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Life is hard.

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18 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

Have you thought of starting a 'go fund me' page ? I'm sure if you explained you are an unemployed, alcoholic spendthrift plenty would donate.

Actually, you may be on to something.  This "go fund me" is such a scam, but plenty of naive people willing to give to complete strangers.  The OP just has to be a little creative.  Make up some sob story.  Involve cute pets/furry animals if possible...people eat that sht up.  But OP, no matter what, do not tell the truth! 

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1 hour ago, Skallywag said:

Ah the ultimate Catch 22. 

No job, no money and of course a suggestion to go seek professional help at $160 an hour.  A worthy yet monetarily unattainable solution.


OP has an internet connection, maybe read about Buddhism online.

Noble truth 1: Life is filled with suffering


Join the club


Ok, you might be right. Anyway, no job does not necessarily mean no money. Here we have an assumed fair amount of money to drink, on the other hand no money to afford an Asian relation. As I say, you might be right.

On the other hand, an Asian relationship does not necessarily mean much money. That only happens to guys that comes to this country fishing in the bars. There are plenty of fish in the sea, so better try the luck there.

Buddhism can be of help, if you a serious when offering that as an alternative, and not doing it in a sacastic manner.

Sounds to me that you also have problem in life, due to that you say "Join the club". As most people are well aware of, advice given from others in the same situation is not advisable. That due to that one that have problems, can not advise another to get rid of them. In that case the one advising would have fixed his/hers own first. Unless that person is not enjoying self-inflicted misery.

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Just now, geoffbezoz said:

Of course if everything you say is true, but from your forum name though I have doubts, then with your state of depression you should seriously consider talking too the Samaritans. A fantastic organisation whose sole role is to help people. You may think life is hard, possibly pointless where you have been dealt a poor hand, but believe me, there are millions in our world a lot worse of than you and have no means of help and support unlike yourself.

Help and support how?


i work a low income job it pays on par with the dole ( uber eats).


I went in for surgery on compassionate grounds to treat a severe medical issue that's preventing me from working full time as i could potentially die if i continue working the field I'n the wrong cercumstance.


 The surgeon proceded to tell me the surgery was 3K Upfront, If i don't have the money , I can't get the surgery simple as that.


i asked my parents if they help, They told me they don't have the money.


Where is the help and support for westerners in the western world?

i dont see it.



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You're in Australia, go to your GP and ask for a mental health care plan. If you are eligible you can get 10 free visits to a psychologist. You are only 33yo so you have plenty of time to get your life back on track. Also don't make life changing decisions if you're suffering from depression. Good luck with journey. 

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10 minutes ago, Pattayabeerbacon said:

The surgeon proceded to tell me the surgery was 3K Upfront, If i don't have the money , I can't get the surgery simple as that.

So it's a procedure that's not available in the public system on Medicare?

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52 minutes ago, SenorCJ said:

Join the military dude. That will give you some direction for a few years. It won’t be easy, but you need some serious change of direction.

I doubt they would want him, too much baggage.   

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

And they all want you to buy them a house to live in.

Nothing wrong with bar girls but if you want one be prepared.  I married an engineer who got a bank loan, built a house and wanted me to share the mortgage payment.  Every time you use the word "they"  we are all prepared what follows is BS.

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Just now, BritManToo said:

I'm guessing from your rant that you've bought a Thai woman an expensive house for cash.

Good luck, now she has the house, she doesn't need you.

No, didn´t. Ain´t that stupid. She owns the land, I own the house. Separated at the Land Office.

On the other hand, something terrible must have happened to you for holding that heavy load of mistrust and dislike of people. Who have been hurting you, and what happened?

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Just now, BestB said:

I only have few things to say 


1. Go to Cambodia and see how life is and all over sudden you will feel blessed even with whatever you have or do not have 

2. I see all your points of how bad life is but did not see anything you had done or attempted to do to improve it 

3. Do not for 1 second assume that you are the only one in bad situation, guy/girl next to you could be sane or even worse. You mentioned some people born lucky with millions , but did it ever occur to you that they may not be happy and have more problems than you. You have nothing so you do not need to worry about loosing nothing , they have everything and need to worry about everything .


To appreciate the good you must experience the bad. Without knowing what bad is, how can you identify the good?


Seek some medical help, often helps, look into doing some seminars or read books on self development and self understanding and stop concentrating on how bad it is but start concentrating on how to change it. And before you could run , you learned how to walk, but before walking you crawled. 


Small goals, small changes , step by step.


Getting a dog or even being a volunteer in a shelter may help you greatly and you will realise your life has a meaning , because of you other living being is alive .


You will also get to meet lots of new people and dogs make great companions, good to socialise, keep active and responsible. 

i just came from cambodia. i have some local friends there, I get along very well with khmers, They actually told me that about how white people dont stick together and very much understood that i was all alone in the world with no help.


A good example is my mother and father being uninterested in my travels , They are just worried about there own pockets,


my mother never once asked me "Why are you over there?" or "What are you doing over there ?" She just cares about her work, her properties, her money and her assets.


she can be quite two-faced, snobby and evil.


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