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Opponents of 'no-deal' Brexit defeat PM Johnson, who promises an election


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7 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


Demographics dear Boy! If we counted the exact same votes from 2016 today and eliminated the dead, the vote would be Remain. 


Really dear boy,   the one you portrayed a year or so ago,the dead one,you were wrong about that too,how about this one?not often you are right,but you are wrong again,dear boy


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Surely its time labour booted out whispering Jeremey having been made to look so inept by 3 PM's in a row he is a big part of why this has all gone wrong there is no effective opposition other than a cobblers caldron now . Who you would vote for now is as difficult as choosing who's the best general here????

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2 minutes ago, Sticky Wicket said:

Wonder what would happen if one of the Lords had a 'suspected' heart attack whilst debating.
Surely they would call a recess for the day out of respect?


It won't happen, parliament has passed legislation making it illegal for anyone to die there.


"A ban on people dying in the Houses of Parliament has been named the most absurd legislation in Britain."



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1 minute ago, vogie said:

It won't happen, parliament has passed legislation making it illegal for anyone to die there.


"A ban on people dying in the Houses of Parliament has been named the most absurd legislation in Britain."



And they wonder why they lost their empire? ????

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3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

No doubt those opposed to giving the people a say on any final deal/no deal/don't leave will try to do as you say.


Let's face it, they've already tried to shut down parliament early to avoid having to face their critics...look how well that turned out, eh.

Could have shut it down for longer if he had wanted to

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5 minutes ago, JAG said:

I wouldn't say that "remainers" are traitors, they are perfectly entitled to their point of view, and may argue it. As they did in the 2016 referendum (and lost), as they did in the 2017 general election (and lost), as they could in the debates on the European Union Withdrawal Act (and lost - although funnily enough many who voted for that act are now attempting to frustrate it); and as they could if there is to be a fresh general election, which would be on the 14th of October - before we are due to leave (which it now appears they intend to block - because the chances are that they will lose that too).


They are not traitors, but have absolute contempt for the democratic process! And they are aware that the reaction to their campaign in this general election may well be "We told you once, we told you twice, and now we are telling you again!"

Some 1922 committee geezer cant remember who said October 14th was a Jewish religious day and as they are very unlikely to vote JC the Tory's wont want to upset them obviously????

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9 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

No doubt those opposed to giving the people a say on any final deal/no deal/don't leave will try to do as you say.


Let's face it, they've already tried to shut down parliament early to avoid having to face their critics...look how well that turned out, eh.

No worries,just concentrate how far under the bus you get thrown after ND day

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1 minute ago, zorrow424 said:

No worries,just concentrate how far under the bus you get thrown after ND day

“dreams are madness, my dear. It's things that happen in the waking world, while one is asleep, that one would be glad to know the meaning of.”

― Joseph Conrad, Victory

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7 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:


Loved it when Caroline Lucas tore a strip of him, in parliament, for slonking on the benches like the big tart he is.


Old Etonian arrogance at it's finest.



How do you spell apathy Boris is it one P or two ????


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35 minutes ago, Blue Muton said:

What constitution?

The result of the non-binding, advisory referendum has been heard.

Sticky Wicket, you seem confused by the question. You refered to "the constitution". I wanted clarification from you as to what or which constitution you are refering. Seems a simple enough question to me.


Or is it the terms of the referendum that has left you confused?

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