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Is It Illegal To Go Through An Orange Light ?


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1 hour ago, nrasmussen said:

There is actually one thing I like about driving in Thailand and that is the countdown timers used at some traffic lights. They make it very easy to begin slowing down early in order to stop safely for yellow - especially when someone is tailgating.



or better yet, it let me calculate how much i need

to accelerate to beat the red light

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9 hours ago, stevenl said:

No, that is not the question. Crossing the stop line when the light turns yellow is not allowed, unless it would be unsafe to stop.

Exactly. It's a speed and distance -> timing question. And that means from the OPs pictures we can't tell if he was right or wrong. We'd need the relative timing of the camera to light switching. Then we could calculate his speed and if he would have had time to stop.

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On 8/16/2019 at 1:11 AM, Vacuum said:

Looking at the photo, all the oncoming traffic had already stopped before you entered the lights. Pay your fines and be prepared  to stop at the yellow next time.

Didn't I read that they are watching how many tickets you get when you apply for a license renewal? A point system? 

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On 8/16/2019 at 3:10 PM, KhunBENQ said:

It's a gray zone.

It the light turns yellow (as it is colored elsewhere) you have to break if possible without causing danger.
That's the rule in countries I know (not from Thai law but guess no different).


500 Baht is cheap.

I paid 800. A creeping pickup (almost walking speed) before me just made it for the right turn and I followed although the light went yellow before I passed the stopline.


Don't appeal!


In days of yore in the UK there used to be an additional line before the stop line. If you had crossed that when the light turned amber then OK. If it turned amber before you crossed the line you were supposed to stop at the line on red. 


Can't see in the OP picture if the brake lights are on!

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On 8/16/2019 at 3:27 PM, LennyW said:

Slow down and prepare to stop on amber if safe to do so, by the looks of the picture you should and could have.

If you go thru an amber light at an intersection with cameras break out your wallet; because, you will get a notice with a picture of the infraction.  As someone mentioned 500 baht fine which can be paid at any police station (no need to go back to the place of the infraction).  The fine doubles for a red light.  FYI speaking from experience.  It's certainly a joke; because, based on those fines Thailand could have the richest police force in the world if they put cameras at every intersection.  

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On 8/16/2019 at 5:30 PM, alfieconn said:

Thanks but you haven't answered any of my questions.

Typically an Amber light is to stop if safe to do so. Obviously if you are so close to the intersection as in the line is upon you it would be unsafe

Clearly by the picture it would appear that it was safe to stop. 

I find it unusual that the camera is activated prior to entering the intersection. Activation usually occurs by activation strip inserted to the intersection. This stops false positives

I would be surprised if this picture was taken by a red light camera. 

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On 8/16/2019 at 3:22 PM, HLover said:

Invest in copious amounts of pain medicine to assist with your 'principle war' of futility.


You may want to retake your eye color test, unless yellow is the new orange.

What a mess.


And quite possibly if you mix orange and yellow the colour would be about ....amber , the colour between red and green !

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On 8/16/2019 at 3:06 PM, tgw said:

@OP : how do you know that the second picture was taken exactly when the light turned red?

Because for the second picture, the camera is triggered exactly when the light goes red, same as red-light cameras in the 'real world'.

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4 hours ago, VocalNeal said:


In days of yore in the UK there used to be an additional line before the stop line. If you had crossed that when the light turned amber then OK. If it turned amber before you crossed the line you were supposed to stop at the line on red. 


Can't see in the OP picture if the brake lights are on!

yes, if you did that it would not leave room for interpretation

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There is talk in this thread of people approaching green lights at 80-90kph.

Always expect a stale green light to change and approach accordingly.


Also, Green does not mean GO, it means go if safe. There is only way to find out if it is….. LOOK!

We've all seen Youtube clips or films of people getting T-boned mid-intersection (usually in America). It is completely avoidable. Just look across before you proceed.


Fomer Driving Instructor, 24 years and RoSPA Gold Advanced Driver.

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I was at the same intersection as OP this morning, waiting at red light on the road from the right hand side.  7 cars passed through on yelow, same as OP, failing to make it across before red light.  Nice money earner...


And in the morning, traffic passing that way is quite light, heading out of the city.  Must be heaps caught in the evening rush.

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