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where have all the hotties gone?


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2 hours ago, Des Pickable said:

with my posts on here and reading others i have persuaded myself that i am not going to risk a land crossing this year, no real benefit to being in thailand, back to vietnam with easy 3 months visa  till maybe next year.

have fun without me ????

okey dokey matey, we will try. all the best to you, see you next year probably...

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3 minutes ago, jastheace said:

I refer to her 'brothers'

I have just read back, sorry to bm2, I write to generalization of topic including your post, not exclusively to your post, no offence meant. take it back. 

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On ‎9‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 11:14 PM, watgate said:

I was also  wondering are most of your lookers advertising  their charms on the net and thus don't frequent the bars anymore?

You already knew the answer.

Why shuffle around a chrome pole for hours, or sit in a bar beer getting bored when one can go straight to the ATM?

See all those bargirls in love with their phones in the bar beers? IMO they are not discussing recipies.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You already knew the answer.

Why shuffle around a chrome pole for hours, or sit in a bar beer getting bored when one can go straight to the ATM?

See all those bargirls in love with their phones in the bar beers? IMO they are not discussing recipies.

I thought they were, so nothing for lunch for me again then.... f them recipe web sites my other arf seems to be addicted to then

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13 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

The really good looking ones work in Thai only brothels.

Its always been that way.

Not so. In the mid 90s the gogos were chock a block with DDG hotties.

The even hotter babes were on Thaniya Plaza where the Japanese businessmen played, but plenty of very attractive girls playing in the farang scene.

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1 minute ago, Skallywag said:

Yes they were "hotties" until the make-up came off and their lackluster performances in bed became  apparent. 

Miss those days in the 90's also.  I was younger, had more money, and less sense  555

LOL. Why would prostitutes be performers in bed? Having hundreds of fat smelly farangs bonk one does not make for an enthusiastic partner.

I never had one that looked worse in the morning, so you must have been unlucky, or perhaps looking through beer goggles!

I too miss the glory days of the mid 90s before Purachai ( may he be consigned to hell forever ) and Thaksin, Nana Plaza was one of the wonders of my world. The place now is but a pale shadow of it's glory back then

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On 9/7/2019 at 2:29 PM, RichardColeman said:

I met my school teacher wife on line and she's richer than me and has more land than me - I married above me. You obviously are going for the wrong ads

Where on line can I find one like that? Only see young ones with babies and no husband or pros.

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29 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Don't believe I ever had a Thai girl that wasn't enthusiastic.

Only had one then? Only joking.


I only ever had one that was "enthusiastic". However, I was never into gymnastics in the sack, so not a problem. Much more important was that they never said had a headache or such like BS to avoid the biz.

Even more important was that I never had to have an unattractive partner, and though some were not nice people, they were a tiny minority.

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On 9/8/2019 at 5:59 AM, jacko45k said:

Teaching us all what is completely unnecessary.... a wart hog could get laid on soi Bua Khao.

Lol - I used to try and tell people about Soi 6.
I'd tell them, if you put a dead man in a casket on wheels at the top of Soi 6 and gave it a push, by the time it reached Beach Road the dead guy would have been laid three times, married twice and probably be shacked up (in the casket) with a ladyboy !

I do recall though that back in the late 90s right up to around 10 years ago or so, the hottest hotties were in the go-gos. The "not so hot" were in the beer bars and the "barely even warm" would work the "afternoon" shifts at the same beer bars.

Then something changed. A whole whack of new go-gos opened on Walking Street but it seemed that they were employing almost any chick that was willing to dance in a bikini (or without one). 
Only a couple places (like Baccara) still had "hotties" but the bar fines and prices were outrageous. (A friend of mine had his eye on one girl, by the time he bar fined her, rented a hotel room and paid for her services, he was out over 6,000 baht and it wasn't even "long time" !)
The last few times I've been in a Walking Street go-go, there haven't been many dancers that have piqued my interest at all.

I was chalking it up to the way the "demographic" had changed down there. Back when it seemed the go-gos were overflowing with hotties was also the time when the bars were overflowing with "Western" tourists. The "2 week millionaires" as some like to call them.

(Because they'd stay 10-12 days on average and spend money like their were all millionaires.) Plenty of business to keep all the "hotties" as well as most of the "not so hots" busy day and night.

However, when the bars are empty and the streets are full of "tour groups" (that aren't looking to b/f anyone) or small groups of people that will sit for 2 hours sharing a single beer, there isn't much business for the "hotties".

I was told that a lot of them had moved "online" as well. Unfortunately, from what I've seen, most of the ones online are the same ones that wouldn't pique my interest in a go-go bar where I can see everything, let alone in a single, often crappy, online pic.

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places (not that I'm really looking at all - more like browsing when I'm bored).

