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4am closing: Will put Thai tourism "down the drain", says Dr Mohamed


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1 hour ago, nickstav said:

There are after-hours clubs already tucked away in all of the cities mentioned. Additionally, you can buy alcohol after bar closings in convenience stores, which results in a lot of street drinking. I would imagine monitoring bars would be easier.

Two different clientele...  people that flip over a bunch of milk cartons and setup and impromptu bar or something to that effect have not very much overlap with those that are going clubbing.   I would say a compromise of a hard 2am closing would be a reasonable compromise (legal - not based on tea money) [depending on area].   Thailand already has enough tourists, they don't need any more -- and not those that would make visiting dependent on having a 4am closing.

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I often wonder why folk do not start drinking earlier to finish earlier. Lots if the bars staffing cost will increase if open to 4 am ...it is bad enough neighbours rolling back at 1.30 after closing down that would be 5.30 .. Hmm maybe a good idea they can keep bars going until 6 am?.. And all the drunk drivers with the morning traffic .. Will help to keep accident kevels up too! 

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I’m sure this won’t go over well among some of you, but expanding bar hours till 4 is a terrible idea. 


All it it does is promote more crime and cause needles violence.


When bad things happen anywhere it’s usually late and at a bar. People get wasted and do things they wouldn’t do otherwise. And drunk tourists are sitting ducks for criminals.


I enjoy a few like anyone, but if you need to be at a bar after 2 or before 10 me thinks you’ve got a drinking problem.


Ok boys, have at it!

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Craziest idea ever was closing early if you want to attract tourism.


We a;ways looked at what times the discos closed in the old days.


It was the first thing we looked at before deciding where to go.


Dr Mohamad........Dr of what? certainly no brain surgeon


















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2 hours ago, madmen said:

At midnight the party has just started. Did you never party/ night clubbing when you were younger?

Agree- we used to go out to clubs that opened at 4am - staggered out at 2pm next day ( in just a slight chemical haze)-  those were the days . That was just Saturday night - not every day. 

Spare a thought for the girls and guys who have to work until 4.


Personally I think 2 is late enough- then move on to clubs that go on much later .  



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I would like to see them commit to their arrogance.


Close all nightlife/bar establishments by 10pm. 


After all, the Thai elites have been rambling on for years about how they want certain upscale tourists and not others. 


Show your stones, and do it! 

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