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Relocation options to escape the burning - Sri Lanka?

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The burning this year affected my health so badly, I cannot consider enduring it again.


Like probably many others living in Lanna, I am looking for options to escape what now seems inevitable. This could be for a few months, or a final departure from Thailand which, after decades of living here, has lost most of its previous charm and desirable qualities. And it can only deteriorate further.


Have any members lived recently in Sri Lanka, in places like Kandy? Might that be a possible choice? Or any other recommended and affordable escapes?


Replies to this post might help others who also need to relocate before the forests burn again.  Many thanks for any input.


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Indonesia, it's everywhere you want to be. It has reverse seasons from Thailand so while Thailand is in the hot/smoke season, Indo is coming out of the rainy. 


Air Asia direct Bangkok to Bali flights. BTW March - May  rains are letting up, but if you head to the eastern islands, east of Bali, the rains are far less pronounced and some places do not have strictly delineated seasons. Eastern isles are better snorkeling too. Pick up a 60 day tourist visa in bangkok or buy a VOA at Denpassar airport (if you qualify) good for 30 and then extend it once for 60 days total. You can always just stay in Kuta, live in beer bars if that dovetails with your Thai existence. 


The information is out there if you want it. 



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3 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

Indonesia, it's everywhere you want to be


Air Asia direct Bangkok to Bali flights. rains are letting up, but if you head to the eastern islands, east of Bali, the rains are far less pronounced and some places do not have strictly delineated seasons. You can get a 60 day visa in bangkok or buy a VOA good for 30 and then extend it once for 60 days total. You can always just stay in Kuta, live in beer bars if that dovetails with your Thai existence. 


The information is out there if you want it. 








Might as well go to phuket. 



Indonesia as a whole isn't the air quality country he's seeking imo, http://aqicn.org/map/indonesia/

3 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

You seemed to have missed the fact the Indonesia has reverse seasons from Thailand. This will require some thought ..... say 10 seconds .... knock yourself out! :thumbsup:  OK now Kowjai Poindexter?!


As I have went to Indo every other year for a decade, during March and April I certainly am not making this stuff up. Jakarta and any big monster city likely does have pollution problems 12 months of the year but for the rest of the country - say 98 per cent of the land mass March April is an excellent smoke pollution free timne to visit. 

Now I have laughed at people whingeing about the rain,  but what you want to do is HEAD EAST.



Indonesia, you mean the country that is causing the air pollution here in south Thailand?

Just now, stevenl said:

Indonesia, you mean the country that is causing the air pollution here in south Thailand?

 sigh - ????

For the third time; Reverse the season. If it is the rains in Thailand NOW that means it is the non rains or dry season in Indonesia. And guess what they do in the dry season. They BURN, just like Thailand.


But wait, there's more.


22 minutes ago, jko said:

The burning this year

That is Feb 15 through May 15; the hot/burn season in Thailand. Now, here we go again, reverse that season and it is the rains in Indonesia. I think it is relatively concept, except if what you want to do is argue ... cue up our keyboard warriors in mums basement.

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34 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

Indonesia, it's everywhere you want to be. It has reverse seasons from Thailand so while Thailand is in the hot/smoke season, Indo is coming out of the rainy. 


Air Asia direct Bangkok to Bali flights. BTW March - May  rains are letting up, but if you head to the eastern islands, east of Bali, the rains are far less pronounced and some places do not have strictly delineated seasons. Eastern isles are better snorkeling too. Pick up a 60 day tourist visa in bangkok or buy a VOA at Denpassar airport (if you qualify) good for 30 and then extend it once for 60 days total. You can always just stay in Kuta, live in beer bars if that dovetails with your Thai existence. 


The information is out there if you want it. 




That's true for nice weather seasons, but we couldn't care less about them....It's the opposite actually, the monsoon seasons have better air but who wants to endure monsoon season for 12 months? So you want us to chase 1 rainy season after another? I might as well just move away here seems easier... 


All we want is fresh air, and i am myself at a point where i wouldn't mind a cold harsh portuguese winters as long as i can breath ???? Or the heat of australia.... 

Smog doesn't stop on borders so the whole of asia is kinda skrewed up these days, and it seems to only get worse. 


Indo has a horrible smog problem and it's absolutely unpredictable when it happens: https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2019/09/23/skies-turn-red-across-parts-indonesia-crisis-fire-induced-haze-escalates/ 



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3 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

No hopers


No getter



Thailand Air sucks RIGHT NOW.

Indonesia Air sucks RIGHT NOW.


Indonesia smog comes to Thailand, Thai smog comes to Indo.

Chinese and Indian smog goes everywhere in Asia including Korea.


How exactly do we escape? Yeah <deleted> off far away from Asia i guess...





