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Johnson, likening himself to Incredible Hulk, vows Oct. 31 Brexit

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What a ridiculous statement. Where is your evidence that he will bankrupt the UK or is it something you have just made up.
Why is he insane.
Is it because he wants to deliver a promise and keep democracy alive in the UK, after a referendum result which was promised to be delivered. I would call that totally sane, so which ever country you come from, it would be sane in anyone's nationality to uphold democracy. Right?
Except Boris is doing nothing of the sort. Fortunately there is an opposition to try stopping Boris driving over the cliff ie peddling the lie that no-deal Brexit synonymous with a democratic decision for which there was none.

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

At the slightest whiff that Boris Johnson might not deliver on time the no-deal drive off the cliff they crave, some Nationalists will turn to where their hearts really reside. And that would be with fascist nutters like Robinson. Leap-frogging even Nigel Farage. Off the radar.

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I was simply giving credit, irrespective of the intended recipient's other failings, where it is palpably due.


Fair play happens to be a traditional British characteristic, and contrary to what you mistakenly imply, does not automatically make me either a fascist or a nationalist, though the latter epithet is not one which I regard as perjorative. 


(Definition of Nationalism:  "An ideology and movement characterized by the promotion of the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty over its homeland". - Wikipedia).


I personally see nothing wrong for promoting the interests of the great nation which - in the words of the celebrated English soldier/poet, Rupert Brooke who died fighting for his country in WWI - "bore, shaped and made me aware".


If you do, that's your problem.


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At the slightest whiff that Boris Johnson might not deliver on time the no-deal drive off the cliff they crave, some Nationalists will turn to where their hearts really reside. And that would be with fascist nutters like Robinson. Leap-frogging even Nigel Farage.

Sounds good to me. Patriots and nationalists working to ensure Brexit happens this time.
If that also forces out Remainers and Leftists from usurping democracy, then all the better.
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4 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Waycist warning.

I don’t think you are allowed to do that, are you? Naughty boy, that’s a reportable offence.

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Might have been better out of a quote box, to abide by the letter of the law. However that is not the what IMO the rule is actually is intended for. It means (Again as I read it) Don't adjust someone else's post clandestinely. He didn't - he quoted your post in full. His comment was to openly change the wording of a sentence from the quote, as a separate entry to the quote, to show his opinion of what he believes was a more accurate statement.

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555 Remainers trying to bend and reinterpret TVF rules, just like they’ve done with UK referendum result and laws.

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25 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Waycist warning.

I don’t think you are allowed to do that, are you? Naughty boy, that’s a reportable offence.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Spamming the report button are you?

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My apologies to all. I thought that by showing the original quote in its entirety I was adhering to the rules which like Nigel Garcia said were designed to stop the misrepresentation of the posts of others. If I was mistaken then I am more than happy for it to be deleted.  I'm sure as a matter of happy coincidence a mod will be along before too long.  


At least I didn't slag anyone off for their nationality as some of our leaves friends have been doing just this evening, so hopefully I can be forgiven for not following the letter but the spirit of the law on this one occasion , if that is indeed the case.

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8 hours ago, rhyddid said:

This guy his completely insane, he need to be locked in a mental facilities asap, before he bankrupt UK !

Right on that corbyn is a ,wrong,un 

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Boris Johnson 'empty chaired' as he skips press conference over boos

All the latest updates from the PM's trip to Luxembourg, as he meets the EU Commission president for the first time.

WATCH: Luxembourg PM struggles to contain Brexit anger


12 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

You are talking out of your hat. Robinson, for all his faults, has played a significant role for over a decade in helping expose and bring to justice the so-called "grooming gangs" and bring them to justice.


Without his intervention and that of a single, brave journalist who eventually blew the story, the cowardly Establishment's cover-up of the appalling "industrial scale" abuse of thousands of young British girls would almost certainly have continued unabated.


You may not appreciate what Robinson has achieved in this regard, or the dreadful price he and his family have paid for daring to buck the politically-correct system, but many of the young girls and families he helped obtain retribution certainly do.

Deluded nonsense.

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Deluded nonsense.

Well they blocked numerous BNP exposes of the grooming gangs, with MSM claims of ‘waycist’. Enemy of the State Tommy worked at it for a long time without success. The LAB party even shut up their own MP for Keighley Ann Cryer when she tried to publicise the crimes.
Not until Andrew Norfolk of The Times carried the story did any of the authorities begin to admit they had been covering up Pakistani grooming gangs on an industrial scale.
What’s your delusion - that it never happens, or the girls deserve it?
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8 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Deluded nonsense.

No, just not letting prejudice trump facts. Try checking them before sounding offand getting hold of a copy of Robinson's best-selling book, Enemy of the State. 

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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

No, just not letting prejudice trump facts. Try checking them before sounding offand getting hold of a copy of Robinson's best-selling book, Enemy of the State. 

Evidence that he has occasioned any prosecutions will suffice. If that is not forthcoming than your claims remain as described.

