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Video: I ain't going anywhere! Furious Farang knocked down on Zebra Crossing refuses to budge


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On 11/14/2019 at 11:00 AM, mauGR1 said:

So, if the cars don't have to stop for pedestrians on zebra crossings, what is the meaning of zebra crossings in Thailand ?

Zebra crossings in Thailand belong to a group named Graffiti Art. You don't have to like it, and you can ignore it totally. 

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On 11/15/2019 at 8:03 AM, essox essox said:
On 11/15/2019 at 8:01 AM, transam said:

Is that because you frown and swear at drivers whilst walking on the zebra...?????

what if they were called Kangaroo/wombat crossings....would the ozzie guy then start to call them PEDESTRIAN crossings !????

Don't be silly... neither Kangaroo's nor wombats have stripes... 

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On 10/28/2019 at 7:38 PM, beautifulthailand99 said:

There's a seafood restaurant on the beach at Naklua been going there on and off with the family over the last 10 years. Way back the place was always full and a queue for tables at the weekend and nearly all Thai with a smattering of farang+Thai. Went their last year probably 80% full at the same time  - no queue for a table and all the customers were Chinese tourists having it large with tables groaning with food and drink. I was the only farang there and probably the only Thai's there. As Prayuth has said if Thais can't afford seafood they should choose cheaper food. 

Because they copy everything.  Even Flanders poppies for Army Day. They do not even stop for red light pedestrian crossings so not a prayer on the zebra. 

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4 hours ago, asiaexpat said:

My family are Thai and a survey of the drivers told me none of them understand  Zebra Crossings (Crosswalks to Americans.) Riding in a car with them I notice Thais will not walk in them without waiting for cars to pass and my driver never stops. My attempts to change them have been unsuccessful.

Ditto and every other bad driving habit that ALL my Thai family have like one hand only on the steering wheel, messing about with the phone, video, sterio, sitting the kids in the front seat with the seatbelt round their neck waiting to strangle them. etc etc.  And it was ME who taught my two grandsons how to drive and soemtimes they even remember to do it right when Grandpa is sitting next to them, sometimes !

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And if a farang knocked over a Thai at a crossing then what?


Most Thai are racist, it is as simple  as that. Thai are idiot drivers. They vitamize foreginers and lawless.  Why the hell people go to such a horrible place amazes me.

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13 minutes ago, Sonhia said:

And if a farang knocked over a Thai at a crossing then what?


Most Thai are racist, it is as simple  as that. Thai are idiot drivers. They vitamize foreginers and lawless.  Why the hell people go to such a horrible place amazes me.

Who's racist ?????


I wonder why on earth you would even be on a Thai related forum.

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3 hours ago, rohitsuk said:

Ditto and every other bad driving habit that ALL my Thai family have like one hand only on the steering wheel, messing about with the phone, video, sterio, sitting the kids in the front seat with the seatbelt round their neck waiting to strangle them. etc etc.  And it was ME who taught my two grandsons how to drive and soemtimes they even remember to do it right when Grandpa is sitting next to them, sometimes !

Couple of things I drive with one hand unless I'm turning or something else is going on been doing this for 45 years when my wife's grandson rides with me I put the shoulder part of the belt behind him so that only the lap part is over his lap

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On 11/15/2019 at 9:10 AM, bluesofa said:

Yes, that's the same version I've been searching.

It still doesn't state (from what I can find) anything about vehicles having to give way to pedestrians on, or waiting to cross at a pedestrian (zebra) crossing.

what does it say after the number 12 ???

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On 11/14/2019 at 11:00 AM, mauGR1 said:

So, if the cars don't have to stop for pedestrians on zebra crossings, what is the meaning of zebra crossings in Thailand ?

they are TOURIST ATTRACTIONS.....loads flock here to see them, and watch the reaction of crossers and drivers.....!!!

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Having lived in NYC (USA) (and looking forward to retirement to Thailand), a few observations about traffic here in NYC might provide some perspective.  The rules of the road in NYC are clear and enforced.  Nevertheless, whenever the opportunity presents itself it seems to be ignored big time.   Red lights sped through.  Crosswalk ignored with pedestrians treated like scum.  Nowadays there is the additional danger to pedestrians of the newly installed bike lanes , which can be hard to negotiate and with bicyclists the most casual at observing the laws, with even nastier dispositions than drivers.  The thing that makes this even more hazardous is that sometimes rules are enforced and sometimes the rules seem to suddenly be suspended.  So everything that’s happening in LOS is a pretty common occurrence here, too.  It’s just a bit more unpredictable as to where and when.   My guess is that a lot of times the craziness of NYC traffic is due to the constant influx of immigrants Bringing with them different concepts of laws and rules.  Outside of this big metropolis, in the suburbs, things are far more predictable and calm.  At least that’s how it used to be.  But everything changes so I may be wrong.  Anyhow this is one more time that reading Thai Visa has provided some insight and hopefully preparation for The Big Move.  Thanks to you all for the enjoyable and informative read.  

Edited by Marpa47
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All signs, rules, laws and advertising in Thailand are placed simply to give the impression of normalcy.


Nothing is normal in Thailand. Where else in the world can you be assured of being run over on a pedestrian crossing, attacked and robbed by men dressed as women, severely beaten for questioning your bar bill and refused entry to the country on the whim of a local immigration officer? So exciting. Adventure tourism at its best.

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18 hours ago, Marpa47 said:

Having lived in NYC (USA) (and looking forward to retirement to Thailand), a few observations about traffic here in NYC might provide some perspective.  The rules of the road in NYC are clear and enforced.  Nevertheless, whenever the opportunity presents itself it seems to be ignored big time.   Red lights sped through.  Crosswalk ignored with pedestrians treated like scum.  Nowadays there is the additional danger to pedestrians of the newly installed bike lanes , which can be hard to negotiate and with bicyclists the most casual at observing the laws, with even nastier dispositions than drivers.  The thing that makes this even more hazardous is that sometimes rules are enforced and sometimes the rules seem to suddenly be suspended.  So everything that’s happening in LOS is a pretty common occurrence here, too.  It’s just a bit more unpredictable as to where and when.   My guess is that a lot of times the craziness of NYC traffic is due to the constant influx of immigrants Bringing with them different concepts of laws and rules.  Outside of this big metropolis, in the suburbs, things are far more predictable and calm.  At least that’s how it used to be.  But everything changes so I may be wrong.  Anyhow this is one more time that reading Thai Visa has provided some insight and hopefully preparation for The Big Move.  Thanks to you all for the enjoyable and informative read.  

I'm surprised you bought into the idoitic 800,000 baht deposit in a Thai bank.  Then there is the 90 day reporting along with the TM30 to deal with not to mention the annual trek to immgration to renew your one year visa extension.


All that starts to wear thin over the years.  Thailand isn't the best retirement destination for western retirees as it was just a few years ago.  


Another thing to keep in mind if you do end up driving here, the police will tend to find you guilty and hold you responsible for any vehicle accidents you are involved in.  Just something to think about.


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