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2 hours ago, rumak said:

Hi Yinn....    i remember a long time ago that you posted a photo,  i think it was your graduation .

Do you remember that ?   or maybe your avatar.   

Can uncle rumak see that again ?  kaw doo noi   ????

No, I not want to show.

some strange guy on TVF. So I change to witch. 

also I post photo of drug biker gang. 

I should use the fake name like you guys.

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

555. I hear Thais say this about farangs. My wife says this to me. "You think too much" "khun khid mak gern bai" which, over the years, I've learned is true. Yes, she means it in a negative way but I laugh at it as it's true. A big fault of farangs.

You positive guy.

but sometimes.... your wife is correct!

13 hours ago, Yinn said:

NOT my quote.

Yes I realize that..


But my point is that you understand the English vocabulary well enough to select these quotes.

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  • Thanks 1
4 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

My wife is always correct....she's Thai!

And the safest reaction to her telling you that you ate dumb!  - is to simply pretend to obey her word... and Act dumb! 



I have often repeated myself with: " you know, it becomes very tiring; having to keep acting as dumb, as you say I am"  


It is all just a game 



  • Haha 1
14 hours ago, Yinn said:

If you read the quote in the OP, you see the negative not come from me.




Thailand. Such a boring, repetitive place. 


They most definitely deserve whatever outcome befalls them. And, I knew the smiles were fake from day 1.


The Thais, as much as I generally don't like them, have an impressive imperviousness to outside influence.


I love seeing them suffer. They bang on incessantly about how great it is and how proud they are to be Thai 


Another common character trait I dislike about Thailand. 


I don't have a superiority complex.
I have superiority.
I am superior. 


I handle this by ensuring my life in Thailand involves as few of them as possible, and this keeps me sane, and relatively happy. 


For me, their arrogance is too much to bear.


Pathetic Thai-ness!


Never forget you have your own culture and customs, many of which are far superior. 


Thais are either too cowardly or simply don't care about right vs wrong and have no moral compass. 


I can hardly tolerate most Thais I have encountered. 


While I would love to 'revolt', we all know we farang won't. We don't do revolts well. We'd rather tear down other farang rather than supporting each other. 


If there was ever a population that deserved to be perpetually exploited, some might say Thais deserve it for their lack of will to shed blood for what is right. 


There is almost NOTHING NICE of high quality in Thailand, human or otherwise.


Most of the normal Thais aspire to the same standards. They care only about wealth and power.


Image distortion is a mental illness that most of Thailand suffers from.


Who would expect him, or even an average Thai civilian, to care about criminality,


The reality likely that an extremely high percentage of nationals deeply dislike you just for the color of your skin or the country you come from. 
Typical Thainess


Thainess example 107


In other words, Thainess 


They are such clowns, the lot of them.


The ONLY good reason to learn Thai is to protect ourselves from the pervasive Thai predatory environment.


Learning Thai certainly helps in many aspects of Thailand life. 
 It's intellectually stagnant. In fact, one might say it's anti-intellectual. 


Thailand is a horrid place to raise children 


It's one of the reasons I can't tolerate the people.


Farang who care about their biological children are wise to avoid socializing the children in Thailand. 


Arrogantly run all the people away, then, while wearing smug, fake smiles, whore the country out again, begging for them to come back and spend money. 


We Farang really need to stop being so compassionate with these people.


I really wish they would just have REAL pride and state their disgust of farang and ban all of us. I could respect that. 


Thais, however, are notorious for not being able or being unwilling to pay medical bills. 


I hate most things about Thailand, and I have more money than I can spend easily in my remaining years. And I love complaining, too. Since I love to hate the place, I'm planning to stay and complain. 


Thais will continue to be xenophobic and closed off as much as possible to foreigners. 


Any clued up Westerner knows that if a Thai approaches you to talk 9 times out of 10 it is a scam. 
very typical of Thai to target the weakest in any confrontation.


Thai work culture is about the most inefficient I've ever seen anywhere across dozens of countries I've worked in. 


Then I consider that, if your friend is anything like an average Thai, would she be corrupt just like so many other Thais if she had the opportunity?


Play Thais at their own games.


I meet my friends in nice countries, not Thailand.


A Thai professor friend of mine who teaches at Chulalongkorn University 


Farang with actual close, educated Thai friends and family are more likely to know this. 

I have a couple female friends who are THAI Air flight attendants 


I don't care that Thais don't like me. Most of them will never have any significant impact on the world. Their lives are useless. 


I think that MOST Thais dislike Farang. 