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Sri Lanka. I loathe the place and will never go back there. My visit was in the 90s, but it was so horrible that I'll never visit or recommend it to anyone.

I stayed on the coast in a disgusting hotel; was told by hotel staff not to go out at night or I'd be murdered; during the day was hounded by scum con men ( I was sucked into my first and largest scam there ) Thailand has nothing on that place for con men and scams; was ripped off by the hotel staff; and couldn't even get on the train to Hikudawa because it was so jam packed. I went in a van and after we came back the driver asked for more than the agreed price because he had 8 children to feed, as though that was my fault- he drove like a maniac too, as they all did. Thai van drivers had nothing on that guy.

Frankly, I can't remember a single thing would want to make me go back.

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15 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:


How exactly do we escape? Yeah <deleted> off far away from Asia i guess...

So why are you even on this forum.  Don't tell me,  you live here?! :biggrin:


OP, that is you jko, if you are real, (so many T's these days) Indo is definitely a hot season alternative. I prefer the eastern isles; Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi or the Malukus, but the other option is beaching on Kuta or Ubud on Bali. Air asia has quick cheap links. I hear that Lion Air is also flying on this route. BTW I have had no problems with Lion both indo and Thai variations, but you know the recent history, Up2U. 

I also fly home during this period but, March is pretty chilly and it's rainy for both months. The rain being cold rain in march. Ouch

A friends flew in via Calcutta, then up to Darjeeling. The old hot season British hill station approach. I like the idea, but that seems more a couple week vacation, not two months. Still a possibility.


Now is the time to do your planning, Our hopes and prayers are with you. 

Aloha    :thumbsup:

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sri Lanka. I loathe the place and will never go back there. My visit was in the 90s, but it was so horrible that I'll never visit or recommend it to anyone.

I stayed on the coast in a disgusting hotel; was told by hotel staff not to go out at night or I'd be murdered; during the day was hounded by scum con men ( I was sucked into my first and largest scam there ) Thailand has nothing on that place for con men and scams; was ripped off by the hotel staff; and couldn't even get on the train to Hikudawa because it was so jam packed. I went in a van and after we came back the driver asked for more than the agreed price because he had 8 children to feed, as though that was my fault- he drove like a maniac too, as they all did. Thai van drivers had nothing on that guy.

Frankly, I can't remember a single thing would want to make me go back.

<deleted>. We where going in February.


There is no problem with the air quality if one knows how to handle it.

Even when the AQI goes to over 700, or even over 800, then one can still enjoy walking outdoors.


For example, I use the 3M 9332A+ respirator.  After a few short hours of outdoor activity, these masks turn black on the outside, yet stay white on the inside.


Also, you should consider buying a high quality air purifier.  For example, I purchased the Xiaomi Pro from China.  I did not buy just one.  I bought six machines.


The Xiaomi Pro works wonders.


Please keep in mind that there are pluses and minuses to living anywhere.


Also, air quality in Thailand is quite good, on average, compared to many other countries. Yes, it's true.  Thailand's air quality is good.


I have lived in other countries where air quality was bad.  I don't mean just bad.  I mean crazy bad.


Also, I have lived in Canada, very far north, around Timmins, Ontario.  Up there, the air is very free of smoke and other pollution.


And so, if you want clean air, then go to Ontario.  And if you want really bad air, then go to India.


Of course, you will not be able to get great Indian food in Ontario.

And, of course, you will not be able to breathe clean Ontario-like air in India.


And so, probably it is just best to enjoy your food and not get too stressed out about your lungs.


Your lungs are more resilient than you might think.



  • Like 1
1 hour ago, LomSak27 said:

I prefer the eastern isles; Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi or the Malukus, but the other option is beaching on Kuta or Ubud on Bali.

I can recommend Sumba Island...., great maritime climate(not too hot), southern beaches are very clean and well flushed - like Bali used to be pre 80'S, 1 hours flying time from Bali to Tambolaka. Sumba sit's lower down into the North Eastern Indian Ocean straight above Broome..., with lots of moderating and clearing off the ocean winds. Very few travellers pass through..., thats why it's so good. If you're a surfer or a beach person, it's simply sensational. Keep it under your hat.
However, accomodation options are there if you search but certainly less available that 'overdone' Southern Bali. Main thing is it's relatively unpolluted and definitely very culturally authentic.
Cheap as chip also

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sri Lanka. I loathe the place and will never go back there. My visit was in the 90s, but it was so horrible that I'll never visit or recommend it to anyone.

I stayed on the coast in a disgusting hotel; was told by hotel staff not to go out at night or I'd be murdered; during the day was hounded by scum con men ( I was sucked into my first and largest scam there ) Thailand has nothing on that place for con men and scams; was ripped off by the hotel staff; and couldn't even get on the train to Hikudawa because it was so jam packed. I went in a van and after we came back the driver asked for more than the agreed price because he had 8 children to feed, as though that was my fault- he drove like a maniac too, as they all did. Thai van drivers had nothing on that guy.

