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How much alcohol do you drink in a month?

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Many of the fun things of life are bad for the health and booze is no exception.????


However the magic mantra is you can get away with it, provided if done or consumed in moderation.


I consider meself as a social drinker. Can get drunk with Jack n' Cola in parties with friends in clubs when going out say once or twice a month but 0 booze...yes 0 booze the rest of the time, except here and there, one...1 glass of red wine that is said to be good for the arteries !



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OP drinks a lot.

As I write this I'm slurping on Heineken 0.0 (Alcohol free). Like a vibrator without batteries, it fills you up but without the buzz!

On a more-serious note, I love a beer to end the day but it's just too damn easy to drink here. Unless you don't have any and it's between 2-5pm but that's another story.

I limit myself to 2-3 days a week unless I have a reason to drink (such as friends visiting). On the odd booze-free day, I have 0% which helps a bit.

On the days I drink, I fine myself 500B which I put in a pot that I will open at the end of the year. For 2019 I challenged myself to at least as many dry days as wet days and will easily succeed. For 2018, I forced myself to do any 10 dry days per month.

Good luck y'all!

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drink about 4 bottles every day of my life,  work out in the fields driving the tractors, 3 off, do every thing around the house that needs repair, load the trucks, play golf of 6, wake up most morning ready to fire, if its available with my 46 year old wife, oh and i am 73 , so you can see it has really  effected me, off to aus in 4 weeks to really get on the piss , who wants to live forever, old age is crap ! you all must have lead a terrible life , ps now smoking there is a problem, how many of you still smoke ?

Edited by stropper
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9 minutes ago, stropper said:

drink about 4 bottles every day of my life,  work out in the fields driving the tractors, 3 off, do every thing around the house that needs repair, load the trucks, play golf of 6, wake up most morning ready to fire, if its available with my 46 year old wife, oh and i am 73 , so you can see it has really  effected me, off to aus in 4 weeks to really get on the piss , who wants to live forever, old age is crap ! you all must have lead a terrible life , ps now smoking there is a problem, how many of you still smoke ?

You sound like a dude!

Keep rockin on man, dont listen to all the do-gooder's on here, they will have you in bed before 8 drinking green tea!

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Well... all I can say is ...I drink a hell of a lot less now in my 60's than I did in my late teens, 20's and 30's when I pretty well lived at the bar....(the last "men's room" in the city where we could go and get away from the girlfriends or wives for a while. Men's rooms are all gone now.) ....

     drinking lots of beer, smoking weed or blonde Leb hash outside of the bar at the "smokin' tree" and playing shuffleboard for money and drinks, do a few lines of high quality coke now and then when in a toilet stall.  

          Use to often go home seeing double.. and sometimes throwing up....  Hangover next day.....It was my normal routine...    All of that ended many years ago when I got married and had kids..  

    Now....67 years old...  I quit cigarettes almost twenty years ago....  no more dope....   I go for weeks without a drink... and when I do drink... it will be a bottle of dark ale if I can find it..(but I will have a Singha when at a Thai restaurant)  no more than two at a sitting.. ... or a glass of red wine...at the most... two drinks...

     Living a different life now that I'm much older...  and found Theravada Buddhism to my liking...      

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49 minutes ago, stropper said:

drink about 4 bottles every day of my life,  work out in the fields driving the tractors, 3 off, do every thing around the house that needs repair, load the trucks, play golf of 6, wake up most morning ready to fire, if its available with my 46 year old wife, oh and i am 73 , so you can see it has really  effected me, off to aus in 4 weeks to really get on the piss , who wants to live forever, old age is crap ! you all must have lead a terrible life , ps now smoking there is a problem, how many of you still smoke ?

  I starting smoking at 15 years of age.  Smoked at least a large pack of cigarettes.. (25) a day...  more when I was out with my pals at a bar drinking and playing shuffleboard for money and drinks. When out partying and drinking with my pals... I could go through two packs... easily.. 

   Smoked until I was 55 and ... quit.  I'm 67 now...  and I'll never even take a couple drags on a cigarette ever again.... I lost my smoker's cough... and I never get bronchitis anymore.  I used to get bronchitis bad at least once a year... often twice a year.. and it would hang on for a long time...   Now I can't remember the last time I had it...years ago.

          I had chest X-rays last year... and they checked my lung capacity and some other tests... (part of a routine checking my cardiac arteries and complete chechup). 

and they said if I hadn't told them I smoked for years..... they would never have known..  My lungs healed the damage...... and cleaned themselves out... and nice and pink again... 

   Stupidest thing I ever did was to start smoking and get addicted.  Very difficult to quit....  but very happy I did quit and never go back to them .

Edited by Catoni
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4 hours ago, wgdanson said:

More boring than Test Cricket (4 or 5 days with play interrupted by lunch & tea), American 'Football', 1 hour of play and three hours talking about what they are going to do, Baseball....schoolgirls in UK call it Rounders, Marathon running, cycle racing, even F1 Grand Prix all more 'boring' than 90 minutes almost non-stop play.

Yes!!  Even more so with no and low scores constantly.

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On 8/11/2019 at 3:55 PM, jimmyyy said:

Oh probably 3 bottles of blend a week.  Don't drink every day, like today i am off the sauce.  I have noticed its less and less now that i have taken up a cooking hobby.

Wow, it's supposed to be 1 shot in the sauce and 1 in the Chef. That's why I like port sauce....

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9 hours ago, Baht Simpson said:

I drink beer only these days and stick to the imported stuff, apart from once a week when I'll share a couple of bottles of Leo with the locals. 


