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Britain to become "second rate" in the world after Brexit - EU's Tusk


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3 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Do you ask yourself what you actually write before you post it?

What you are saying is that he has no power against Merkel, but with her backing and her orders he barks then his power is great in front of others.

After that you finish with, He has absolutely zero power. 



Zero power, and big trouble for him in his own country, Poland.

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14 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

Zero power, and big trouble for him in his own country, Poland.

Another one that states he have zero power. Please, then feel free to tell me why Brexit takes so long time, and the UK do not get everything that they want?

Would be easy for you, right?

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1 minute ago, transam said:

Half, or more, of the EU countries are second rate, that's why the UK is stuffing in 13% of the 28 countries cash supply.....

The EU knows the UK is more than a first rate country whilst it is bolstering it, that is soon to end, and like a "woman scorned" the EU tongues are now wagging, they ain't happy......Shame init....????........????

OK, I am going to have to ask - what is there above first rate?

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10 hours ago, Brigand said:

More Project Nonsense from someone who has way more to worry about in his own backyard.

Exactly correct. More worried about the loss of revenue from the UK!!! Britain will be stronger. The City of London is expanding with increased revenues. One of, if not the the biggest, financial hedge funds in the world recently pumped billions into the UK because they know how much stronger and better off it will be.

Bring it on Boris!!

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

2023, isn't the world predicted to be underwater by climate change before then?

Didn't 'they' predict the Brexit vote would be to stay, and the US presidential election would be won by Hillary?


I love predictions made by people globalist/Marxists with an agenda, only fools pay attention to them.

Which globalists/Marxists predicted the world would be under water by 2023?

Now you personally can hold a position where you feel any downturn in the UK economy is acceptable so long as we leave the EU. Indeed you can hold the position that any price (including the break up of the UK itself) is worth it. I would respect that.

But you cannot hold a position of simply denying what is going to happen. If you voted Brexit then you guys need to accept responsibility for what happens because of Brexit. 

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6 minutes ago, billd766 said:

None of them.


So many economists have predicted so much and have got so many things wrong that I have no faith in any of them.


How many of them predicted the 2008 financial crisis? Did you believe them?


How many times has the BoE governor, Mark Carney got things wrong? Did you believe him?


These world economists have access to so much information yet they still get it wrong.


Philip Hammond predicted doom and gloom when the UK went to Brexit and that hundreds of thousands of jobs would be lost. Did you believe him?

We have not left yet.

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Just now, billd766 said:

Who has been the main cause of the delays for over 3 years. It was that nice Teresa May who is a Remainer with a Remainer cabinet.


When Boris wanted to leave on 31st October it was all those lovely politicians who voted Remain and even brought the courts in to stop Boris. Who tried to stop Boris from calling an election? It surely could not have been the Brexiteers, could it?


So please try to convince me that the Brexiteers caused ALL those delays.

Johnson voted against Mays deal. As did all the other members of the ERG.

We could have left last March if they had voted for it.

Johnsons deal was voted through in parliament but Johnson refused to pursue it because parliament didnt want to follow Johnsons timescale.

When the clock ran out for a no deal Brexit then Johnson got his election. 

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6 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

We have not left yet.

Those things I quoted happened in  the last 10 years and not in the future.


Please try to answer the questions that I asked in reply to your post.


4 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Johnson voted against Mays deal. As did all the other members of the ERG.

We could have left last March if they had voted for it.

Johnsons deal was voted through in parliament but Johnson refused to pursue it because parliament didnt want to follow Johnsons timescale.

When the clock ran out for a no deal Brexit then Johnson got his election. 


To answer your post Theresa May said many times that a no deal was better that a bad deal.


Perhaps he was right at the time. I don't know, do you?










There are lots more links out there.

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5 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Those things I quoted happened in  the last 10 years and not in the future.


Please try to answer the questions that I asked in reply to your post.



To answer your post Theresa May said many times that a no deal was better that a bad deal.