In Thailand, most Thais don't trust other Thais


I know 95% of Thai people like Thai people


I am smart enough to know how Thailand works.


I strongly support my fellow farangs


Thais must earn respect, and generally they DO NOT treat foreigners with the same respect they offer each other


Always find it amazing how expats can ignore all the many and pervasive "us vs them" xenophobic culture in Asia and especially derivative Chinese countries like Thailand. 


I don't know of ANY country where Thais have a good or even neutral reputation. 


I am still convinced hatred of foreigners is commonplace.


I care only about my fellow decent Farang.


Thais simply don't care about Farang; we are not humans to them.


I've been frustrated by this for years in Thailand


Many of us could see through the fake plastic Thai smiles from day one.


I don't want to risk them poisoning my food or similar, so I simply avoid dealing with them wherever and whenever possible. 


How pathetic. A nation of children 


The reality is that his supporters would be FULL of middle class and wealthy Thais who, for example, despise westerners just because their skin is white.


Typical excessively sentimental Thais. Maybe a somtam party with loud, horrible music and cheap, poisonous rice liquor will help. 


Farang will spare no opportunities to make these snob Thai-Chinese aware of how unskilled and unclassy and poorly educated and poorly cultured they are. 


Unless an entrepreneur is building a enterprise of grilled pork stands, there really is no business case for hiring a bunch of Thais. 


Thailand is a TERRIBLE place for people with money and class and manners and intellect and worldliness.


one almost never sees Thais mixing with foreigners. 


Thailand is an absolutely horrible for a young expat to work


Why does your avatar state "Make Thailand great again"..?


It reads like there is something wrong with Thailand, but you don't seem to like farangs telling what's wrong with Thailand on basically a farang forum. I find that rather strange....

2 hours ago, Yinn said:

It the joke. I lazy to explain joke for you.



Government maybe?


I think the quote is wrong, but you agree. Up to you.

Maybe he your friend? 


you/he want to say, up to him/you.


I want to say, I think his brain some problem, really. Up to me. 

You will have to do better than that....????


Yes, I like Thai people.


Something happened on our last visit to LOS and that was my first observation of MIL slapping FIL across the face.  I was shocked as not something I've witnessed during my marriage to my Thai wife as everything's been calm for years.


I'll keep it brief.  FIL's health has deteriorated quite rapidly over the last year or two and obviously placed a huge strain on MIL's patience.  She's already under a lot of pressure looking after grandad who's well into his 80s.  She's a lovely lady but I kept quiet at the time, as I should.  His health issues are that he's gone from being mobile and earning a moderate income to being almost immobile and next to no work in a short space of time.  We also provide plenty of financial support to pick up the slack.


This evening there was a minor kick off between my wife and MIL and this was also a surprise to me as unheard of in recent years.  Once I got to the bottom of it my wife informed me that MIL had again taken to giving my FIL a slap due to her stress levels.  This really isn't on in my books but my wife coped admirably.


Instead of all-out war, my wife informed MIL that this definitely isn't on, FIL isn't a dog, and appealed to her better nature as to how she would feel if I, her husband, assaulted her daughter, and I'm very proud of my wife as to how she laid this out to MIL.  No raised voices but put a valid argument forward to how would she'd feel if I, torturedsole, beat her daughter.  I asked my wife if she considered MIL had taken this approach on board and she was positive that MIL had seen the error of her ways.  


No guarantees, of course, but big kudos to my wife.  


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  • 7 months later...

Thailand is a country that inspires either love or hate. Some people absolutely love it and think the people here are the best in the world and don’t the Thais just love to hear that. But to me I’m sorry there is something about all this that reminds me of the Emperor’s new clothes, if you look closely at the projected image of Thai culture (kind people, smiling, respectful, polite), it is about as substantial as the Emperor’s clothes. Yeah of course, people will say don’t be miserable, YOU think too much, mai bpen rai etc. Don’t think - just smile, love the Thais and they will love you. Let them be incompetent, lazy, ignorant, disrespectful, impertinent, presumptive, closed minded, rough, shallow, reckless, stupid, quick to judge, defensive, two faced, dishonest - doesn’t matter. If you have a problem it is your negative attitude, not the Thai’s. They are fine, and nobody needs you to cast your critical mind over them. Don’t like it? Piss off back to your country then. We are ok, don’t like us, leave. 

I have a problem, they are absolutely right. It is my negative attitude. They are completely spot on. I admit I can’t stand the smirking, conceited looks I get some times. 

