you display huge (probably pronounced hugely in your head) amounts of overt misogyny by not judging Warren on her policies and her past endevours to fight corruption and big corporations but rather her 'complaining, nagging, pissed off, fridgid (sic) ex wife' personality and the 'shrill annoying pitch in her voice that men run away from'.

It's so obvious as to be scary but the only right candidate for you guys (Dems or GOP) is old, white and male.    

The only thing worse than her shrill nagging voice are her policies. Yes, perhaps I’m jaded I don’t like feminists nor does my Thai wife. 

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19 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Happy to see that CORY BOOKER is back in the contest!


He's very talented and given the type of race baiting campaign that "trump" has already signaled is his plan, the hard fighting former mayor of NEWARK would be a great fit.


The truth is the democrats have an embarrassment of riches on who to put up that have a great chance of beating the current occupant of the white house.


On that stars list I would include --



Mayor Pete





I don't include Biden. Too much baggage and he does not inspire. Also Bernie. Between Sanders and Warren, one needs to fade and it's going to be Bernie.


My going in favorite Klobuchar who clearly is out of this by now might be a VP possibility depending on who's on the top of the ticket. 


 So funny 'an embarrassment of riches' lol. The only one who could beat Trump is Yang who is streets ahead of those dinosaurs with no ideas.


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19 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

 So funny 'an embarrassment of riches' lol. The only one who could beat Trump is Yang who is streets ahead of those dinosaurs with no ideas.



Yeah, Yang could beat him, as could Bernie. I'm not sure Warren could but I'd vote for any of them if they were the candidate.

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35 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Not compared to Biden. But it's academic. He's about as popular with African Americans as Mayor Pete. In other words, not at all popular!


In my opinion, most of Biden's baggage is out, not so with Booker. The right will have a hay-day with Booker, and rightfully so.


In a choice between Trump and Mayor Pete, who do Blacks vote for?



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6 minutes ago, WayWokeWhiteGuy said:


In my opinion, most of Biden's baggage is out, not so with Booker. The right will have a hay-day with Booker, and rightfully so.


In a choice between Trump and Mayor Pete, who do Blacks vote for?



Mayor Pete, of course.

But it's about turnout. 

It's also about beating "trump" soundly.

If a win is at all close, my prediction (not original) is that he won't leave the white house voluntarily. 

He's not running for the country. He's running to stay out of prison. He won't go down at all easily, if at all. 

Keep in mind "trump" can lose the popular vote by 5 million and still win. In fact, that's his main chance to legitimately win. There is no way he will win the popular vote.

I don't think Mayor Pete will be nominated though. If Harris is nominated, he might be the perfect VP pick though. 

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3 minutes ago, WayWokeWhiteGuy said:

In a choice between Trump and Mayor Pete, who do Blacks vote for?

I'm guessing they will stay home given that choice... overt racist vs mayor who has race v police issues and is seemingly helpless to resolve it.

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