Krataiboy Posted August 11, 2019 Posted August 11, 2019 8 minutes ago, Becker said: Analysis? That's a very generous term for some of the outlandish drivel written in this thread. Oh, and sheep are lost without shepards. What could be more outlandish than the official version of Epstein's fortuitous demise? Shepherds, by the way, are not there to find "lost" sheep, but to ensure they are controlled and penned. Baaa.
Popular Post Becker Posted August 11, 2019 Popular Post Posted August 11, 2019 9 minutes ago, Krataiboy said: What could be more outlandish than the official version of Epstein's fortuitous demise? That he was murdered by deep state agents who work for a globalist elite controlled by Jewish agents who were also behind Pizzagate, 9/11, the extinction of the dinosaurs and Anon. 1 2
RJRS1301 Posted August 11, 2019 Posted August 11, 2019 8 hours ago, BritManToo said: How would you go about hanging yourself in a room with no fittings above waist height and only paper bed sheets? I'm just wondering, maybe it's me being stupid, because I can't think of a way. I'd need a door and door handle or a light fitting to suspend myself from. Maybe a curtain rail ......... nothing like that in the cells though. No curtains? Not fitted out by Martha Stewart?
Popular Post rabas Posted August 11, 2019 Popular Post Posted August 11, 2019 9 hours ago, Becker said: You mean the side of reason? Not really. I grant you that this case has really brought out the conspiracy nutters in droves but that's to be expected. There are two kinds of conspiracy theories. Those that are true, and those that aren't. Speculation is the normal process of forming a theory from a suspicious collection of facts and Epstein's collection was bigger than life. What is not normal, nutters, is blind denial in the absence of answers. So which are you, nutter or analyst? 1 1 1
stevenl Posted August 11, 2019 Posted August 11, 2019 6 hours ago, Becker said: That he was murdered by deep state agents who work for a globalist elite controlled by Jewish agents who were also behind Pizzagate, 9/11, the extinction of the dinosaurs and Anon. You forgot the murder of JFK.
stevenl Posted August 11, 2019 Posted August 11, 2019 7 hours ago, Krataiboy said: Maybe by cultivating a more open mind and not dismissing as "conspiracy theories" analyses of controversial events which question the official narrative. Shepherds are redundant without sheep. Yes, cultivate an open mind, and accept that this may be a conspiracy theory.
giddyup Posted August 11, 2019 Posted August 11, 2019 15 hours ago, BritManToo said: Hung 'himself', in a room with no internal fittings above waist height. You can hang yourself from a door knob or a bed end. There would be some kind of fitting, like the sink to attach a sheet or cord of some kind.
Popular Post canuckamuck Posted August 12, 2019 Popular Post Posted August 12, 2019 17 minutes ago, stevenl said: Yes, cultivate an open mind, and accept that this may be a conspiracy theory. The campaign to discredit the term 'conspiracy theory' came in the wake of the JFK assassination. It was a smear tactic aimed at damaging the credibility of people who did not believe the lone shooter and magic bullet theories surrounding Lee Harvey Oswald. But if conspiracy theories are the sign of madness and paranoia. Why do all the governments of the world have intelligence agencies? And what do the top level federal agencies of the USA do all day, if not investigating potential conspiracies? Conspiracy is predictable behavior for humans unfortunately, particularly humans with power and connections. 4 1
albertik Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 13 hours ago, Becker said: But with Clinton it's a given. Riiiiight. You said that...….. not me. So answer to your question is...……...Maybe. 1
mrmazinkle Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 On 8/10/2019 at 11:31 PM, emptypockets said: it would seem the US is no different to Thailand, or indeed the rest of the world, when it comes to the elite. They will always look after themselves. Always have and always will. It has been this way for millennia. All the calls for the Red Bull criminal etc will be treated with the same disdain. The plebs will whine and post on forums, but the result will be the same. Anyone remember Teddy and Mary-Jo? 1
chokrai Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 I think Trump sent the Russian White nationalist Nazis to take him out.
