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What do you do at the weekend?


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Just now, Khon Kaen Jeff said:

Isn't it time you rounded up Jezza and Rupert for your coffee morning...you are in no position to question anyone's sexuality old bean. Do you have your own sofa area where you all congrogate. Seriously, it's as gay as it gets.

touched a nerve have I ? 

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14 hours ago, Khon Kaen Jeff said:

Lol. It's funny how the world has changed now, grown men meeting for coffee.

You should actually look at the history of the coffee house. They were places of debate and intelligent conversation, cradles of the enlightenment. There's much to be applauded about grown men meeting for coffee, though I suspect the standard of conversation in a modern day Starbucks wouldn't be terribly enlightening.

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1 minute ago, Stocky said:

You should actually look at the history of the coffee house. They were places of debate and intelligent conversation, cradles of the enlightenment. There's much to be applauded about grown men meeting for coffee, though I suspect the standard of conversation in a modern day Starbucks wouldn't be terribly enlightening.

well that leaves Jeff out then, at least in regard to your first two sentences. ? 

Edited by Pilotman
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I can see how booze could be a problem here - most of us aren't allowed to work or derive an income in any way, so inevitably there's more time for boozing. If they had any booze worth drinking around here, I could be tempted to start again, but am teetotal now after many years thanks mainly to the Thai's inability to brew a beer worth drinking. Saves me around 300 baht a day or 9000 a month too, so I'm not complaining. 


To be honest as I don't work, all the days seem the same. Especially with all the Buddha days, it's hard sometimes to know whether it's the weekend or not. But what do I do in my free time? That would be a better question. In fact all my time is free. So it should just be what do I do here? Fishing, gardening, cooking, studying Thai, reading ThaiVisa, playing World of Warships, watching movies, spending time with the wife and her family and lounging around on the wooden perch at the front of the house picking my nose.

Edited by SteveK
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On 10/20/2019 at 8:56 AM, corkman said:

 I get bored at the weekend, and miss social interaction. So I end up drinking with friends and every session turns into an all night bender through to the following morning.

You sound just the chap for the Bangkok Hash House Harriers.???? Or even Siam Sunday? 


Oh Ok they get some exercise and go home usually, but not always, at about 9:30 to 10pm. 

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On 10/20/2019 at 9:15 AM, ChipButty said:

Every nights a Saturday night and every day is a Sunday here in Thai Lie Land

Every day is a work day, so get up early, drink coffe, eat breakfest, go gym/walk beach/walk mountain/drive motorbike/ and so on, and mostly more than one thing a day. Travel alot and keep focus on this is just another day at work. Some weekends go out for drink or two and a great dinner.


Life is boring, so you need to find inspiration in the small things, and get used to it!


Once awhile go big and have fun, and then back to work!

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On 10/20/2019 at 9:09 AM, Pilotman said:

I dont 'distract ' myself at weekends.  Weekends for me are just the days I restrict my driving, due to the more than normal number of idiots on the roads  and avoid crowds in the shops, apart from that, they are much like every other day. I stopped drinking alcohol a while back, so that isn't an influence on me.  For me a day is usually gym, meet friends for coffee, golf sometimes, deep sea fishing some weeks, diving, an occasional meal out. My days are full so the temptation to drink, (not that I have it) would be minimal.  

I still miss the Sqn Friday afternoon Beer calls but then again I was on Tonga’s.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/20/2019 at 10:36 PM, 55Jay said:

Abstaining wasn't my goal, maybe not yours either.  I just needed to get a grip, throttle back



It is quite possible you are my clone! 555. You have hit the proverbial nail on the head. Don't do the home drinking thing either.


Similarly, I've tried the exercise thing. That's great for a while, but then I start to lose touch with friends. It's good and well folks saying "find new interests, make new friends" but I like the friends I have, and they are both mindful and supportive in my efforts to "get a grip" and "throttle back". But I can't expect them to change their lives to suit me - they are "normal", I am not. They drink and socialise normally, I do not. I am not going to abandon the people that have supported me through harder times.


Anyway, thanks for your response. It strikes a chord with me, and helps to know I am not "alone" or "unique". I'll soldier, and try to get a grip. Even if I cut down from weekly sessions to bi-weekly, reduce to monthly, and take it from there.... and any improvement is an improvement, right?


To all the other folks that replied - thanks, for your replies. I've been looking into signing up for a part time masters degree progra, I guess that should keep me occupied and out of the bars ????

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For me, drinking less was more difficult than not drinking at all.


