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UK plans to end EU freedom of movement immediately in no-deal Brexit

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2 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Well that's a link I'd like to see. Plus they're not abusing the system if they're anything like me. 45 years of NI contributions and still paying more tax than many in the UK.

Doesn't matter how long you've paid in. If not living in the UK you are not entitled to NHS services.

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UK citizens will always be able to travel visa-free for 3 months in the EU. Don't know what tiny-brained mouse told you otherwise.
Got any proof any word form the EU on this and it was forever before what's better?
Plus now there will probably be tit for tact by the EU can't blame them can you I wonder how many retired people will be returning home to use the NHS let's just hope there Are enough Nurses and medicine to go around.

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3 hours ago, superal said:

You are clearly not a UK citizen because if you were you need to get out more .

Insular ?  The UK has become a multi racial society , however integration is uncommon .  Racial discrimination is not tolerated in any shape or form by the UK government . Newcomers to the UK get big benefits , much more that most of the other European countries and that is why  asylum seekers bypass  countries to get to the UK . Whilst ironically the UK state pension is frugal to the life time indigenous workers . 


Xenophobic ?  Please qualify ,  for the last 100 years European countries owe much to the UK military and what would of happened if they had not got involved and helped other European countries ?                                  In recent times the UK has welcomed many foreign workers however in some cases to the detriment of UK nationalists . There is nothing wrong with putting your own people first and thereafter aliens to be considered on qualifications and merit . The UK immigration system under TM was out of control with huge numbers of illegal immigrants and now hopefully that will change under  BJ .


Finally I am somewhat disappointed if what is being reported in the press is true and that is the BJ statement saying if the Irish border issue is conceded by the EU a deal is on the table . That means we will still be under the EU control and without any votes or voice .   

" What would have happened had they not gotten involved". As far as I remember you were involved because mr. Hitler decided to conquer Britain. Like you, "other European countries" were mainly helped by the UsA and Russia. Were it not for them we would now all be eating sausages and speak German, albeit in your case with an Anglo-Saxon accent.

So stop beating your chest please, the waves have not been ruled by the Brits for a very, very long time now.

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1 minute ago, DannyCarlton said:

It matters a lot to me when I've paid 45 years NI and continue to pay tax in the UK.




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18 minutes ago, Bullie said:

UK citizens will always be able to travel visa-free for 3 months in the EU. Don't know what tiny-brained mouse told you otherwise.

This was proposed / granted , if same for E.U. people in the U.K. under May's negotiation …. but with the blow up  changes Boris planned, this could also be reviewed , up to now no E.U. reaction on his plans ….but I may expect if become serious then they shall also limit it for U.K. ones in E.U.  as a "this for that".. you know ...

(But I think they know Bojo enough take him not serious...)

8 minutes ago, alanrchase said:

By the way, over 50% of the cost to the NHS is due to British expats abusing the system.


I was surprised when I read the page as well that I realized if I get ill in the UK and seek treatment  I am considered a "medical tourist".

Saddened me a bit.

 I would not dream of criticising someone about what opinions he may form from what he sees in which ever country he may live be it Thailand or anywhere else.
But by the same token I don't expect to be criticised for my opinions about wherever I may live especially when it's my own country and where generations of my people have lived for thousands of years.
 I dare say Trump feels the same way about his country even though his forebears were relative newcomers to that part of the world.
"generations of my people have lived for thousands of years."

Amusing you are white hats probably a mix of all European nations Jewish and maybe a bit of African ever had your DNA tested?

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3 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



Good reason for keeping 'active' on doctor's books.

So NHS abuse by Polish workers is not good by by unentitled expats is ok.

2 minutes ago, MRToMRT said:


I was surprised when I read the page as well that I realized if I get ill in the UK and seek treatment  I am considered a "medical tourist".

Saddened me a bit.

It's actually rubbish. Was explored fully in the KiT cancer thread.


I see my GP annually in the UK and get 12 weekly repeat prscriptions sent out to me.

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

So NHS abuse by Polish workers is not good by by unentitled expats is ok.



Not until they start paying in.



It would be like the UK wanting all benefits from the eU and not paying anything for it............... you wouldn't like that.

Just now, Jip99 said:



Not until they start paying in.



It would be like the UK wanting all benefits from the eU and not paying anything for it............... you wouldn't like that.

If living in the UK, so entitled to NHS services, they are paying in.


It really is easy: living in the UK you're entitled to NHS, if not living there but still using the services you're abusing the system.

13 minutes ago, Bullie said:

15,000 asylumseekers made it to Britain, last year. Tiny Holland took 38,000. Polish people come to work, and bring prosperity.

Getting out of the EU will not stop 240,000 Pakistanis and Indians from immigrating on a yearly basis, I'm afraid, to " avail themselves of the services etc.". Maybe Britain should not have " availed itself" of the riches of these two wonderful countries for 300 years. Tit for tat.


They're getting their own back. The 7.7.05 bombings were the work of Pakistanis Muslims and one of their co religionists carried out the Manchester Arena atrocity.


The Poles don't bring prosperity to British working men, they put 'em on benefits that the rest of us have to pay for, that's not prosperity.

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1 minute ago, <deleted> dasterdly said:

"No need. Black skin/ brown skin = dirty foreigner. White skin = true Brit. It's the Brexiteer way."


Sadly, I've no doubt that you (as a remainer) genuinely believe this to be true. :sad:


Perhaps it's time for us ALL to move beyond the stupid stereotypes inflicted upon us by MSM?

Check the posts by the poster I was replying to. You've taken my post completely out of context.

3 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



I will try and live with myself....

Sure, but complaining about health tourism or other forms of NHS abuse would be hypocritical.

  • Sad 1
Just now, stevenl said:

Sure, but complaining about health tourism or other forms of NHS abuse would be hypocritical.

Not true. Health tourists haven't paid 45 years of NI contributions and continue to pay large amounts of Income Tax into the UK economy.

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1 minute ago, DannyCarlton said:

Not true. Health tourists haven't paid 45 years of NI contributions and continue to pay large amounts of Income Tax into the UK economy.

Doesn't matter, you're not entitled therefor abusing the system.

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35 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

Well that's a link I'd like to see. Plus they're not abusing the system if they're anything like me. 45 years of NI contributions and still paying more tax than many in the UK.

NI contributions do not fund the NHS, its paid for from general taxation, including the taxes paid for by immigrants, and tourists. 

16 minutes ago, <deleted> dasterdly said:

"No need. Black skin/ brown skin = dirty foreigner. White skin = true Brit. It's the Brexiteer way."


Sadly, I've no doubt that you (as a remainer) genuinely believe this to be true. :sad:


Perhaps it's time for us ALL to move beyond the stupid stereotypes inflicted upon us by MSM and politicians?

So calling out someone who made dubious statements, which he of course can't substantiate,  regarding the number of foreigners receiving treatment in a NHS hospital, is no switched to an accusation that the person calling out the hogwash claims believes the stereotypes?!


Once again, reference to MSM but no indication of what the alternative, presumably better, source is. 



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