Popular Post spidermike007 Posted August 12, 2019 Popular Post Posted August 12, 2019 I have an attorney friend in California, who knows a guy who is representing a plaintiff against Epstein for financial fraud. How accurate this description of events are, is anyone's guess. But, it sure makes for interesting reading. There is no doubt that he was assassinated, and the only question is, is there more to this than the potential squealing he could have done, against very powerful people? Here is an excerpt from his note to me about this. He is extremely credible, and not a conspiracy theorist on any level. Very down to earth, and fairly conservative. I did not know you were following this. I know lots about it as I have been working with attorneys involved in this. Yes he was more than likely murdered. The feds may have been involved, but if they were they were not alone. The reason Acosta approved the deal in Florida years ago was that he was directed to by the intelligence community. About a week or so ago Acosta came out and said that and that he had the proof. Suddenly he went quiet. Where is the proof? Why would the DOJ etc tell Acosta to take the sweetheart deal?? Think about it. The main attorney, *****, I talked to is representing a person that was bilked out of 1 1/2 billion dollars by a group of people one of whom is the CEO of Victoria Secret. **** has filed a law suit and conducted several depositions, motions and has uncovered many documents. Flight logs etc. Much to ***** surprise the CEO was a frequent flyer of Epstein and the island. It is apparent from the stuff he has discovered that Epstein was heavily involved with Mossad. That’s right the Jewish intelligence underground. That Bibi. and they have received billions through Epstein. Blackmail of very high up world leaders among others. Our intelligence is in bed with Mossad. It has been for many years. They do not want this exposed so now you know why Acosta was told to take the Epstein deal and I am thinking why Acosta suddenly went quiet after announcing he had the proof. So now Epstein is murdered and my thinking is that Mossad with our our intelligence agency was involved. Of course we cannot rule out very powerful and rich people could have also been involved. 4 1
Popular Post Nigel Garvie Posted August 12, 2019 Popular Post Posted August 12, 2019 3 hours ago, canuckamuck said: The campaign to discredit the term 'conspiracy theory' came in the wake of the JFK assassination. It was a smear tactic aimed at damaging the credibility of people who did not believe the lone shooter and magic bullet theories surrounding Lee Harvey Oswald. But if conspiracy theories are the sign of madness and paranoia. Why do all the governments of the world have intelligence agencies? And what do the top level federal agencies of the USA do all day, if not investigating potential conspiracies? Conspiracy is predictable behavior for humans unfortunately, particularly humans with power and connections. OK (Sigh) a lot of this is very fair, but "Why do all the governments of the world have intelligence agencies". There are so many reasons that it's hardly sensible just to isolate out "investigating potential conspiracies". A key problem you have correctly identified is that the phrase "Conspiracy Theory", is now totally overburdened with the negative interpretation that it is far fetched and unjustified, as in the example of the flat Earthers, Moon landing hoax, etc Numerous posters here have taken the line that every doubter is a CON TH. nutter, which in the Epstein case actually is IMHO a rather far fetched and unjustified line to take. It is completely justifiable to have a theory that there may have been a conspiracy, without it being (Rather self righteously) dismissed as a "Conspiracy theory". We should certainly pause before we leap to conclusions. Maybe it was a totally straightforward suicide, and all the authorities dealing with it are as pure as driven snow and telling the complete unadulterated truth. However there really are some rather big questions to address. 5
Jingthing Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 The campaign to discredit the term 'conspiracy theory' came in the wake of the JFK assassination. It was a smear tactic aimed at damaging the credibility of people who did not believe the lone shooter and magic bullet theories surrounding Lee Harvey Oswald. But if conspiracy theories are the sign of madness and paranoia. Why do all the governments of the world have intelligence agencies? And what do the top level federal agencies of the USA do all day, if not investigating potential conspiracies? Conspiracy is predictable behavior for humans unfortunately, particularly humans with power and connections.Yes Virginia.There are many fine conspiracy theories.On both sides.It seems to me people are going to be theorizing about the death of Epstein for the next 100 years. Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
