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Democrats set Thursday vote on U.S. House path in Trump impeachment probe


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4 minutes ago, Sujo said:

So you dont like anyone following the cinstitution and house rules.

Those two concepts are not related. its an interesting interplay with the broad interpretaion of the 5th amendment though. I doubt the Supreme Court would agree that the House is exempt from due process requirements.



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6 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Nice try. Impeachment investigation was being done. He resigned before the vote. 


Claim it as a win for him. ????

There is no need for me to "try" anything. I never commented on whether an impeachment investigation was done. I simply stated a fact: Nixon was never impeached. There is nothing you can do to change history and facts:


"With his political support completely eroded, Nixon resigned from office on August 9, 1974. It is widely believed that had Nixon not resigned, he would have been impeached by the House and removed from office by a trial before the United States Senate."




I don't recall anyone talking about a win for Nixon regarding anything in the Watergate affair. Thus, your attempt to put words into anyone's mouth is hereby rejected.

Edited by Crazy Alex
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3 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Those two concepts are not related. its an interesting interplay with the broad interpretaion of the 5th amendment though. I doubt the Supreme Court would agree that the House is exempt from due process requirements.



It is. And repubs changed the rules in 2015 to allow dems to do this.

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2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Benghazi was not an impeachment.


Regardless of all the procedural back and forth, this whole revenge fiasco is political suicide for the Democrats, and those who dont see that truly are blinded. It could destroy the Democratic party as we know it for a generation.

If its political suicide then you must be happy its happening. So stop complaining

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1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

Benghazi was not an impeachment.


Regardless of all the procedural back and forth, this whole revenge fiasco is political suicide for the Democrats, and those who dont see that truly are blinded. It could destroy the Democratic party as we know it for a generation.

Well,if it's the case, I wonder why Trump's supporters are on the front and why they look so distressed. And also why Trump is witholding evidence.

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1 minute ago, Sujo said:

Oh gawd man. U sure u are a lawyer?


He cannot be charged in the courts. For anything.

Are you sure you are? Who said anyhting about him being charged in the Courts (which is not a very lawyerly way to put it). We are talking about enforcement of a subpoenae.


2 minutes ago, Sujo said:

There is no special counsel investigating this. So congress doung its own ivestigation, in private, as Starr did. 

Nice talking point. But Starr performed a criminal investigation under proceudral rules that afforded due process to the putative Defendant, vis, Clinton.

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24 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Are you sure you are? Who said anyhting about him being charged in the Courts (which is not a very lawyerly way to put it). We are talking about enforcement of a subpoenae.


Nice talking point. But Starr performed a criminal investigation under proceudral rules that afforded due process to the putative Defendant, vis, Clinton.

Nonsense. He investigated using a grand jury. What protections are there for witnesses in a grand jury? Look up the case of Susan McDougal.

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4 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Who is distressed. They are holding the cards. Are you too blind to see it too? Am I the only one here who sees the trap thats being laid for the Dems?

Not distressed? Desperately trying to address any peripheral issue other than the core one isn't showing distress? Lol

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4 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

First off, it wasn't even Mueller's investigation. He doesn't even know basic facts about it. But let's set that aside.


Secondly, of course he acted as a prosecutor. That's why he INDICTED Russians. His name is on the indictment. That's what prosecutors do. They investigate and prosecute.


They do NOT exonerate. That's not their role. So no, there's no prosecutor deflection. We've now established your assertion about Mueller not prosecuting is a lie. And the fact that all Americans are presumed innocent completely destroys your response.

Mueller was investigating.  He wrote the report on the investigation.  The report clearly stated that the investigation did not exonerate Trump.  What part of that are you unclear on?


The prosecutions will take place in court.  Mueller will not be the prosecutor. 

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