Frankly, I can't remember a single thing would want to make me go back.

I had a similar experience about 15 years back - it was impossible to walk anywhere or sit down in a local restaurant without being approached by some smiling local offering a tour, drugs or assistance - but we are going back again in January.


Last time, I treated it like Thailand where you can just travel anywhere and walk about unhindered, thinking back, this was the wrong approach, next time we will have a driver and a planned itinerary. 


I think its possible to live as an expat, I remember Colombo being a underdeveloped place, no chance of popping to tops or central for your luxury shopping - I noticed a few wealthy westerners had nice holiday villas there.



  • Like 2
3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sri Lanka. I loathe the place and will never go back there. My visit was in the 90s, but it was so horrible that I'll never visit or recommend it to anyone.

I stayed on the coast in a disgusting hotel; was told by hotel staff not to go out at night or I'd be murdered; during the day was hounded by scum con men ( I was sucked into my first and largest scam there ) Thailand has nothing on that place for con men and scams; was ripped off by the hotel staff; and couldn't even get on the train to Hikudawa because it was so jam packed. I went in a van and after we came back the driver asked for more than the agreed price because he had 8 children to feed, as though that was my fault- he drove like a maniac too, as they all did. Thai van drivers had nothing on that guy.

Frankly, I can't remember a single thing would want to make me go back.

Alot of nonsense in this post.  It sounds like you have a persecution complex.

Sri Lanka has great beaches, surf spots and hill stations. The food is South Indian style, but nowhere near the variety of Thailand.


The downsides are the terrible roads/drivers, and lethal wildlife.

If the world's largest concentration of venemous snakes don't get you, the crocs might!


20 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:


No getter



Thailand Air sucks RIGHT NOW.

Indonesia Air sucks RIGHT NOW.


Indonesia smog comes to Thailand, Thai smog comes to Indo.

Chinese and Indian smog goes everywhere in Asia including Korea.


How exactly do we escape? Yeah <deleted> off far away from Asia i guess...





I have lived on Koh Samui for 15 years now and there are areas that are as good as smoke free and certainly do not have "burning seasons".  Sure the odd plantationer, like anywhere will burn grass and the like, which will last for about an hour, but apart from that we really are fine.  We did several years ago suffer from smog from the burning season in Indonesia, but it has been absolutely fine ever since.  Come on down and have a look?  Can even help you rent a Villa if you like (pm me).  We are perhaps very slightly more expensive than mainland, but we are after all an Island and the joy is you can have a good look around the Island (completely smog free) and breath in the fresh sea air.  On the other hand, if you are disallusioned with Thailand, then you need to mossy on to find your happiness elsewhere?  The decision is your and good luck.

21 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

Sri Lankas air quality is horrible, thanks to india: https://www.airvisual.com/sri-lanka/western/colombo


If you want good air, you need to go to the western world.


Europe, USA/CANADA, maybe south america.


Mauritius has great air quality too, it's very developed, small island state, safe and secure. Maybe check that one out.

So true, have been there long time ago, if can live for free there, I don't accept.

23 hours ago, jko said:

Or any other recommended and affordable escapes?

The southern gulf-islands – i.e. Koh Phangan, Koh Samui, and Koh Tao – are normally quite free from haze, it's rare if some haze blows that far up from Indonesia. I've lived there for 15 years so far, so talk from experience. They might be an affordable alternative to Sri Lanka.


Also the mid of mainland around Chumphon might be a possibility, whilst Phuket and surroundings seems to be hit by haze from time-to-time.


Otherwise, the Maldives could be an excellent alternative, but might be less affordable.




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Cape Grim, north west tip of Tasmania, Australia, reportedly has the cleanest air in the world. Of course there is not much to do there.



1 hour ago, Stevemercer said:

Cape Grim, north west tip of Tasmania, Australia, reportedly has the cleanest air in the world. Of course there is not much to do there.

Yeah but..., yeah but...., Cape Grim gets their air after we here at Cape Leeuwin are done with it..., and before that air arrived here at Cape Leeuwin, it spun up through the roaring 40's in the Southern Ocean, directly from Antarctica. ????????

On 10/2/2019 at 1:18 PM, ThomasThBKK said:

Sri Lankas air quality is horrible, thanks to india: https://www.airvisual.com/sri-lanka/western/colombo


If you want good air, you need to go to the western world.


Europe, USA/CANADA, maybe south america.


Mauritius has great air quality too, it's very developed, small island state, safe and secure. Maybe check that one out.

Is it Expensive 

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