CGW Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 1 hour ago, chokrai said: I think Trump sent the Russian White nationalist Nazis to take him out. The "lefties" on here will all be agreeing with this 1
Popular Post CGW Posted August 12, 2019 Popular Post Posted August 12, 2019 25 minutes ago, Jingthing said: It seems to me people are going to be theorizing about the death of Epstein for the next 100 years. Most certainly, just like JFK and 911 because we are never told the truth! If we question the ridiculous nonsense we are expected to believe we are - wait for it - "Conspiracy theorists" ???? 2 2 1
Popular Post otherstuff1957 Posted August 12, 2019 Popular Post Posted August 12, 2019 On 8/10/2019 at 9:58 PM, Chomper Higgot said: No, but the contents of his safe will. Next: Mysterious case of spontaneous combustion in Jeffrey Epstein's safe! 2 1 1
CGW Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 8 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said: There is an alternative explanation to do with an assessment of the sort of personality obsessed by the topic of this thread Alternative explanation? not a "sheeple" ? Obsessed, hardly - though the need to make a "statement" like you have borders on being an obsessive "sheep" who finds it difficult to accept any POV apart from their own ????
Krataiboy Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 5 hours ago, stevenl said: Yes, cultivate an open mind, and accept that this may be a conspiracy theory. If you seriously believe the official story of Epstein's demise, you must be the only individual on this planet who does. As for keeping an open mind, I can do no better than recomend you read the sage posting 217 from Rabas. 2 2
Popular Post Chomper Higgot Posted August 12, 2019 Popular Post Posted August 12, 2019 4 minutes ago, Krataiboy said: If you seriously believe the official story of Epstein's demise, you must be the only individual on this planet who does. As for keeping an open mind, I can do no better than recomend you read the sage posting 217 from Rabas. I'd be happy to hear the 'official story, given that the Coroner has yet to file his report and the US DoJ IG has only just been assigned to the investigation of Epstein's death. Maybe in the meantime we can make do with hearsay and the kind of conspiracy theories the President is keen to spread. 3
RJRS1301 Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said: I have an attorney friend in California, who knows a guy who is representing a plaintiff against Epstein for financial fraud. How accurate this description of events are, is anyone's guess. But, it sure makes for interesting reading. There is no doubt that he was assassinated, and the only question is, is there more to this than the potential squealing he could have done, against very powerful people? Here is an excerpt from his note to me about this. He is extremely credible, and not a conspiracy theorist on any level. Very down to earth, and fairly conservative. I did not know you were following this. I know lots about it as I have been working with attorneys involved in this. Yes he was more than likely murdered. The feds may have been involved, but if they were they were not alone. The reason Acosta approved the deal in Florida years ago was that he was directed to by the intelligence community. About a week or so ago Acosta came out and said that and that he had the proof. Suddenly he went quiet. Where is the proof? Why would the DOJ etc tell Acosta to take the sweetheart deal?? Think about it. The main attorney, *****, I talked to is representing a person that was bilked out of 1 1/2 billion dollars by a group of people one of whom is the CEO of Victoria Secret. **** has filed a law suit and conducted several depositions, motions and has uncovered many documents. Flight logs etc. Much to ***** surprise the CEO was a frequent flyer of Epstein and the island. It is apparent from the stuff he has discovered that Epstein was heavily involved with Mossad. That’s right the Jewish intelligence underground. That Bibi. and they have received billions through Epstein. Blackmail of very high up world leaders among others. Our intelligence is in bed with Mossad. It has been for many years. They do not want this exposed so now you know why Acosta was told to take the Epstein deal and I am thinking why Acosta suddenly went quiet after announcing he had the proof. So now Epstein is murdered and my thinking is that Mossad with our our intelligence agency was involved. Of course we cannot rule out very powerful and rich people could have also been involved. Mossad would have "disappeared" him, not left a marked body to be autopsied. They sometimes leave bullet riddled bodies in hotels and public spaces, bit hard to shoot some in a jail, but snatched from a courthouse easier. Sounds like an all round botched job really Saudis would have taken him in a suitcase Russians would have poisoned him MI5 taken him on a car ride 1
