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Special Branch police to stop background checks on Muslim students


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Special Branch police to stop background checks on Muslim students




Special Branch police have withdrawn their demand for universities to provide them with information about the backgrounds of their Muslim students.


Spokesman of the House Committee on Laws, Justice Process and Human Rights, Mr. Rangsiman Rome, said today that the committee was informed by the Special Branch that they had ceased the practice.


The Special Branch’s checks are considered, by Muslim students, to be a violation of their human rights and an act of intimidation, adding that the House committee has asked representatives of the Special Branch why they were interested in Muslim students and what information they were seeking.


Full story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/special-branch-police-to-stop-background-checks-on-muslim-students/


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Being radicalised can happen at any time, the individual must then decide if family friends and their own life are deemed more important, it is an impossible task by authorities to sort out who maybe a violent threat, 

extreme actions can be triggered by something so inconsequential to normal every day people, yet we see it more and more with road rage incidents, where normal people suddenly become violent thugs, the shootings happening around the world that no one or department has been able to stop,

the world is a complex place, people react to the complexity of life and some times those tipping points get reached and breached, 


The testing of minimum endorphins, dopamine and serotonin,  that somehow sends up some sort of red flag detector, that then alerts the authorities of a dangerous individual is so far away off in the future, 

the inclusiveness of our  society is our only current real defence against radicals in their  many forms.

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1 hour ago, UnkleGoooose said:

It seems to be quite obvious and reasonable why the police are specifically interested in the background and actions of Muslims; they are the demographic that poses the greatest terrorist threat. Wherever Islam is present anywhere in the world, trouble will inevitably follow. 

Then why, say for example, in the US is the biggest terror threat at the moment from white right wingers? In the UK a top police officer has called for more vigilance against far-right activities because of their terrorist leanings. 


Can we do background checks on all white males then? Would be asinine, right? But I suppose if they are Muslim then they all must be the same?

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1 hour ago, UnkleGoooose said:

It seems to be quite obvious and reasonable why the police are specifically interested in the background and actions of Muslims; they are the demographic that poses the greatest terrorist threat. Wherever Islam is present anywhere in the world, trouble will inevitably follow. 

You cannot punish all for the sins of a few for moral and practical reasons. Why upset the normal, law abiding?  They will just become sympathetic to those causing trouble, increasing your troubles.  Malaysians in Malaysia don't cause trouble.  Lived near the Cham in Cambodia.  They too are peaceful.     

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1 hour ago, PremiumLane said:

Then why, say for example, in the US is the biggest terror threat at the moment from white right wingers? In the UK a top police officer has called for more vigilance against far-right activities because of their terrorist leanings. 


Can we do background checks on all white males then? Would be asinine, right? But I suppose if they are Muslim then they all must be the same?


1 hour ago, PremiumLane said:

Then why, say for example, in the US is the biggest terror threat at the moment from white right wingers? In the UK a top police officer has called for more vigilance against far-right activities because of their terrorist leanings. 


Can we do background checks on all white males then? Would be asinine, right? But I suppose if they are Muslim then they all must be the same?

You haven't read the Muslim handbook then...It has been around for centuries..

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2 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

Then why, say for example, in the US is the biggest terror threat at the moment from white right wingers?


1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

I thought the killers in the USA were all Incels?

I think BritMan is on to something.  The narrative is "right wingers", but the truth is much broader than that. Look at 'antifa'. They are very much a terrorist group. I agree with the 'white' bit, but the 'left' and others are not included in the news reports and surveys. I'm glad I live here.

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5 hours ago, UnkleGoooose said:

they are the demographic that poses the greatest terrorist threat.

When one looks to the demographic source for the 20 attempted and 12 successful overthrows of Thailand's governments, then every Thai military base becomes the greatest terrorist threat.

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Special Branch police to stop background checks on Muslim students.

They say it infringes on their human rights? What about the human rights of people entering airports who are frisked with security staffs bare hands very close to their private parts instead of using a wand? Amsterdam airport springs to mind here, and I would bet there are others.

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1 hour ago, Srikcir said:

The Muslim insurgency in Thailand's southern provinces isn't about radicalization nor even about religion. It's about resistance to forced assimilation of a sovereign people. It's about forced subjugation of a nation's peoples to second class citizens with regard to their language, government, customs and traditions.

Well being that Siam conquered the sultanate  of Pattani in 1785, the unrest really started in in more recent times in 2001, although some unrest has been going on prior, at what stage do you call a time limit on subjugation of peoples, as it seems to me borders that are borders now or at least in my life time will not shift, unless you are a super power like China and is insisting their borders are where they say they are, who is going to  say this is not so,


As with all conflicts where borders have been expanded by  the victors, how you   gain back that ground will never be won by small scale raids and murder.

We do not hear Malaysia  government threatening Thailands sovereignty of those lands, or a declaration of war, which in my mind would then have a legitimate right of redress, or a full on war to reshape the border provinces.


Not all peoples who live in those areas have the same view as your self, and are happy with being a Thai citizen and are apposed to being any other. What do you do with these peoples who themselves have generations of ancestors who have lived in those locations. 



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