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TM30: “It’s really not that hard”, immigration official tells foreigners


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Even though the petition won’t change the law about tm30, the fact that this meeting between immigration officials and foreigners took place means that we have been heard somehow. It might at least make immigration change the way of reporting by improving the website  reporting form and/or extend the 24hrs to a longer period. I dont think the large majority of expat is against the fact to report themselves, this is just the difficulty of doing it which is really problematic, therefore must be improved asap.

Thanks to the foreigners that attended the meeting and represented the expats community. 

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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Correct Johnathon.

I think most sensible people realised this as soon as a suggestion of a petition was mooted.

Unfortunately, we foreigners, farangs, aliens, call us what you like, are never going to make any Thai officials change any rules or regulations they have brought in. 

Just like in the uk

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46 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Ignorance of the law is never an excuse. It is the responsibility of a farang to aquaint themselves with the regulations of a country in which they CHOOSE to live.

I've known about TM 30 for as long as I can remember, so it wasn't a secret.

It's not the responsibility of the 'farang' to enforce laws upon themselves because immigration don't know or can't be bothered. There was a list of requested documents on their official website and it never stated 'TM30' for my type of extension. Stop talking b*****. 

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There are laws in Thailand and then there's reality. The country operates in a grey area in between and the rules are implemented as and when necessary. That's the way it always has been and it's how it'll be with TM30. They aren't gonna change a thing.

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1 hour ago, Tchooptip said:

That is a problem with the Appstore(s) sometimes, I have had this answer for the Shopee App here in Thailand, my country's Appstore being France.

...but I dowloaded the immigration's App minutes ago and registered easily.

Maybe you could try with simply "Thailand immigration" at least it is what I have done!

...but I downloaded the immigration's App minutes ago and registered easily.

"We've sent you an email to activate your account"

One hour later, still nothing, so I cannot activate my account!  ????or ???? ?

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1 minute ago, Peterw42 said:

Its not my interpretation, here is what the immigration act says


Section 4 “House Master” means any persons who is the chief possessor of a house , whether in the capacity of owner , tenant , or in any other capacity whatsoever , in accordance with the law on people act.


Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence , or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration Office located in the same area with that hours , dwelling place or hotel, within 24 hours

I interpret that as meaning that some person may rent the dwelling from the Owner, which makes them the possessor, and they may sub rent the dwelling to the tourist/ expat. They possess the place, not the final renter. IMO.

Anyway, semantics or not, farangs will always get the dirty end of the stick in LOS. Anyone that can't accept that should probably be looking to leave.

We can debate it all day for a year and it's not going to change anything. Only the Thais can do that, and why should they? What's in it for them to be nice to us? Does any farang actually believe that official Thaidom cares what we think? LOL if they do.

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28 minutes ago, tcp7 said:

@Wiggy May I kindly ask how did you manage as a foreigner to have your name added to a Chanote? Thanks.

I bought the condo unit 19 years ago and my name was added to the chanote (not the blue book) at the Land Registry Office.

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If the views "they don't want us here" and "they all hate us" and the like are to e believed, then surely this is playing into their hands. A bunch of foreigners complaining and whinging. I bet the Thai authorities love it, if they really do hate us.

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Just now, Wiggy said:

I bought the condo unit 19 years ago and my name was added to the chanote (not the blue book) at the Land Registry Office.

Ah yeah condo, makes sense. Thought you were talking about a land/house/home for a sec. My bad. Thanks for replying.

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32 minutes ago, tcp7 said:

@Wiggy May I kindly ask how did you manage as a foreigner to have your name added to a Chanote? Thanks.

If its land, He would be on the back mentioned in a lease/userfruct etc, not on the front as the owner.

Edited by Peterw42
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Farangs cannot change Thai laws, but we possibly can make a show of our importance to Thailand's economy.

We might be able to show this if farangs do the following for 1 month:

  • do not pay their gf's
  • do not send any money to Thai families
  • do not make any large purchases or rather spend as little as possible for 1 month
  • ??? anything else

Just tell the girls that we don't have the money this month.

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6 minutes ago, Colabamumbai said:

Push the boundaries for change. 

Just whom should we be pushing? These regulations that irk us are made by people that none of us will likely ever meet, and the minions merely carry out the policies their superiors tell them to enforce, or not. The immigration officer we see has no power over regulations.

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3 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

He would be on the back mentioned in a lease/userfruct etc, not on the front as the owner.

It's a condo. My name appears on the front of the chanote as the owner.

Edited by Wiggy
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30 minutes ago, kellersphuket said:

well as this was posted 5 hours ago I was doing what most normal people would be doing at that time.



Fair point ???? It was tongue in cheek, I apologize.

You surely lived here longer to realize with whom you are dealing with than those few 5hours this thread is old ????