Basically I don’t respect Thai people. Maybe it’s because of working in schools where you get to see the undiluted nature of the Thai psyche, and it really does disappoint and fills me with contempt. As they say familiarity breeds contempt. 

The famous Thai warmth does nothing for me; to me I find a lot of Thai's supposed friendliness pretty empty. I suppose I really am immune to it. Why? To me it’s like a major celebrity autographing your photo showing you a fleeting concern and then instantly forgetting about you and you no longer exist. That for me is Thai friendliness; it’s as substantial as candy floss. Now I was not always like this. It may be to the sheer amount of stupid things I have witnessed and also there is something about a lot of Thais that I just don’t respect. I see a huge amount of ego in them. 

Thais can sense I am not a fan of theirs; I am not in love with their culture. Like many narcissists, if you are not in love with their reflection you don’t exist. Even the old middle aged have an inflated sense of their own importance. If you are shallow and like to live on the surface than you are a good fit in Thailand. 

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Hmm apparantly I didn't reply to this topic before. Better late than never I suppose.


I like Thai people as much as I like any given nationality. I don't care if you are Thai, Dutch, Khmer, Canadian, Iranian or what else. Don't really care about the gender, sexual orientation,  political views etc either (though for dating purposes I will stick to nice looking, positive girls of any nationality, about my age -30s- with some good brains -since its no use spending time with a woman that can't hold a decent  conversation- ). 


All that matters is that people mean to do good. If they try to be friendly in ways that I may or may not understand,  find normal or weird, all that matters is the intention. I'll try not to judge too quickly if I see somebody acting in a way that makes me go 'uhh..what?'. 


I can't throw an entirely group of people in one single box and label them good or bad. I think most people anywhere on the planet mean to do good and show kindness. So my first assumption when meeting a stranger is that they mean well. So far haven't met strangers yet coming at me with a weapon, or shouting and attacking me. 555 


If you do bump into a nagging man or woman that says all, many or most (Thai) men or women are no good.. runnn. They probably f* up their lifes and blame it on others rather than taking responsibility for their own actions. 


Critism is fine though. If somebody can bring up arguments that they put some real thought and reasoning in, I see nothing wrong with voicing criticism. If they are indeed have a fair and cool mind they will listen to counter arguments and you can have a proper and respectful discussion. I need that, I wouldn't want to have a bunch of people around me kissing my b*tt*cks all day or licking my boots. My name ain't Trump or Prayuth,  I don't get upset that quickly, my ego isn't fragile. I stay calm, I smile, don't try to jump to conclusions and therefore don't find the Thai people and more or less nice or special than other people. I don't see my Thai or Dutch (or German, or..) friends as Thai or Dutch,  they are just my friends and that's it. And strangers I first need to observe or hang out with before I will start labelling them as possibly good, bad or in between.

  • Like 1

in 1 word... no

in 2 words... not really

in 3 words... ermmm not really

in 4 words er ermmm not really

in 5 words yeah but some but errm

in 6 words.....

it does improve if i can write a book about it......

what does yinn expect as an answer?

it would help if yinn allowed me to meet her, then i could express my opinion on 'that' thai person.

so yinn, next time yr north of prachuab, let's meet please.......

On 11/21/2019 at 4:57 PM, Yinn said:




Maybe you subconsciously want to attract a farang? 555


before I watch this movie I 100% sure I not want farang. (Because personality, not because looks, some farang is handsome)

I find it a bit odd that somebody would rule out an entire group of people by throwing them all in the 'bad personality' container. That is kinda like the dinosaurs farang here who say they won't get involved with farang women anymore because they are bad. 


Plenty of men and women around in any country with good or matching  personalities that would make good friends or even a partner. 


Unless you think all farang are like the weird ones here on TV. I'm surprised you haven't run for the door yet and left these forums. 555


Oh and I'm not going to watched that video, I think it will scare me and may be damage my brain.  Normal relationships (farang- farang, thai-thai, thai-farang) don't make for good (bad?!) television. People want to see other than normal stuff for the drama,  laughs, or because they like to punish themselves... 


While cycling to work I figured it out: TV is like alcohol. It's all good in moderation,  but be careful and you might become addicted and it may damage you if you use TV in large doses. I spent an hour here in the pub without really having learned anything. I could (have) spent my time on more useful things yet I'm here. 

8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Like what?

Reading (novels, history, society etc), working on my Thai skills or right now actually doing some work. 


I'd also say socializing with friends and such but unfortunately that's mostly on the back burner for now. 

  • Haha 1

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