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DLT teaching students how to ride motorcycles as number without licences revealed


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I wanted to get legal and so last week I went (with a medical certificate, certificate of residence and passport copies) to get my motorcycle license in Phuket. I could take the reaction and color blind test that morning, but will have to return in 3 weeks for the theory test and then the next day (for a third time) to do the practical exam. I was going to take a Thai friend to get his but he couldn't afford to take 3 days from work so he continues to drive without one. Perhaps that's one more reason there are so many unlicensed drivers. 

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6 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

All negative comments and not one positive thing to say with predictions of doom and gloom.Well I say from little things big things grow.It's a start and a step in the right direction even if it is only a baby step.

Yes the idea of a cou can make much money!????

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6 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

All negative comments and not one positive thing to say with predictions of doom and gloom.Well I say from little things big things grow.It's a start and a step in the right direction even if it is only a baby step.

Agree with you 100 percent. These are the same guys who moan and groan about the problems but when Thailand does something it isn't right or not enough. Why so many unhappy people continue to post about Thailand and make themselves unhappier we will never know.

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6 hours ago, mok199 said:

Riding alone in a controlled setting,and riding with 1 or 2 friends on a freeway, is a completely different animal....but good luck, they will need it

agree in an area like in photo....there is nothing like the real thing, that being in the melle of vehicles on any thai roads....!!

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5 hours ago, essox essox said:

many bikes here d DO NOT have any mirrors and SHOULD NOT BE ON THE ROADS....as a friend of mine once said to a group of us "they are OPTIONAL EXTRAS" that is if the bloody driver can afford them.....!!!

Useless to most people, most don't use them anyway.

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What about the written test, eye testing and reflex test, I bet they don't have to do that?


I taught at a school a few years ago in Sawi, a remote area where there was 4000 kids at school. I asked my kids who rides a bike to school. 90%

answered yes, the others came as passengers with other students. I asked who had a licence. Nobody. I bet the DLT won't go to that school.

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"Daily News said that 2019 figures showed that there are just over 21 million motorcycles registered nationwide. 


But there are only 13.3 million people with bike licences. 


This means that 7.7 million people - many of them students - ridemotorcycles without a licence. "


This kind of simple math journalist must be about 5 years old.

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7 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Go to ANY school in Thailand and watch the students leaving. 3-4 on a bike, no helmets, seriously underaged drivers, with a cop stopping traffic so they can get out. 

but when they run into you its your fault.........

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"But there are only 13.3 million people with bike licences".


Well at least that's only 13.3 million illegals that can't get 12 points on their licenses - thank heavens for that little snippet!


I wonder how many millions of bus, car, truck, Tuk tuk, or songtaew drivers there are 'only', that also don't have licenses? 

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1 hour ago, Naamblar2014 said:

They really do make themselves look inept.  Chinstrap not done,  no mirrors,   just a total joke really.

I hate to say they can’t do anything right, but they can’t do anything right.


It seems every single thing they do turns into a joke or laughing stock. How can a society be so inept at the most basic things? Strap your flipping helmet and use mirrors, you’re at driving school. Mai pen rai.


50/50 that kid doesn’t make it to see 21.

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17 minutes ago, wisperone said:

I think they need to start with some actual sit down class time/instruction with a qualified instructor and program, instead of thinking driving thru a 100 meter course qualifies one to be set free on the roads.

We had to go through two weeks of sit in class, 4 hours per day, 5 days per week before we stepped foot into a car. Then we drove with an instructor for a total of 8 hours spread out over a few days. Only then we’re we allowed to take a drivers test to get our license. And if you failed, you failed. You had to take the test again on another day.

This was in place over 30 years ago. THAT is how far behind and how screwed they are here.

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9 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Well you must have seen him do it so why didn't you ask him?If you didn't see him do it how do you know he did it?

True, most likely it was his mommy. Never assume that it was not the mommy. Also I suspect his mommy forgot to properly fasten his helmet. 

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