Dont be a complete tool , lay off trying to cast vile assertions.
Robinson , as shown many times , has done nothing to facilitate the arrest and prosecution of the disgusting abusers.
I see nobody here attempting to defend the appalling behaviour of those who allowed the grevious crimes to continue for so long.
If you wish to defend Robinson than show some evidence to support the claim that he has occasioned any prosecutions , dont simply slander those who have an opposing view.

What vile assertions are being cast?
Tommy Robinson has highlighted the problem and brought it to the wider public domain. He’s brought it so far out that the authorities and apologists could no longer hide it. That’s all he has to do.
It was up to the authorities and the state to police the crimes and make the prosecutions. Activists and Joe Public cannot do that. For so long the state wouldn’t do it, but Tommy played a major part in forcing them to begin to take action. That’s why he’s an Enemy of the State.
Your opposing views are part of the problem. The authorities were aware but didn’t want to broach the subject, for fear of upsetting a particular criminal ethnic minority and being branded as ‘waycist’. You all share some responsibly for the widespread rape abduction abuse and torture of vulnerable poor white girls. Who’s a tool?
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I cannot find any of the victims of the vile child rapists ever having anything to say about Yaxley-Lennon.
Many people are to be thanked for working tirelessly to make the authorities take the crimes of these men seriously and bring them to justice; Yaxley-Lennon is not among them. 

Victims who were raped abused and tortured by Pakistani grooming gangs tend to hide from publicity, so wont figure highly in your copy of the Grauniad. Would it publish anything anyway? Probably not - they’re not the type of profile the chattering classes like to read about.

Who should be thanked for working tirelessly during the 90s and 20s? Not the PC riddled police, or lefty local authority employees who watched it all happening. Certainly not the Labour Party and especially not the LAB MP for Bradford West Naz Shah, who liked the idea that they should shut their mouths for the sake of diversity.

Thank god for people like Tommy Robinson, and all his other names.
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On 9/15/2019 at 9:16 AM, Bluespunk said:

Big difference between Bruce Banner and johnson is Banner had a moral code and was trying to prevent the explosive violence of the hulk. 

Nah it  wasn't  biggest difference was he had Jennifer  Connolly wahooooooooo woooooooooooooooowser   hubba  hubba ,well at least in the  remake  not the 70's  Ferrigno era  anyway, sorry  cant stop dribbling


38 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Thank god for people like Tommy Robinson, and all his other names.

I  wouldn't go that far as he  was a  thug,  but the  rest I can agree  with, they just don't want to  upset any Muslims  these  days.

14 hours ago, Loiner said:

What vile assertions are being cast?
Tommy Robinson has highlighted the problem and brought it to the wider public domain. He’s brought it so far out that the authorities and apologists could no longer hide it. That’s all he has to do.
It was up to the authorities and the state to police the crimes and make the prosecutions. Activists and Joe Public cannot do that. For so long the state wouldn’t do it, but Tommy played a major part in forcing them to begin to take action. That’s why he’s an Enemy of the State.
Your opposing views are part of the problem. The authorities were aware but didn’t want to broach the subject, for fear of upsetting a particular criminal ethnic minority and being branded as ‘waycist’. You all share some responsibly for the widespread rape abduction abuse and torture of vulnerable poor white girls. Who’s a tool?

You are the tool , and a very dishonest one at that.

1 hour ago, Loiner said:


Victims who were raped abused and tortured by Pakistani grooming gangs tend to hide from publicity, so wont figure highly in your copy of the Grauniad. Would it publish anything anyway? Probably not - they’re not the type of profile the chattering classes like to read about.

Who should be thanked for working tirelessly during the 90s and 20s? Not the PC riddled police, or lefty local authority employees who watched it all happening. Certainly not the Labour Party and especially not the LAB MP for Bradford West Naz Shah, who liked the idea that they should shut their mouths for the sake of diversity.

Thank god for people like Tommy Robinson, and all his other names.


Tommy Robinson is the sort of sub human hate spreading racist, that even sewer rats look down on. He has never investigated a single case of Paedophilia himself. He jumped on the bandwagon when he saw that it was something he could exploit for his own benefit and profit.


The faults of the local authority, police etc have long been recognized and have long been in the public domain. No one questions that. To credit Robinson with discovering this is absurd. He is just an ugly little thug.  

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You are the tool , and a very dishonest one at that.

What’s dishonest about it all, except the silence of the establishment?

Love Stanley
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Tommy Robinson is the sort of sub human hate spreading racist, that even sewer rats look down on. He has never investigated a single case of Paedophilia himself. He jumped on the bandwagon when he saw that it was something he could exploit for his own benefit and profit.
The faults of the local authority, police etc have long been recognized and have long been in the public domain. No one questions that. To credit Robinson with discovering this is absurd. He is just an ugly little thug.  

Not the favourite of the apologist classes is he? That’s why he’s an Enemy of the State. We need more like him.

He’s not supposed to be an investigator. That’s the job the police weren’t doing. Their PC cringing and the faults of the local authorities remained unrecognised, until people like Tommy Robinson and The Times uncovered it until the crimes could no longer be hidden.

Even with his few faults, he’s still a better man than all the police, authorities and PC leftists combined.
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