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Can someone recommend a worthy charity in Thailand ?


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I'm looking for a worthwhile and reputable charity in Thailand to donate and support.  If you know of or have any info on any charity organization you would recommend, please advise. It would be appreciated.

Also If there's a list of Thailand charity organization somewhere you can point me to.  Transparency on their mission programs and finances is a plus.  Thanks in advance.  cheers.


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The redemptorists in Pattaya.  I have been sitting on Soi Yume when dozens of handicapped kids would push or pull themselves and others down the street or hobble by themselves for a trip to Big C.  Yet everyone of them was smiling. 

Orphanage in Pattaya.  But unfortunately some have warned me about some corruption there and suggested better to just donate food instead of money.

Fallen angels or something like that.  But can't find a good solid official reference to it at the moment.

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22 minutes ago, BestB said:

Who do you want to support? kids? animals? disabled people?

Yes, all of the above (and more). But my wallet is smaller than my heart, so I guess I'm gathering info right now.  Then hopefully I can then choose wisely with some due deligence for the charity's ligitimacy.  I want to focus on charity in Thailand.  I guess that's my only requirement.  Any charitible organization you may know personally or have some involvement with, that's good too.  Thank you.

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5 minutes ago, BestB said:

Have a look at this guy https://www.facebook.com/adriano.pattayavic

He has a shelter and takes care of disabled dogs. Seems like a genuine guy, all disabled dogs look happy and well looked after.


Have a few more in Pattaya, i should not say that, but personally would not help them again for (good enough reasons)


Keep away from PAC, will only say that.


With human charities, i am also jaded, so these days when i do help i do it direct to the people in need, there was a story on thai visa of 4 kids living on the streets with granny and collecting rubbish, found her, bought them enough food for a month, fridge, gas cooker, clothing for the kids and put them into a room.


News picked up the story, it went viral, all thais came to help, they now have over 500 000 in the bank and doing ok, no more collecting rubbish.


My point is there are people right next to you that may need help, no need to donate to charity ????

Thank you.  I hear what you're saying.  I'm not living in Thailand at the moment.  Just wanted to give back to Thailand.  And I have given locally where I currently am too.  cheers.

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There is an orphanage in Pattaya that is run by a Catholic priest that takes abandoned Thai children off the street, gives them a comfortable place to live, educates them and provides as much love and family atmosphere as possible under the circumstances...


Ask around...someone will know it...I helped them a few years back and toured their facilities with the help of smiling friendly ladies who work there...????

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Never support large charities as no one knows where the money exactly goes and how much ends in the pocket of the staff.

There are lots of institutions that could do with your money. In my area, there is a school for blind kids, one for autistic kids, village school where there is zero technology....

Just buy them something useful or offer them money if the principal is trustworthy.

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Recommend the Pakkred Babies Home. Been giving to them for years. A smallish Thai charity making a big difference in lives.  They'll even let you stop by and visit the children so you can see what you are supporting. They accept cash, food and objects for the children.




Website is only in Thai, but lots of English articles written about them on the web.

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I would also suggest that you donate directly to people, here in Thailand you can find poor people at most places.

Just ask one of your friends in Thailand to look for a poor family, add them in Line, and ask for their bank account. Through Line you can also keep some contact with them. They probably can't communicate in English, but can at least share some pictures.

Edited by jackdd
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16 hours ago, Kokila said:

....my wallet is smaller than my heart....

I know the feeling.  Remember giving your time is as important as your money.  

I am US, so evaluate transparency using "Charity Navigator", however, not too much directly on Thailand there.  But you can find some that support charities in Thailand - so that will help identify worthwhile causes in country, in addition to the ones mentioned by members here.

I would also suggest giving where you will visit, so you can see the impact of your generosity.  I donate to the Jesuits work up in Chiang Mai.

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