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If they think it is not that hard why don't they try reporting everytime they spend the night away from their place of residence? Drive 1 hour or more and stand in queues 1 or 2 hours long. I realize this is the responsibility of the Thai house owner but believe it or not there are regular families out there and wives do work. They can't simply keep taking time off work to go report their boyfriend or husband everytime they come back from somewhere

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7 minutes ago, Nickymaster said:

Thousands of Airbnb rooms in Bangkok.  Mostly owned by Chinese who are not in Thailand. Rooms are rented out by so called "agents" who advertise them online. Do you really think the owners do the TM30 reporting?? So there will always be a large group of house owners who never do any reporting. 


Good guys do the reporting, bad guys rent through Airbnb. Therefor TM30 reporting is only a hassle for good guys and won't be effective in catching criminals. 

Why is someone a "bad guy" for renting through Airbnb?

I think the larger issue is that the innocent renter AND the owner is being slugged for the fine, whereas in the past it was never that way.


Also, i commented way back, that all this hoo-haa is yet another example of the

authorities "subtle" means of going about certain things they wish to accomplish.


We have already read reports of Thai owners deciding that its to much hassle to rent to foriegners.


So next i suppose we will be hearing reports of extra "TM30 hassle surcharges" being applied on top of our rentals.

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44 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I did mine at Chiang Mai and as I was the only person doing TM 30 it took about 10 minutes in and out.


PS I'm not a new member and I have lots of posts.

Good for you. But for the vast majority of long stayers who either work or live far away from immigration taking a half day or sometimes a full day to go report isn't feasible. I want to go visit my weekend condo in another province so will have to report 104 times a year. Oh wait, my wife and child live with me so I will have to file their TM30 too so that's 312 reports a year. Oh wait, have to add in 90 day reporting for the 3 of us (12 times/year) and spend a full day once a year sitting in immigration for annual extension.  Takes me 1 1/2 hours one way to get to CW so your one of the very few privileged that TM30 doesn't seem to be bothered by. 

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Just now, HaoleBoy said:

Farangs cannot change Thai laws, but we possibly can make a show of our importance to Thailand's economy.

We might be able to show this if farangs do the following for 1 month:

  • do not pay their gf's
  • do not send any money to Thai families
  • do not make any large purchases or rather spend as little as possible for 1 month
  • ??? anything else

Just tell the girls that we don't have the money this month.

That's a good idea but 1 month is clearly not enough to be effective. 3 months and up is good, as soon as the credits on these brand new shiney cars/motorbikes/condos that we put at our gf names start defaulting and the banks loaning the funds notice a trend, then we might have a chance at being heard.


"Sorry mr. bank I can't repay those 13.000 thb x3 months in a row because my farang bf isn't giving me any more money because he thinks of leaving me for an alternative country due to the latest changes in immigration/visa rules", multiply this by thousands and thousands of cases and we might make a ripple that cuts straight through the nationalist/xenophobic waves from this recently (badly) elected government.


Money is key, want to put pressure on the Thai government? Think: Money.

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7 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

It's not the responsibility of the 'farang' to enforce laws upon themselves because immigration don't know or can't be bothered. There was a list of requested documents on their official website and it never stated 'TM30' for my type of extension. Stop talking b*****. 


Just because it's not on the "list" means nothing. If you think that Thai immigration offices confine themselves to what is on a "list" you have not been in LOS long enough.

There is an immigration office that apparently makes expats have a medical to get an extension. Is that on your list? It certainly wasn't on the Chiang Mai list when I last did an extension. '

Every office is free to add anything they like, regardless of some "list".

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44 minutes ago, Wiggy said:

Thanks. As my name is not in the blue book (and I don't have a yellow one, although perhaps I should have) I included the Chanote (title deed) which has my name on it. I thought that would suffice as it proves ownership.

Its suffice, I registered (CW) with just that.

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Just now, skorp13 said:

If they think it is not that hard why don't they try reporting everytime they spend the night away from their place of residence? Drive 1 hour or more and stand in queues 1 or 2 hours long. I realize this is the responsibility of the Thai house owner but believe it or not there are regular families out there and wives do work. They can't simply keep taking time off work to go report their boyfriend or husband everytime they come back from somewhere

I suppose they mean its not that hard if you use the mail or online options.


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2 minutes ago, pookondee said:

Why is someone a "bad guy" for renting through Airbnb?

I think the larger issue is that the innocent renter AND the owner is being slugged for the fine, whereas in the past it was never that way.


Also, i commented way back, that all this hoo-haa is yet another example of the

authorities "subtle" means of going about certain things they wish to accomplish.


We have already read reports of Thai owners deciding that its to much hassle to rent to foriegners.


So next i suppose we will be hearing reports of extra "TM30 hassle surcharges" being applied on top of our rentals.

You really didn't get what I was trying to say? Again, if you are a "bad Guy" and want to avoid doing any reporting you can rent through Airbnb. Right? As long as there are many possibilities not to do any reporting, TM30 is useless. 

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I wouldn’t sign the petition as I felt it was the wrong way to go about it . Thai officials resent been told what to do I now believe that they will make it even more difficult by being inflexible when it comes to TM 30 . We seem to forget that we are visitors in the country we have no rights and that would be the same if we chose to live in any other country other than the country we were born in.  Laws are laws and we must respect them or face the consequences.

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