I keep a record of my weekly intake and am averaging 10.29 units this year, more than acceptable.


A spreadsheet helps me keep within my limits.  I rarely over-indulge: only on Songkran and my birthday this year. ????


I love trying out craft beers but it's not always easy, socializing mainly with the Chang/Leo crowd. Occasional expensive imported beers are a good way to keep the units down.





What happened?

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On 8/11/2019 at 4:13 AM, kellersphuket said:

for those guys who dont drink, what do you do to alleviate the boredom here??

Sad that you feel bored.


I cannot say that I don't drink, because I like a (small) glass of wine with my dinner, or two – my two small glasses are just little more than one unit – many a scientific study states, that one unit of alcohol a day, preferably red wine, but seems like alcohol in general, is healthy when one has reached middle-age; also beer, as it actually contains lots of minerals and vitamins. A general saying is up to two units a day for a man, and one unit a day for a woman; presume it might also have a bit to do with body mass.


I don't drink every day, but when I do, I enjoy it. Occasionally it can also be a drink instead, or a small cocktail together with friends at the local weekly "walking street" evening market, if there is a band playing music.


I know that a number of expats that drinks here, and carefully need to plan to have enough in stock when alcohol sales is restricted on Buddha Days and like. However, I've seen that habit other places as well, years back when a number of my fellow countrymen settled in Spain, and ended up as alcoholics; a combination of cheap booze and boredom, and difficulty in returning.


So what do I do to alleviate boredom here?


I must be lucky, not feeling bored, but it might also be a question of where in Thailand one has settled, and of personal interests.


I've never really tried to be bored. As kid, I didn't understand friends when they said that they were bored. Well, that not the whole truth, because a TV-program could be boring, and I would zip to something else, or switch the TV off, and do something else. Or by mistake I could select a boring a movie in a cinema, but that would be limited to a couple of hours. Worst case ever was a party, where the host started with a welcome speech saying that he had planned for an unforgettable New Years Eve; indeed so boring that it was never forgotten, mostly because that's probably the only party where one cannot come up with an excuse for leaving early, had to stay till half an hour after midnight...????


I presume I always had something that could activate me. Now after early self-retirement I don't understand that I ever found time to work, and as former self-employed I did work many hours.


Here in Thailand I'm busy with following daily news, both domestic, among other via Thaivisa News, and international via various sources, including following my homeland news. Sometimes I might make a comment on Facebook. I often search background on what I read, and the Internet is a great invention for that, so I read quite a bit on screen. Furthermore I occasionally contribute to the Wikipedia dictionary in my native language, subjects missing, which sometimes require quite a lot of time consuming research. I'm also researching for writing a book.


Reading a good book, which today actually can be an eBook – I found it little difficult to get use to it, but getting better – that's actually a great invention, as you can get the book right away instead of waiting for it to arrive by mail. However, I also occasionally find interesting books in book stores, and sometimes I buy online from Amazon.


I always wished to take photos, and now I finally got the time – I invested in a camera a size over pocket-size – so that's another activity, but not daily.


I have some weekly routines, and routines might be helpful for boredom. Every Thursday I'm checking what new movies are coming up, find background on the Internet, and plan if I wish to watch one, or two, and when; a film in a cinema is a totally different experience from a TV-screen, even it's a fairly big flat screen with good sound. A weekly day for relaxing massage, and a couple of weekly days for getting out in the nightlife; just getting out between other people is nice, even one don't need to, or wish to, mingle. And the weekly evening market, same-same every week, but still a nice "different" break.


A few stray dogs sticks to the house, and it has become an almost daily routine to "walk the dogs" – dogs love to walk together with someone – it can be between one and three dogs following, mostly three, and should it happen that there are none, I enjoy the walk alone, and observe the same-same, but different, no two days are completely alike.


If you feel to bored, and drinking too much, it might help changing habits, changing a drink or more with some other activities, or daily routines, and slowly change life-style...????

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If this were a poll, man, could you believe the outcome.

Apart from people that dislike alcohol, beer or wine and the ones that get sick of it or something this poll would probably show 90% of TV members don't drink.

I must be a minority group member then. Can I ask for government subsidies now?

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2 minutes ago, hugocnx said:

If this were a poll, man, could you believe the outcome.

Apart from people that dislike alcohol, beer or wine and the ones that get sick of it or something this poll would probably show 90% of TV members don't drink.

I must be a minority group member then. Can I ask for government subsidies now?

Its funny. many many posts should be filed under lies expats tell themselves 55555

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6 minutes ago, kellersphuket said:

I'm on Vodka & Soda tonight with a dash of Lemon.


What about everyone else???

Berri estate bin 999 delivered with my online shopping order from tesco today 350 baht. Opened it at 1pm just for a sample and it was polished off by 3 ! 


highly recommended for the Price and now having a crappy beer



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On 8/11/2019 at 12:13 PM, Emmess said:

3*60 ML (measured) of any good single malt everyday for the last many many years. Off to bed at 11:30 and up everyday at 7:00. Never had a hangover. Gym for 1 and half hours about 25 days a month.

Which single malts would you recommend here?

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Just started on my first drink. Today it's Oban 14 with 3 cubes of ice (from the refrigerator not the commercial ones, as they are too big and take too much time to dissolve). One almost down, two to go. Cheers.......

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9 minutes ago, madmen said:

Berri estate bin 999 delivered with my online shopping order from tesco today 350 baht. Opened it at 1pm just for a sample and it was polished off by 3 ! 


highly recommended for the Price and now having a crappy beer



had it before at a wedding. Tasted like malt vinegar.


When i do wine, I go all in bro.


only the best will do.




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