Nobody can tell you how to fill your day. But remember that things that you may not like very much now, can be more fun when you are not drinking or hung over. 



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Corkman.


Joining a good HIIT / Crossfit gym is an integral part to cutting down or even stopping drinking.


The more you mix with people of a more healthy mindset the bigger chance you give yourself. I found the dopamine hit I used to get off partying and alcoholic type drinking is now replaced ten fold with long distance running (5km - 10km around Lumpini, Benjasiri or Benjakitti park) or circuit training with Aspire, F45, Base or The Lab gyms. You'll sleep loads better too.


One wise man said to me not long ago, the thing about alcoholism is this. It gets progressively worse or progressively better. I am happy that I will celebrate 1 year sober next Monday and I am so pleased the days of spending vast amounts of money on bar bills or replacing lost phones or other scrapes are a thing of the past!


Take care and be good to yourself! Su Su!  

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As someone else said, if you want to quit drinking, go to AA, and start hanging out with other people that don't drink. If you want cut down or moderate, you are probably an alcoholic. Maybe not, but most people that are not alcoholics don't worry about their drinking. We're not the guy that when asked if we want another says: "Oh no, I'm starting to feel it". We're the guy that has no idea why that f'n guy is even at the bar. 


When I got sober I didn't have any money, so I just did stuff that was free. Made my bed every morning, cooked a nice breakfast, fixed my lunch, did the dishes, got to work early, ate my lunch, left work late, got home to a clean house, cooked dinner, did the dishes, went to an AA meeting, had coffee with the guys from the meeting (I only recently found out this was gay, I thought the gay guys all drank tea), got home, ate a bowl of ice cream, went to bed, (noticed how nicely the bed was mad) went to sleep, got up and did it again.


On weekends delete go to work and add: clean the apartment, wash the car, do the laundry, visit my mother and play cribbage and or fix something around the house, go to AA meeting.  keep the car clean, keep the house clean, do the laundry. I had the cleanest apartment in the building ocasionally would ask me where I got my shirts done...


A lot of other AA stuff mixed in including but not limiter to reading, writing and fun stuff with other members.


"We are not a glum lot"










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As far as alcohol goes, I have very little on weekdays. Maybe a beer with lunch occasionally. I treat myself to a couple of whiskies on the weekend evenings. I've found too much alcohol disrupts my sleep pattern.

I am quite comfortable with my own company, and don't understand the need in others for socializing over coffee or beer. If it happens, fine. If it doesn't happen, a coffee by myself and a book is equally acceptable. I've observed the topics of conversation seem to run in a well-worn groove.

Golf, swimming, reading and noodling around on the laptop/desktop. Don't have anything to do with Facebook. I guess TV is the substitute. Enjoy a bonk with my GF. New Year's resolution - gym weight work for better muscle tone.

I feel I am content with my lot in life.

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  • 1 month later...

Hobbies change as you age. Perhaps learn something new.


Muay Thai is great fun. Get you off the grog. A lot of trainers are fun to hang with as well as other clients. It's the national sport anyway.


Golf is hard to learn and <deleted> in hot weather.


Meeting guys for coffee is a bit gay. Straight guys go get a massage from a womam. Almost the same price.



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On 12/25/2019 at 6:50 PM, WayWokeWhiteGuy said:

As someone else said, if you want to quit drinking, go to AA, and start hanging out with other people that don't drink. If you want cut down or moderate, you are probably an alcoholic. Maybe not, but most people that are not alcoholics don't worry about their drinking. We're not the guy that when asked if we want another says: "Oh no, I'm starting to feel it". We're the guy that has no idea why that f'n guy is even at the bar. 


When I got sober I didn't have any money, so I just did stuff that was free. Made my bed every morning, cooked a nice breakfast, fixed my lunch, did the dishes, got to work early, ate my lunch, left work late, got home to a clean house, cooked dinner, did the dishes, went to an AA meeting, had coffee with the guys from the meeting (I only recently found out this was gay, I thought the gay guys all drank tea), got home, ate a bowl of ice cream, went to bed, (noticed how nicely the bed was mad) went to sleep, got up and did it again.


On weekends delete go to work and add: clean the apartment, wash the car, do the laundry, visit my mother and play cribbage and or fix something around the house, go to AA meeting.  keep the car clean, keep the house clean, do the laundry. I had the cleanest apartment in the building ocasionally would ask me where I got my shirts done...


A lot of other AA stuff mixed in including but not limiter to reading, writing and fun stuff with other members.


"We are not a glum lot"










That's what women do.

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