I have noticed though that the ones who are "available" often have user names that end with "4you". So "BigNum4you" or "Hotkitty4you" or "MissAou4you" (etc, etc) are "in the game" as are the ones who only want to communicate with people that are actually in the city currently (as they can't be bothered striking up a conversation with some guy 3,000 miles away sitting with one hand on his keyboard........).

But when you consider the number of "hotties" that Isaan used to churn out yearly, it does seem like something is wrong. All those "hotties" aren't online, they aren't all being sponsored, they aren't all hoping to get picked up in Insomnia/Lucifers/wherever and I'm sure they aren't all in "Thai" karaokes/brothels working for chump change.

Especially when you consider that those places were all there (in one form or another) back when the go-gos were overflowing with hotties.

I have noticed over the years that the girls themselves had changed (or so it seems) physically. I remember back in the 90s when you rarely saw a Thai girl with large breasts and the rare ones were usually "surgically" enhanced.

It was also rare to see a chubby Thai girl - anywhere.

Then I noticed (10-12 years ago or so) that more and more girls were showing up with bigger, natural boobs, and there were far more "chubby" girls in the clubs. Thailand doesn't have any laws (that I know of) that say a club has to hire a chubby girl instead of a "hottie" so one would assume that there simply is a lack of "hotties" to be hired.

Or maybe what was "hot" 10, 20, 30 years ago isn't "hot" now. 

I remember a few girls telling me that Thai guys didn't find them attractive. I thought they were trying to BS me (like they often do) but I noticed that my (male) Thai friends had very different ideas about which women were "hot" and which were "meh - haa sip/haa sip". Ones that I thought were smoking hot, they thought were OK but not great. And visa versa. Of course, they didn't like girls with darker skin and seemed to prefer ones that looked more "Chinese".


Worked for me as that meant more "hotties" for me to choose from !

So maybe it's not a lack of hotties that is the problem. Maybe it's that our perception of what is "hot" is outdated and we are too "nostalgic" about the good old days !


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1 hour ago, Kerryd said:

I remember a few girls telling me that Thai guys didn't find them attractive. I thought they were trying to BS me (like they often do) but I noticed that my (male) Thai friends had very different ideas about which women were "hot" and which were "meh - haa sip/haa sip". Ones that I thought were smoking hot, they thought were OK but not great. And visa versa. Of course, they didn't like girls with darker skin and seemed to prefer ones that looked more "Chinese".

Thai guys would bang an albino pig.

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On 9/7/2019 at 7:51 PM, sanemax said:

Prostitution has moved on from seedy bars , you will need to get them online or get a granny from a bar

I don't want a prostitute, nor do I wanna be # 223 on that particular day.


   You can find plenty of hotties at the local universities and many of them go to particular hangout places. If you can speak their language, you're always half way there.


We have a Sunday market where you can meet very attractive girls, but you need to be good at Thai to start a chat. 


  If you're not too old and ugly, you're good to go. Buy them a few beers and their legs open the doors from alone. Many are from other provinces and they also want to enjoy life. 



Edited by Isaanbiker
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I was told by a farang bar owner in Pattaya that his business has gone down 40-50% the past 5 ?? years . He blames it on date chats/ social media on the internet. Why go to a “go-go bar” andy pay an off-fee plus expensive drinks when you can meet someone on internet. Of course, will she look like her profile photos? - And why should a “Thai escort” have to go through the pain of working in a bar where she has to dance or con the customers in the bar?

So the older generation that is not internet savvy will continue working/ visiting these bars.

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8 hours ago, geisha said:

Des Pickable , jesus, videoing à girl on the train ! Disgusting! I won’t say what I really think. 

about two seconds worth of her walking past.

i've had beautiful young girls take pictures of me when i am just sitting on a bench waiting for shops to open was only a month or two ago. is that Disgusting too?

others who take a picture of me and send it to someone then sit expectantly waiting for a reply. if they get the nod back they then up the anti.

neither of these two instances were in Thailand, different countries in SEA yes.

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14 hours ago, fhickson said:

chiang mai has hot girls near cmu university. funny thing is though they never come into the town area and congregate right up near the campus. i think they stay in the student housing most of the time and the hot ones never go anywhere solo. if your a dude watching from down the street they will know and cover up and skitter away.


you need to be introduced by a family member, work associate etc (not a friend) or you can forget the whole enchilada you perv.

Pretty much!  Unless you are on Loi Kroh, cute, young Chiang Mai girls are relatively inaccessible versus those you encounter in BKK.

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I have thought that, for many years, there are foreign talent scouts roaming the bars of Pattaya and beyond, and whenever they see anyone outstanding they make her an offer that she cannot refuse, her not knowing that the employer will probably make her monthly salary back in 2 days, possibly 20 times the amount she was previously making !

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2 hours ago, fhickson said:

ideal for many thai guys is rail thin and snail white. almost as if they prefer chinese women.


... ah!!! - the very clue as to how the Chinese will take over the rest of the world as well!

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