Perhaps he was right at the time. I don't know, do you?










There are lots more links out there.

2008 was almost impossible to predict because ALL the banks were up to the same scams. All were bundling bad debt and showing it as good debt on their balance sheets and borrowing money off each other on the strength of it. When one domino fell they all did. The lot of them should be behind bars as far as Im concerned charged with fraud. You might remember people like Johnson defending the bankers though?



I dont understand your reference to Mays stance of no deal is better than a bad deal. Johnsons deal is Mays deal just with a border down the Irish sea. As I said it was voted through the commons but Johnson suddenly decided he didnt want his own deal.


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5 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

Its been a second rate dump for years. Whole towns and cities such as Telford,  Luton, Bradford are swamped by m****ms. The country is full of jobsworths, touts, bullies rules, regulations,  laws   and PC gone mad. Multiculturalism and Diversity are killing of Britain's distinctive culture. The cops inept and corrupt.  The politicians dreadful. The schools and universities social engineering factories. The NHS is failing as is social care. Gang warfare, criminality, and extreme violence are rising. The continued war on drugs has led to a massive growth in Narco mafias and has led to mistrust of the legal system. The streets are not safe for kids around 4pm and at night older people dont go out anymore.  Many cities have large areas that are no go zones and in such places,  like Telford over 1400 children were groomed,  raped and sold by local gangs for two decades a crime ignored by the police a very common phenomenon in many other cities. The awful nature of modern UK has not been prevented by EU membership. On the contrary EU membership has led to this sorry state of affairs. A second rate, third world Britain.

Yes, but aside from that?

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Just now, Rookiescot said:

2008 was almost impossible to predict because ALL the banks were up to the same scams. All were bundling bad debt and showing it as good debt on their balance sheets and borrowing money off each other on the strength of it. When one domino fell they all did. The lot of them should be behind bars as far as Im concerned charged with fraud. You might remember people like Johnson defending the bankers though?



I dont understand your reference to Mays stance of no deal is better than a bad deal. Johnsons deal is Mays deal just with a border down the Irish sea. As I said it was voted through the commons but Johnson suddenly decided he didnt want his own deal.


quote "2008 was almost impossible to predict because ALL the banks were up to the same scams. All were bundling bad debt and showing it as good debt on their balance sheets and borrowing money off each other on the strength of it. When one domino fell they all did." 


As I understand your post is that what you are saying is ALL the banks in most of the countries in the world acted together. That is something that I cannot believe, nor can I believe that with all the sophisticated equipment available, all the combined knowledge (I was going to say intelligence but that would be the wrong word) that not one of the worlds leading economists could see the problem until after it happened?


As for what Boris said in 2008 I will give you a quote from a Labour PM in the 1960s and it is just as valid nowadays.




Usually attributed to British Prime Minister Harold Wilson in the mid-1960s. Also used by (and incorrectly attributed to) Australian PM Gough Whitlam in the 1970s.


Nowadays I trust politicians less than I do snake oil salesmen.

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9 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

Its been a second rate dump for years. Whole towns and cities such as Telford,  Luton, Bradford are swamped by m****ms. The country is full of jobsworths, touts, bullies rules, regulations,  laws   and PC gone mad. Multiculturalism and Diversity are killing of Britain's distinctive culture. The cops inept and corrupt.  The politicians dreadful. The schools and universities social engineering factories. The NHS is failing as is social care. Gang warfare, criminality, and extreme violence are rising. The continued war on drugs has led to a massive growth in Narco mafias and has led to mistrust of the legal system. The streets are not safe for kids around 4pm and at night older people dont go out anymore.  Many cities have large areas that are no go zones and in such places,  like Telford over 1400 children were groomed,  raped and sold by local gangs for two decades a crime ignored by the police a very common phenomenon in many other cities. The awful nature of modern UK has not been prevented by EU membership. On the contrary EU membership has led to this sorry state of affairs. A second rate, third world Britain.

perfect summation

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