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Bloodbath: Thai man hacks his close friend to death with a sword


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Both of them are/were so young with their entire lives ahead of them. What a lousy way to go and now this numpty will spend the next 10-15(?) years of his life behind bars. All because of what?

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2 hours ago, djayz said:

Both of them are/were so young with their entire lives ahead of them. What a lousy way to go and now this numpty will spend the next 10-15(?) years of his life behind bars. All because of what?

10-15 years for murder!  How about a good old fashion hanging.   Why should he live when Ek doesn't get that chance.   

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11 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

BS - you see ‘a lot’ in one single village yet it all miraculously seems to skirt one family that happens to contain your wife ?? Hmmmm ????


In my wife’s village I don’t know anyone taking drugs - either admit you’re making it up or add ‘in my opinion’ at the end of your posts. 

"There is none so blind as those that will not see". 

John Heywood, 1546.  

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17 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


You got there before me. What is it with Thais who so often seem to have a sword handy. Not exactly a regular household item where we come from, but every man and his dog seem to own one here. But then, while Thais keep swords, many Americans keep guns in the house. Two nations with citizens who live in fear of attack. At least Americans don't usually have iron bars at the windows as so many Thai houses do.

Have you ever tried farming in Thailand without a machete?

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49 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Have you ever tried farming in Thailand without a machete?


Who mentioned machetes? Although, since you mention them, it seems that many do keep one in the car or truck in case there's an opportunity to do a bit of quick farming along their way.

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1 hour ago, Grumpy John said:

10-15 years for murder!  How about a good old fashion hanging.   Why should he live when Ek doesn't get that chance.   

Maybe I don't believe in hangin' everybody who has made a mistake (serial killers, yes, hang 'em all). But there is no mention of this guy having done anything like this before, so I can only assume it was a spur of the moment thing/he snapped and made a mistake. 

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1 hour ago, djayz said:

Maybe I don't believe in hangin' everybody who has made a mistake (serial killers, yes, hang 'em all). But there is no mention of this guy having done anything like this before, so I can only assume it was a spur of the moment thing/he snapped and made a mistake. 

I hope not find nobody with this spur of the moment......

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23 hours ago, Truthhurts said:

Knife and blade crime. Usually associated with UK and especially London these days.

Sadly yet another farang export not needed in this fabulous country

You've got to be kidding. Such "incidents with swords, knives," etc... happened way before mass tourism started in Thailand. 

It's got absolutely nothing to do with knife attacks in London. 

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1 hour ago, djayz said:

Maybe I don't believe in hangin' everybody who has made a mistake (serial killers, yes, hang 'em all). But there is no mention of this guy having done anything like this before, so I can only assume it was a spur of the moment thing/he snapped and made a mistake. 

"Ops, sorry, I've "accidentally hacked my best friend in pieces."


  But I swear I won't do it again.


Could you please explain to me what this guy does to his enemies? 



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2 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Don't argue with a Thai man. 

Because if you do, a bunch of them will beat the thingy out of you.


   It happened to me when I was a bit greener behind the ears. 


   A one time experience and great lesson of herd mentality. 

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3 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

Because if you do, a bunch of them will beat the thingy out of you.

Not if he has his gun or sword with him.


For the large part, their ego and face borderlines on the psychotic. 


Add in years or decades of repressed emotions and frustration at being forced to smile and take sh!ht everyday.



Take away their ego and face by arguing with them.



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On 11/16/2019 at 10:32 AM, Pilotman said:

a lot of drug taking Thai village folk. I see quite a few when we visit my wife's village.  Not in her family I hasten to add, but it is prevalent in the rural communities and when those community folk come to the big city to work.  

Thailand has an extremely minor drug and crime problem relative to the rest of the world. I challenge you to read the Los Angeles Times crime section for 1 month straight. Your mind will be blown by what a drug and crime-ridden cesspool America is ( I love America by the way, best country on planet Earth...but we have a lot of violent crime ). You will also come to the realization that 99% of Hollywood screenwriters use the Los Angeles Time crime section for movie inspiration. I kid you not, this is how most movie plots come about. No creativity required. Crime in American is, quite literally, stranger than fiction. Living in Thailand, it's been shocking to see how little crime there is. Frankly, it's quite boring, nothing too exciting ever happens in Thailand. Still can't figure out why the country has so little chaos relative to the West. I can only surmise it is a combination of Authoritarianism, Buddhism, low-education ( more susceptible to believing in magical things like karma which makes people afraid to commit crimes ) and perhaps lower levels of testosterone in Asian men.

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1 minute ago, Duck J Butters said:

Thailand has an extremely minor drug and crime problem relative to the rest of the world. I challenge you to read the Los Angeles Times crime section for 1 month straight. Your mind will be blown by what a drug and crime-ridden cesspool America is ( I love America by the way, best country on planet Earth...but we have a lot of violent crime ). You will also come to the realization that 99% of Hollywood screenwriters use the Los Angeles Time crime section for movie inspiration. I kid you not, this is how most movie plots come about. No creativity required. Crime in American is, quite literally, stranger than fiction. Living in Thailand, it's been shocking to see how little crime there is. Frankly, it's quite boring, nothing too exciting ever happens in Thailand. Still can't figure out why the country has so little chaos relative to the West. I can only surmise it is a combination of Authoritarianism, Buddhism, low-education ( more susceptible to believing in magical things like karma which makes people afraid to commit crimes ) and perhaps lower levels of testosterone in Asian men.

low level drug use, yaba mainly, and local violence by individuals, against individuals  is common in Thailand, we all know that to be true.  You can't really compere that to the weird society pressures, endemic violence and organised crime in the United Sates. Personally, I feel much safer here in LOS than I ever would in the US. Just too many lunatics with guns in that place. 

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On 11/16/2019 at 3:45 PM, Pilotman said:

"blathering and incoherent" , so normal then?  

Self defence, plead insanity, loss of sanity due to mind altering substance.

Then add bad temper, childishness and lost face = murder she wrote.

These sorts of crime are happening all over the world, especially in low income areas, and with methamphetamine use becoming rampant worldwide.

Because of LOS large population we hear these stories quite often.

There are some gruesome murders in NZ all the time involving gangs and meth.

Sorry state the world is fast becoming a crime scene.

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5 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

Self defence, plead insanity, loss of sanity due to mind altering substance.

Then add bad temper, childishness and lost face = murder she wrote.

These sorts of crime are happening all over the world, especially in low income areas, and with methamphetamine use becoming rampant worldwide.

Because of LOS large population we hear these stories quite often.

There are some gruesome murders in NZ all the time involving gangs and meth.

Sorry state the world is fast becoming a crime scene.

So true, good post. 

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17 hours ago, Duck J Butters said:

I can only surmise it is a combination of Authoritarianism, Buddhism, low-education ( more susceptible to believing in magical things like karma which makes people afraid to commit crimes ) and perhaps lower levels of testosterone in Asian men.

Interesting. I never knew that testosterone levels were related to violent crime, or that Asian men had low levels of it.


If taking drugs,  rational thinking like karma and consequences go out the window.

I've worked with Thai addicts for over 15 years and most have spent time as a monks to try to recover  from their addiction, yet use again and do things they would never dream of doing if   clean.

Edited by Neeranam
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On 11/16/2019 at 12:28 PM, notasmartassknowitallfarag said:

There is more to this story than mearly that.


* What was the initial reason his close friend said such things?  


* Why did he go to pick up his best friend if there was obviously such bad blood between them? 


* Why would you decide to hack your best friend to death for saying that? 

Why ?.......drugs of course !

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