Krataiboy Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said: I'd be happy to hear the 'official story, given that the Coroner has yet to file his report and the US DoJ IG has only just been assigned to the investigation of Epstein's death. Maybe in the meantime we can make do with hearsay and the kind of conspiracy theories the President is keen to spread. The lack of a Coroner's report did not inhibit mass media from pronouncing Epstein's death as suicide, based on the "official" explanation of the incompetents who failed in their duty to keep him safe and secure. Many "conspiracy theorists" predicted the playboy pedophile would be silenced, one way or another, before he could be persuaded to incriminate any of his many rich and powerful clients. One would like to believe whitewash has - like all things white - fallen out of fashion and the DoJ investigation will reveal the truth behind the bizarre circumstances of Epstein's death and lead to a draining of the swamp over which he presided. As a dyed-in-the-wool conspiracy theorist, I'm not holding my breath. 1
Popular Post usviphotography Posted August 12, 2019 Popular Post Posted August 12, 2019 4 hours ago, CGW said: Most certainly, just like JFK and 911 because we are never told the truth! If we question the ridiculous nonsense we are expected to believe we are - wait for it - "Conspiracy theorists" ???? I think they went too far this time though. NY Times and only the most loyal of the loyal "Team Blue" outlets are the promoting the "nothing to see here" narrative. President of the United States, Mayor of New York, and former Commissioner of NYC Police Dept have all gone on record supporting the "conspiracy" and among the American public it seems like there is virtually nobody who believes the NY Times self proclaimed "mainstream" version of events. The "conspiracy theorists" are the ones who don't see a conspiracy. This could be a watershed event that completely destroys Western Democracy's last vestige of legitimacy. 1 2
Popular Post bristolboy Posted August 12, 2019 Popular Post Posted August 12, 2019 Just now, usviphotography said: I think they went too far this time though. NY Times and only the most loyal of the loyal "Team Blue" outlets are the promoting the "nothing to see here" narrative. President of the United States, Mayor of New York, and former Commissioner of NYC Police Dept have all gone on record supporting the "conspiracy" and among the American public it seems like there is virtually nobody who believes the NY Times self proclaimed "mainstream" version of events. The "conspiracy theorists" are the ones who don't see a conspiracy. This could be a watershed event that completely destroys Western Democracy's last vestige of legitimacy. If it is a conspiracy, then the most likely leader of it would be Trump himself. Why didn't the Attorney General, William Barr, take special measures to protect Epstein? Are you aware that Epstein died while in custody in a Federal house of detention? 3
Jingthing Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 3 minutes ago, usviphotography said: I think they went too far this time though. NY Times and only the most loyal of the loyal "Team Blue" outlets are the promoting the "nothing to see here" narrative. President of the United States, Mayor of New York, and former Commissioner of NYC Police Dept have all gone on record supporting the "conspiracy" and among the American public it seems like there is virtually nobody who believes the NY Times self proclaimed "mainstream" version of events. The "conspiracy theorists" are the ones who don't see a conspiracy. This could be a watershed event that completely destroys Western Democracy's last vestige of legitimacy. You have a bright future in FICTION writing. 1
CGW Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said: You have a bright future in FICTION writing. You have a bleak future seeing the writing on the wall ???? 1
Jingthing Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 2 minutes ago, CGW said: You have a bleak future seeing the writing on the wall ???? Enough with walls already! 2
bristolboy Posted August 12, 2019 Posted August 12, 2019 5 minutes ago, CGW said: You have a bleak future seeing the writing on the wall ???? The kind of writing you're referring has about as much evidentiary value as writing on the stall...of a latrine. 1 1
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